My guess is when the CBDC is all set to get rolling, it will all come tumbling down. They want to stress people out long enough, so that when it finally hits, everyone will run towards it. Most won’t

even know that the jab they will be taking in order to use (conform to) the digital currency will be

the Mark spoken of and warned about in Revelation 13/14. Take the Mark to use the digital and

Almighty God will NOT forgive you; you will burn in the fires of hell forever. Very frightening.

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Well said, Michael. The stock market carnage would have been much worse had not several major brokerage firms (Ameritrade, Vanguard, Charles Schwab and Fidelity) had outages. I would say that is beyond interesting. Even with that, two trillion (with a "T") dollars were lost in the market yesterday.

Did anyone notice the nosedive that crytocurrency took? Another 1.2 trillion dollars was lost there.

I still believe that bank failures will be the thing that starts the chain reaction.

As I have stated previously, our economy is literally a house of cards. It may not fall this week or month, but fail it must.

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This clearly indicates the global markets are volatile and scared of another global pandemic and a major war in the Middle East. Then on Tues as usual money is pumped back into the markets to prop them up. This shows how controlled the markets are, they can stop any crash by throwing money at the markets. However, this also indicates the deliberate and properly times crash is not far off. When the time is right the next volatility drop in global markets, they will not rescue the markets but give the signal for all the major players to get out and it will then crash.

Notice, several market websites stopped worming so Joe Average trader could not buy or cell. In a crash even if you can get on, and you execute a sale, to stop a massive loss it may take hours for it to go through. If bigger traders issue a bigger sale than yours (millions) after you do, they go to the head of the line. They will rescue the big guys and leave the little guys (you and I) holding the bag.

And Michael is right, the FED will resist lowering interest rates, because they know the high interest rates, prop up the dollar buying around the world, keeping it where they need it until the crash and they know lowering rates won't fix anything, this is the sprint to the finish line. If they do cut rates, it will be minimal and will be done for the optics only of cutting rates.

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All this stuff is so weird. I guess if you prophesy doom and gloom all time, you're bound to find the evidence you want. Doom and gloom is the best way to sell a lot of books. Weird.

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If you are wondering wandering, this article below is “for real”. To make cents of the science, follow the $$$. Money is Not the root of all Evil. Love of $$$ is. Harvest brain parasites like Kamala harvests peasant human parasites on her welfare plantations. For organs and sex/labor slavery. The same way Democrats harvested cotton on their plantations back in the third Turning Daze. Welcome to the Fourth Turning with 5th Gen Brain Parasite warfare masquerading as “medicine”. Think “bleeding with leeches” that killed George Washington by the “scientists” back then.


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All Men Made ?

More important question: Why? What is the purpose ?

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Must there always be: collapse of world's economy, massive disruption with banking, and/or Hyperinflation" before a World War ?

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