When God created the earth, the dry land came up out of the ocean. Gen 1:9.
When God sent the flood of Noah, to destroy that age, the fountains of the great deep burst open, thus water came up from the deep oceans with rain to flood the land Gen 7:11-12 (the word consumed by water).
When God destroys this age, will He send fire to destroy it from the oceans and from the heavens (the sky). This fire (super-heated water) that is now spewing up out of the oceans, could it be the catalyst to two sings of Judgement to come and is coming, the life in the oceans dies Rev. 8:9 & 16:3?
The Holy Ghost leads a believer to all Truth. The world is every bit as flat as the Word of God says that it is (and the pit is every bit as bottomless in His inerrant and infallible Word states) with the KJV being the AV in absolute terms. There is a vast amount of physical proofs done over the ages, but God blinds the eyes of fallen man and only reveals the Truth to those that He chooses at His perfect timing.
This author is a false teacher to no small extent, and believers pity all those who have not been graced with salvation for they did nothing to deserve it (God's divine will to create His elect as a Potter for His own glorification).
I’m a believer in Jesus and I’m curious as to why you say he’s a false teacher. I just started listening and I’d appreciate your take on this man please.
When God created the earth, the dry land came up out of the ocean. Gen 1:9.
When God sent the flood of Noah, to destroy that age, the fountains of the great deep burst open, thus water came up from the deep oceans with rain to flood the land Gen 7:11-12 (the word consumed by water).
When God destroys this age, will He send fire to destroy it from the oceans and from the heavens (the sky). This fire (super-heated water) that is now spewing up out of the oceans, could it be the catalyst to two sings of Judgement to come and is coming, the life in the oceans dies Rev. 8:9 & 16:3?
The Holy Ghost leads a believer to all Truth. The world is every bit as flat as the Word of God says that it is (and the pit is every bit as bottomless in His inerrant and infallible Word states) with the KJV being the AV in absolute terms. There is a vast amount of physical proofs done over the ages, but God blinds the eyes of fallen man and only reveals the Truth to those that He chooses at His perfect timing.
This author is a false teacher to no small extent, and believers pity all those who have not been graced with salvation for they did nothing to deserve it (God's divine will to create His elect as a Potter for His own glorification).
Craig Weisman
born again 2021
818 383 2704
I’m a believer in Jesus and I’m curious as to why you say he’s a false teacher. I just started listening and I’d appreciate your take on this man please.
Think "flat" or "round"....it can only be one...and that One will rock your world.