Howdy Y'all,

There are TWO distinct ways to basically anihilate the Continental Grid. The first is exactly what Michael describes in the article, a broad spectrum Cyberattack, which he does a splendid job of describing.

The other involves sending a few handfulls of Chinese infiltrators - which owing to the non-existent border enforcement are likely already pre-positioned - to perform synchronized assaults on the single ultra-critical component that lies at the root of the entire electrical grid; the Ultrahigh Voltage transformers which upconvert generated voltages from various generating stations into 125K, 250K or 512K volts.

Several hundred of those exist throughout the US, Canada and Mexico and those are - for all practical intents - irreplaceable.

Only two manufacturing concerns exist globally which currently manufacture those and the 'lag time' between ordering and receiving just onesuch is measured in YEARS.

Worse yet, neither of those businesses are American based...dwell on that if you will.

The awful truth is that absolutely anyone with a rifle firing 50 BMG rounds can - from over a mile away - make mincemeat of every UHV Transformer they fire at.

Furthermore, you DON'T have to take them all 'out'...you just have to destroy a dozen or so critically placed units and the greater Grid is simply 'Gone'. None of those has ANY security around them whatsoever, leaving them exquisitely vulnerable to direct physical assault.


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If you live where there's sun, you can buy a small solar unit that will enable you to use your phone if the power goes down. Have a generator in your building or home property. They tend to run out of gas, but if you keep a supply of fuel you can use it selectively. Instead of flushing the toilet you can fill the bowl with cat litter and scoop it or use a trash bag. Trash bags can also help keep you warm and dry. By all means have candles and matches and batteries for your battery operated devices. Some ideas...

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Howdy - again - Y'all,

For the entire EMP crowd, an article from an Authoritative source, Dr Arthur T Bradley, as posted originally at the Organic Prepper (Daisy Luther's site);


There is another, MUCH worse 'Grid Down scenario which I previously neglected to mention.

Have you ever heard of 'Earth Currents'?

Those arise when extremely potent Coronal Mass Ejections (CME's) impact the Earth's Magnetosphere. Earth currents arise when the magnetic field lines of the earth become significantly disturbed (pinched, in a phrase) and consequently large currents are induced within the crust. That phenomena varies from place to place according to the conductivity of the soil and also the underlying rock strata. Since Quebec (and ALL of Eastern Canada) lies atop the grantic Lauretian shield those regions consequently have exceptionally poor conductivity, then the voltage differential between to separated points on that sub-grid rose proportionately and HUGELY in the 1989 Solar Storm.

The 1989 Quebec power outage which included quite a bit of the far northeast of the US as well, was the result of a single UHV Bridging transformer being subjected to the aforementioned ground currents (DC!) walking straight up the transformer's grounding line.

Please understand here: ALL Transformers are intrinsically AC ONLY devices and hence once a continuous DC current begins circulating through those windings - since the Power Factor for all DC current is 1.00 - then the windings within the device begin to HEAT UP in proportion to both the duration of the DC applied and the magnitude of the current involved.

Eventually that heating becomes so great that oil bath in which the windings sit ignites...invariably catastrophically. You can easily hunt down pix of the remnant of that transformer online, BTW.

Now we are arrived at the central point of the foregoing.

WHAT happens when several THOUSAND of the Earth's UHV Backbone transformers abruptly INCINERATE? Please realize that it takes massive amounts of electrical power to refine copper to a suffIcient purity to be used IN transformer windings. The exact same thing applies to refining rhe Aluminum which all such are cased in. But that's not all, hardly.

The windings are wound around WHAT exactly? They are wound around laminated iron/steel cores which are most typically reduced in electric arc furnaces, in order to produce the required quality of iron and steel to be so used as the cores in those units. Those furnaces use Arc Rods 6" THICK and typically sustain 500,000 Amp currents when operating.

So...if all the foregoing absolutely require ELECTRICITY to be refined and or fabricated and there is no longer a GRID in existence to transmit the power needed from place to place to do so, then just how FAR down the ladder does Civilization ACTUALLY fall until it achieves an equilibrium?

The answer to that is frankly so bad that I am hesitant to state it. Quite a few folks out there are prepping for a return to the 1850's, however in the circumstance I describe above the answer actually lies much closer to 1st Century AD.

Whew...if that ain't SOBERING then I don't know what would be.

Cheers Y'all,


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Texas has already been attacked by America's worst/longest enemy, Russia: https://www.texastribune.org/2024/04/19/texas-cyberattacks-russia/

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The men with funny hats that control Western Governments and own the Central Banks are not needing anything other than the FEAR of a grid down to move the sheep into the pens they have awaiting. The goal is control, and it will be done digitally. We already own nothing - we just haven't accepted it yet.

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Thank you for your answer. I'm in a small town which is fairly safe. Being an older widow all of this is overwhelming.....

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Yes Sir!

When your life depends on it, "Two is ONE and One is NONE."

I lived in McCarthy, AK for some time - a place 90 miles off the GRID - which is an experience most people do NOT get to experience in "Civilized life".

If you wanted Power, you made your own. Period.

One of the striking obseevations I can make from that experience is the fundamental difference between Gasoline based generation and the equivalent Deisel generation.

Anyone who chose to gi the Gas generator route - without exception - had a DEAD generator in only a couple of years. OTOH, those using Deisel Gensets went on and on and on...

Simply put, Deisels are structurally BUILT to accomodate continuous, sustained loads whereas Gas based units are basically solely designed for brief high load excursions.

That's evident from the trucking industry as an example (amongst many others) as simply nothing can sustain the continuous pulls up a grade like a Deisel can.

Certainly the Deisel generators are much more expensive, but then you get what you pay for.

Here where I am in Alaska I manages to acquire a 14 Kw Deisel Genset which was used at a remote TelCo site (which was wondrously well engineered for extreme long-term unattended operation) had that rebuilt from the ground up and thereafter got that wired into my main distribution panel with the required automatic transfer switches.

The reliability of our local grid here where I am now (after relocating OUT of McCarthy) is less than stellar. But now, if we lose power from the grid I barely even know that we have since the house is actually fed from a 12 Kw While House Inverter/Charger of the 48 Volt persuasion...which itself, in turn, invokes the GenSet if and as required.

There is a LOT to consider when thinking about prying oneself loose from the tentacles of 'Civilization' and going 'the OTHER way', certainly.


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This blows a huge hole in the conspiracy theory that China or Russia will detonate a nuclear bomb over America to disable our power grid. Reason, is that would cause a massive counter attack by the USA in kind. I never believed it ever. So now what are we learning? It's cyber attacks. But you must remember the media and the Govt. wants to make us fearful and angry when this goes down letting us all know what the enemy can and will do to us, so we wrap ourselves in the American Flag and go after our enemies.

But you never hear from the media or the Govt. what we can and will do in retaliation or even preemptively. We are being like Teddy Roosevelt, speak softly and carry a big stick. America will not go away in this fight. In fact out of this fight will come a global order and at the heart of that will be an America, a new America no Christian will like, Europe will be smaller but called the United States of Europe and Israel will defeat Arab terrorists. This will be the foundation of the coming NWO after an "extended dark period. Then out of this dark final world empire one will rise and overthrow it with real sings and wonders and promises to undo the NWO and the whole world will flee to him, expecting something like the kingdom of heaven it will taste like homey in the mouth but it's actually not medicine to cure us but a global fatal poison that will consume all but the elect.

of unrest.

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What are your thoughts on what our responsibility is for preparation? I pray about whether I should leave the major city area where I'm located and reside in an off-grid space I've prepared, but I don't know if that would be considered cowardly or wise.

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Well there goes the smart phone show, the surveillance clown show, big tech, banking, Wall Street, CBDCs and the medical mafia drug empire down the toilet. Is the WEF and gates gonna stand for that?

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As it was for Israel the majority suffer from normalcy bias and never think it can happen to us, just everyone else.

For this reason a repeat of Amos 4 is underway.

""I killed your young men with the sword, along with your captured horses,

And I made the stench of your camp rise up in your nostrils;

Yet you have not returned to Me,” declares the Lord.

11 “I overthrew you, as God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah,

And you were like a log snatched from a fire;

Yet you have not returned to Me,” declares the Lord.

12 “Therefore so I will do to you, Israel;

Because I will do this to you,

Prepare to meet your God, (USA) Israel.”

With babbling, lost Joe and a weak, woke military, and many busy transitioning or getting abortions, the enemy know it's now or never.

Chinese army puts on show of military might for Xi Jinping


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I’ll take the stairs from now on . . .

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Keep an eye on the climate emergency.. there could be climate lockdowns this year.

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Thanks for this information.

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What do you think will come first: (1) The Bird Flu Scamdemic or (2) Grid Down?

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