No wonder the LORD God is bringing down this worthless nation. It’s inhabitants can’t even read with understanding. Laura Ann, I will not rattle your cage any further for discussion because I need someone equal to the task to respond. If you can’t accurately convey your own thoughts how could you ever possibly interpret mine correctly?
Why are you so concerned who my friends are?? my friends must be informed not slobs, you sound like you are trolling people trying to pick arguments, get a life stupid and quit judging others you know nothing about.
I never said they were friends stupid, they lived down the street from me and people talked said they were fat pigs. I didn't socialize w/them.
No wonder the LORD God is bringing down this worthless nation. It’s inhabitants can’t even read with understanding. Laura Ann, I will not rattle your cage any further for discussion because I need someone equal to the task to respond. If you can’t accurately convey your own thoughts how could you ever possibly interpret mine correctly?
Why are you so concerned who my friends are?? my friends must be informed not slobs, you sound like you are trolling people trying to pick arguments, get a life stupid and quit judging others you know nothing about.