I donate food on occasion to several children's group homes in our area. Those in third world countries where malnutrition is common need to stop breeding like rats and be responsible parents. There is no excuse to bring children into the world couples can't support and cause further suffering.
I donate food on occasion to several children's group homes in our area. Those in third world countries where malnutrition is common need to stop breeding like rats and be responsible parents. There is no excuse to bring children into the world couples can't support and cause further suffering.
"breeding like rats" goes on in he USA also. Difference is in this country we just murder children or sell them and go out and do it again. Be careful who and how you judge others.
Ones that can't control breeding here have modern facilities and drs for family planning, however the problem like elsewhere is people are just plain stupid and lack critical thinking skills. Women having abortions are usually whores who are drugies most the time and forget to take their pill.
"people are just plain stupid and lack critical thinking skills. Women having abortions are usually whores who are drugies most the time and forget to take their pill."
You are one delusional piece of cake. Please, stop spewing your opinion to me.
I donate food on occasion to several children's group homes in our area. Those in third world countries where malnutrition is common need to stop breeding like rats and be responsible parents. There is no excuse to bring children into the world couples can't support and cause further suffering.
"breeding like rats" goes on in he USA also. Difference is in this country we just murder children or sell them and go out and do it again. Be careful who and how you judge others.
Ones that can't control breeding here have modern facilities and drs for family planning, however the problem like elsewhere is people are just plain stupid and lack critical thinking skills. Women having abortions are usually whores who are drugies most the time and forget to take their pill.
"people are just plain stupid and lack critical thinking skills. Women having abortions are usually whores who are drugies most the time and forget to take their pill."
You are one delusional piece of cake. Please, stop spewing your opinion to me.