"For the love of money is a root of all sorts of evil, and some by longing for it have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs." (1Tim. 6:10) We are in the season on earth where there are many crossroads leading to only 2 exits - heaven or hell. God says we will be judged according to our deeds. If our deeds were to be hungry for and received success in this world at the cost of one's soul, then congratulations you've received your reward here and without repentance your eternity awaits the painful, torture, forever cost for being your own god. Many will be responsible for leading others astray, but in the end, we are all responsible for our own actions. This debt deal as of May 30, 2023 should come to a screeching halt before each one who signs this wicked deal are held responsible for allowing another giant leap towards sealing the final page of destruction of the United States of America. Praying for a Revival and return of common sense.

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NUCLEAR war is coming. nuclear winter will ensue and raw meat cannibalism will be the only thing left on the menu. Humans were genetically constructed by aliens (in our image) from ape stock and their own genetic material have run their course and will obliterate themselves with nukes Soon to follow will be the natural cycle of the earth axis shift or pole shift. Those leaving earth will be reincarnated into other civilizations throughout the galaxy to try to get it right. Meanwhile after the dust settles the ETs will introduce the new crop of bipedal humans. Sports, politics, religion, circumcision of infants in screaming agony, marriage and funerals which are the pursuits of the dumb and ignorant will be eliminated. The Revelations which were taken from the Books of the Roman Sybil have sort of an outline. 1/3 of the US will be under water and new lands will rise from the oceans. What do you silly Christians think you actually get in your heaven? For a man it would have to be a harem of drop dead gorgeous females of very amorous intent. Sorry, no fat gals allowed.

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Amen! Pass the plate, Tax free and un American.

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Wow. You really are like a broken record, aren't you? With that grim outlook on life and God, how do you get out of bed in the morning? Perhaps, you are one of those glorious beings who takes joy from sucking any happiness from anyone who comes near you. I find it laughable that you think Heaven would be all about sex. Well, this fat gal wouldn't touch you with a ten foot pole. You're just no fun.

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LOL Are you going to be a fat gal angel with wings or just a blimp angel? Angels with wings that have no muscles to power them or air to beat against.? What do you thin k you are going to do in your imaginary heaven? You don't need a church to be a good person. The Catholic Church invented the Bible and as Pope Leo X said, "What profit hath not this myth of Jesus brought to us?????? Hmmmmm?????

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So, if you haven't been there, how do you know it doesn't exist or what it's like? People have been to Heaven and to hell. I choose Heaven. I will pray for you to get there too. Unfortunately, I think that's very unlikely.

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I would not want to go to heaven as it is filled with Christian hypocrites such as yourself. What happens is reincarnation. The references to reincarnation were removed from the Bibles of the day by the whore Empress Theodora so she could attain to the status of goddess. Your shirt tailed preacher has poured in your brain so you keep his plate take coming.

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good to Have you Back... Hpoe your feeling better...

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I had access to an Israeli intel meeting back in 2018, their intel assessment was that between the 2020 election and the 2024 election, the US govt would come to a stand still and cease to function and the president will be forced to declare a national emergency and this will bring chasos internally to the USA possibly civil war. Could this be the debt ceiling fight? We shall see.

As of today the proposed debt ceiling deal is pretty much dead and will not make it out of committee and send it back to the president and the Speaker. We shall see scary times.

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Each new economic cycle IS worse than the previous one. That's how God intends things to be as long as people don't repent of their sins. He just gives them over to their sins and to the consequences of them !😢

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For all we know this may continue another 5 years. And why not? It has gone on this long.

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My view on this is what John had at the end of the Revelation of Jesus Christ to John.

He saw everything even through all the judgements and Armageddon. Jesus last words to John are, "Yes I come quickly (not soon). John says, Amen. Come Lord Jesus.

Thy kingdom come they will be done. Bring it on!

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