I have no sympathy for RE investors because (as an agent for a few yrs., sev decades back) I learned how the "sharpest tacks in the drawer" position themselves for RE cycles, such that even "losses" are good tax write-offs! Just like corporations that get 'fined' in court cases end up, after writing it off on tax returns, making some degree of profit at tax payment time. IRS rules are biased in favor of such corporate 'slight of hand' dealings ! I do feel compassion for the little guys who get caught up in those corporate TRAPS ! 'There is nothing new under the sun".

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Well said M T

My B of A VP told me the entire US monetary and economic system is one big Ponzi scheme and when they pull the trigger on the default if you have any money in any financial inst you can kiss 50% goodby. Example the last dip, 2008. The inst. that went belly up most lost about 50%.

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Yep. Time to take off the blinders, people. "America" is circling the drain otherwise ! SOCIALISTS call it "redistribution of the wealth" ( yours not theirs !)

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Wait till you hear THIS ! https://fb.watch/ofDxtvPqHd/?mibextid=NnVzG8

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oh yea knew this was coming. if they get their way this forum will be gone as well

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Did you get the link about Biden and the Internet? FB wouldn't let me send it

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yes, I clicked on it and it came up, this has been in the world for some time now.

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Matthew 12:36 NASB95 — “But I tell you that every careless word that people speak, they shall give an accounting for it in the day of judgment.

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You all have much more to worry about than Senator Kennedy's stuff. Prepare for war. Nuclear War is imminent. If you are living in a city and are not prepped it is over. Jesus will not save you anymore than he has save any number of children that have been murdered or given his god created diseases today.


Red alert as Pentagon mobilizing thousands of aircraft for war with China and Russia

Mike Adams

We have an urgent update for you today concerning the Pentagon preparing for World War III. New intel comes to us from John Moore (The Liberty Man) who I will be interviewing later this week.

It turns out that thousands of mothballed aircraft are being restored into service. They are reportedly being sent to the Philippines and Poland for staging for war.

It is estimated this means we are only six months away from world war. ( Much closer)

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Ignore at your own peril.

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actually they are probably both connected. WW I and WW II caused massive economic disruption and most non combat deaths were due to starvation. As one of China's generals said just the other day that war with the USA would be catastrophic for both sides.

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Wars are caused by Jews for profits. Communism is Jewish.

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You are a follower of Hitler.

Hitler hated Carl Marx brand of socialism simply because he was Jewish.

So you are a Neo-Nazi.

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Hitler was part Jew himself. He had Jews in his officer corps. Adolph Eichmann was a full blood Jew. Hitler in many ways was the founder of Israel. Jews are a parasitic disease that has eaten out the guts of the world.. They control all handles of power. Or are you ignorant of that?

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So what were the "many ways" Hitler personally founded Israel when that happened after He fled Germany as a coward to Argentina to try and start again or was long dead?

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Joe you are correct Hitler was part Jewish. Both of Eichmann's parents were Germanic Protestants. There is no solid evidence they "full blooded Jews".

Hitler lived a failed life, never got the desires of his heart. He saw in himself and Germany (losing WW I) a world of failure, so he gravitated to the Nationalist Socialist party blaming Jews for all of his and Germany's failures.

And Joe that is exactly who you are and why you are who you are. You have a life of great failure and disappointment and your blaming Christianity.

Again Joe why are you so angry?

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Christianity is the religion of the Inquisition. It has never been disbanded, only renamed. Eichmann? Look at the face in later years. Jew if there ever was one.. Ukrainian Nazis are still working to destroy Russia today. Putin is placing his nukes. USA will be carpet nuked. Nuclear winter and screams in the night is its future. They living will pray for death as your own Bible tells you. Prepare for raw meat cannibalism.

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Good. Like the Boy Scout motto (and mine too) "Be prepared"!🙏🇺🇸

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That contract is the Holy Spirit that has transformed my life. That is the deposit of our full connection with God. It's just plain stupid to believe Christians have a physical deed to get into heaven that they need produce for you to see. You just show your a fraud because you know this is not true.

So what's driving this anger.

Why are you so angry Joe?

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Back in 2018 as a school Administrator and Civics teacher I was invited to a lecture at the St Louis FED.

Their macroeconomic expert openly stated that everything they did from 2008-18 failed any growth was only due to QE and 0% interest rates. This will not end well and would tell us what plan B was.

My Bof A VP said they will deliberately and purposefully default on the Dollar and all it's bonds and replace the dollar as with world currency with a new Gold backed digital currency. That was back in 2018. Now the IMF as announced its new gold backed digit al currency the Unicoin. So the end is near everything is just about in place. It just a matter of timing, economic collapse or war first or it all happens together, we shall see, but it is coming.

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As people walk around in a complete state of oblivion, there are so many components of our economy that are set to crumble. It is truly a house of cards. There will be so much suffering and misery right around the corner. Enjoy this brief period of normalcy, because it is almost over.

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Snyder is a disinformation agent spreading the fraud of Jesus which is easily proven.


The ignorant Christian parrot population spews out what their shirt tailed preachers tell them to believe. The world is held back as a result just as the idiots who arrested Galileo for exposing the stupidity of the Roman Church or Bruno who had his tongue cut out and then was burned at the stake. Were it not for modern laws the Christian idiots posting here in these comments would do the same. WWIII approaches at a geometrically expanding pace. DC, St. Peter's Cathedral and Jerusalem will be huge craters thousands of feet wide. Raw meat cannibalism is coming. Roving bands of apes will Molotov Cocktail out any survivors. Jesus will be crunching popcorn with his naked angels while listening to countless screams in the dark Nuclear Winter countryside. Amen! Pass the plate!

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