Feb 16·edited Feb 16

Watching from Australia and trying to make sense of all these moves and countermoves, all I can see is chaos and economic implosion, cultural meltdown and the like. I like Trump and hope he gets re-elected but I think America will be in such dire straits by the time he takes office that he will have very limited options to choose between and he is not in any way going to be able to make America great again. I just hope he is honest with the people and tries to make America a constitutional republic again. But how many Americans these days can be persuaded by "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country"? I think there are still a lot of them, but they are a minority, certainly not a "silent majority" as described in the past.

But I am not criticisng Americans - we in Australia are also a basket case in our own way.

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The disasters you are witnessing has been deliberately done during Biden years to destroy USA. Much like Europe, our whole food industry have been decimated, then electric grids attacked, many trains wrecks, 20+million illegals rushed in ....

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He won't get in ofgice, even if he should by some fluke get the votes; the PTB running things won't have it!

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I wish that as well, but all his people have openly stated their #1 goal is take revenge on all those who went after Trump. This will and has always been about Trump. He can not and will not save America. If they do this it will be an unmitigated disaster and Trump will invoke the emergency powers act and there will be chaos in the streets. This will signal China to attack Taiwan, Russia to expand the war in Europe and N Korea to attack S Korea, with Iran to attack Israel. Or this all happens before the elections and there will be no elections.

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Trump is the excuse du jour. Not that I think Trump has any worth in righteousness, cause he doesn’t. He’s just another circus animal in this dog and pony show. The hidden hand has to keep up the facade until the crescendo. They control you through divisiveness and division, by making you focus on your neighbor as the enemy. . . running in circles like the self-aggrandizing tigers in “Little Black Sambo”.

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That's Trump's apparent goal at present as well, and never a sound basis for any elected or appointed official. I think you are correct about the war issue as well

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Oh, I pity this country. Joe Manchin is not sure who he is and Mitt Romney is not who he pretends to be. We have enough trouble already.

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I thought the same. Put these two out for Tuesday’s garbage. Manchin is a nobody and Romney is like stale moldy bread.

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No one is who you believe them to be. Not even yourself. How do you think these charlatans accomplished this charade?

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Lots of possibilities but not much reality.

My 10 reasons there will be nothing new under the Sun here.

1. Biden will be gone soon. The Dem convention will nominate someone else.

(Most likely Newsom). He will be a fresh face the vast majority of Dem will rally too and Trump haters.

2. Trump will win the Rep nomination, if nothing happens to him. (many will not vote for him if there is a viable alternative like (Newsom).

3. Third party candidates will always have a chance to be a spoiler, but never win. (reality check) Why?

4. We don't vote for anybody anymore, we vote against things or persons. Thus all those who don't like both will vote for the lesser of two evils. Why?

5. People don't like to waist their vote on someone who they see can't win, third party candidates death trap. (plus how can he lead with a congress filled with Dem and Rep where 1/2 will hate him.

6. This whole presumption is that there is common sense out there in voter land, it's just not there.

7. besides it does not matter how many votes a candidate gets, he must get 270 electoral college votes. They can do what they want technically but the party politics of the big parties has huge power here, thus minimizing third party chances of winning the electoral college.

8 Then the election goes to the House where each state gets one vote and the first person to get 26 votes will be president. Then it will be a real toss up with just 1 or 2 RINOs vote for a Dem to spite Trump.

9. We don't get to the Nov elections. They see it as an outcome the powers don't want and a major event cancels or postpones the election. President declares a National emergency and cancels the elections.

10.Voter fraud on a massive scale that will make 2020 look as transparent as the Chrystal Cathedral.

and we will have real violence in the streets, no matter who wins, "we scream, we all scream, for "Voter Fraud and people will go to the streets.


No matter who wins, there will be shouts of voter fraud on all sides and Congress can't get 26 votes for any candidate and whomever is President will declare a national emergency and suspend congress. They will suspend democracy to save it.

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Feb 16·edited Feb 16

Gavin is "Auntie Nan" redux on steroids; no "fresh" face there! I think "options 9 and 10" are most likely here.... And you're leaving Yhwh God out of the equation here. He still has total control, ultimately. Suppose He abruptly "calls the Rapture" and millions suddenly vanish around the world, without notice or trace, in the weeks leading up to November. That event could occur, at any given moment now, and leave in its wake, all manner of chaos! Not just the missing, but dead due to suddenly driverless cars at high speeds on freeways, out of control trains, planes absent cockpit crews, etc and those all around them...and all on a global scale. Then toss in an election and all that...

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I agree with much of your opinions, but remember that your fellow opinion-having people have insisted that the same mess would happen at every election since Obama won in 2008. 2020 would've been the absolute closest we'd ever come to a president declaring a national emergency over not liking the outcome. If 2024 follows every single election since 2000 (Bush nearly losing to Gore) we're going to skip the national emergency declarations and the rioting in the street, and we'll just sit our asses back down and grumble until "our guy" gets elected for real.

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1. I've never said that about past elections.

2. I did not say the president will declare a national emergency over not liking an outcome. It will be when congress becomes dysfunctional stops working, compromise is no longer an option. The gang of 8 could very well be that spark that lights the fuse.

3. There's never been an election where the money is totally worthless and the powers to be are ready to default, we have massive immigration problems, a world war is about to start and congress itself is close to stop functioning and we have lost civility on the streets, just look at the news people are going nuts.

This is totally different. My banking and CIA contact told me what to look for when it's over and they are here now. Notice all the billionaires buying bunkers? that didn't happen in 2016 or 2020. This is happening now and it is truly over.

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I totally agree with everything you have said Daniel. It's about to rain & all those who mocked & said nothing to see here & how is this different from the last time. Are going to find themselves in deep waters with no way to stay afloat. But those that have eyes to see & ears to hear & trust "fully" in the Lord their God will have peace as the 💩 goes down.

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"This is happening now and it is truly over"

Yep, that's what everyone's banking and CIA contacts have been telling them every four years. Sorry, but it's simply a fact that we tell ourselves "it's really gonna be real this time, this one is totally different, this time it's really gonna be the time for sure, etc.", and when it doesn't happen, nobody says anything and we all act like it was never said. So... so what? No biggie here, don't lose your shit on my account. I was in agreement with much of your earlier post.

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In early January 2024 my wife and I withdrew our names from the registered voter roles, (as unaffiliated), in the banana republic state of Colorado. We are convinced the Constitutional Republic of our forefathers has fallen and will never stand again. We will not be voting, because as the Preamble to the July 4th Declaration of Independence states: "a government derives its just powers by the consent of the governed" and by voting we will be giving legitimacy to an illegitimate government. No matter if there is an election in 2024, (which we doubt will occur) the federal government is controlled by the DEEP STATE that Barack Hussein Obama, (the son of Communists) and Valerie Jarrett (the daughter of Communists) embedded during Obama's first eight years in the White House.

The final catastrophe for the American empire will be a civil war that will lead to an invasion by a combined Chinese/Russian military force. Also I posit Washington DC will be nuked by Russia to begin the invasion.

Our only hope is the Return of Jesus Christ as King of kings. We have no hope in fallen man.

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I'd never support grifter Biden; he's done FAR too ,much damage w/ inflation, border invasion, gutting our energy independence, etc. Our family & the economy did FAR better under Trump & from what you indicate, many overlook just how well he did despite NON-STOP persecution from media & Dems. He's still being persecuted by Soros-Obama controlled demonic DAs.

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There are no longer free and fair elections in this country, so none of this matters one iota. Whomever the chosen democrat candidate is will win. It doesn't matter who else runs or if other parties have candidates. Look at the shenanigans they've already pulled to try to stop Trump. I am much more afraid of the lengths they'll go to in order to win again. The Democrats have a team of people sitting in a conference room somewhere dreaming up ways to stay in power and no suggestion is too radical. This would include some kind of black swan event. If you don't know what that is, you're soon going to find out. In my wildest dreams, I couldn't imagine how crazy this year will be. I'm glad I have God to take care of me and my Almighty soul. I would highly recommend getting your heart right with God.

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I suspect a third-party run would open many possibilities for DemonRat cheating. Rather than creating/deducting votes electronically "for" or "against" a certain candidate, regulated "channels" of votes could be sent to the willing third-party pretender. Whatever is required to keep the finger pressing on the scale. A little more difficult to track on election night....

My truck sticker says "Ted Nugent - President 2024" and I have gotten a lot of positive responses. I have no idea how Uncle Ted would respond if asked.

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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The thing that everyone needs to keep in mind is that it’s very expensive to run Presidential campaigns and to get on the ballot in all 50 states - especially if you aren’t a candidate of an officially recognized political party. And remember that every state has different rules and deadlines for getting on ballots.

RFK might have that kind of money and organization, but not sure about No Labels. For No Labels, I’m sticking with ‘they are big talk’ until proven otherwise.

When Kayne West ‘ran’ in 2020 there were quite a few states where he wasn’t on the ballot because he decided to run and it was too late to get on the ballot in some states. Not that it really mattered, but there are big obstacles to allowing outsiders on the ballot.

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When we look at how the left is going after Trump to prevent him from running against the Dem. candidate for president (yet to be determined). How is this much different than the Russian version of open and free elections where democracy and the will of the people are so important to the process;


Putin’s no 1 enemy Alexei Navalny ‘collapses and dies’ in jail as Latvian president says he was ‘brutally murdered’ (They tried poisoning him twice and now this).

If something happens to Trump, I would who would be behind it?

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Manchin and Mittens? A nervy demo-quack and an avowed RINO. Oh, goody. As if this really matters. I am even hearing about an A/I configured Dummy taking the place of the real one currently residing in the Black House. No matter who remains as the next dictator, the DC Swamp will be the DC Swamp, taxes will rise, inflation will rise, the deficit will rise and wars will increase. It's etched in granite.

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I'm with the majority of Americans. Both Trump and Biden are too old and compromised. Don't like Booby Kennedy much but would consider Manchin. Then again, voting probably won't make any difference.

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They just keep going from bad to worse on "candidates" all across the board. Can they not find a candidate anywhere, worth voting FOR? We shouldn't be choosing based on who to vote AGAINST! Not that it matters, really, since whomever gets selected will be a globalist choice, at this point. But just ONCE in my life I'd like to vote for a candidate worthy of the office, and who would truly uphold and defend Constitutional law and values!

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"Biden’s support is far softer than Trump’s support is, and so Manchin would likely take more votes away from Biden than he would from Trump"

The above was likely true prior to today's bombshell news that the entire "Joe Bribem" Burisma stories were found to be 100% fabricated by an FBI agent who was trying to help Donald Trump by smearing the Bidens to take attention away from Trump's actual multitude of crimes.

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No they weren't Burisma happened while Joe was VPOTUS, and Trump was not even holding pre-run rallies yet! So that, sir is TOTAL BS!

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Michael, check out Tim Dillon’s podcast from yesterday, I think it’s called A job is a job. He talks about Michelle Obama running and how they should make it a spectacle to get votes. It’s scary but possible…

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Michael will not run she hates politics and is fed up with D.C. She has openly said that. They want someone who is liberal but has a better profile and that is Newsom.

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The only spectacles re: Mrs. Obama's run are from the right-leaners who keep propping up the fake claims that she might ever run.

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Conservatives are retarded. As if we didn't have enough real problems, they run around like headless chickens chasing after fake ones.

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