The 'leadership' in Washington DC is an enormous FUBAR with no relief in sight. Anyone who thinks the US & NATO weren't informed about Zelensky's recent excursion into Russia is misguided at best.

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Yes Kimberly, this is one of those “forever wars”, of which most is pure theatre. I doubt any of it has surprised Putin.

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This is probably not a forever war because, of the speed of the pace of this war, the objective is to get Putin out of office and capitulate or the other unthinkable will happen and the use of nukes. The past forever wars were low grade scattered wars of small unit tactics, or gorilla wars. This has been pretty intense and both sides are near exhaustion. The Oligarchs and the people of Russia are getting fed up with Putin's failed promises, and all the Russian soldiers coming home in zink boxes. This will come to a head soon one way or another. As will the other two wars in the middle east and pacific things are going to move very quickly, a few months to maybe a year or two but not much more like birth pangs, getting more intense more quickly.

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Putin is a WEF globalist. I don’t think anyone will use nukes as “they” want their world intact. If Putin is out of office, someone similar will replace him. What pacific things do you mean?

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Ukraine re-starting the attack now, maybe is trying harder to pull Europe Nations into the War ?

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I don't think they are trying to "pull" Europe into war, they are ready and waiting, the west wants war, but nuclear. Tje super rich globalists and the oligarchs don't want that. Do we really think they want us to blow up what has made them Rich? Nuclear war will bankrupt the susper rich as well, they make money from controlling buying and selling and to blow that all up makes them masters of a radio active ash heap and they don't want that on either side. The western globalists and the Russian Oligarchs are calling the shots on both sides not the politician and none of the money guys want to commit mutual suicide.

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Hope you are right.

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I do too.

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If we elect a Dem president who hates Israel, Zechariah 14:2 is fulfilled (all nations abandon Israel). Jesus’ return within 3 years? I think so.

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Zechariah is about Armageddon and the Lord returns and fights as in the day of battle and He stands on the Mt of Olives to bring in the kingdom. As Michael has mentioned about Matt 24 Jesus describes someone coming before He returns, (before Zech 14) and he is coming claiming to be the messiah (Jesus) with real signs and wonders to deceive the whole world, even possibly Christians (for the purpose of sifting the true church). That is what to look for next. Jesus cursed Israel that they would embrace this false messiah as the real one because they rejected Jesus as the real Messiah. Matt 23:37-39, John 5:39-44.

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Other than getting right with God and getting right with our preps, what else is there we can do? Just quiver in fear? Forever?

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What if Iran is playing the west as suggested by Iran itself. All this build up, massive movement of military personnel and hardware, all very expensive. Then just wait until we cycle that all down and then strike?

But on the other hand, Iran may just do somehting to retaliate but not too much. No one, not even the Iranians knows what that is. They are truly playing with fire. We have rehearsed a blitz with Israel to wipe out Iran's nuclear capabilities as well as all of Iran's missiles facilities and all it's air power as Israel did to Egypt in the 1967 war. It involves over 1000 targets and to do this in just a few days. So if Iran oversteps the line, (and no one know what that is) Iran will pay a huge price. We have massive assets in the area from the Mediterranean, the Gulf Aden and the Arabian Sea. And I will guarantee that we have more than just one submarine in those three seas. This is the largest milt deployment since WW II. I have no doubt this is what this massive build up is all about. This is no sneak attack we openly telling Iran, you go too far and you will attacked and will lose your ability to project any geopolitical force beyond your borders when we are done.

I believe Iran already has nukes and this is the largest and real threat of a nuclear incident than Russia. It will be interesting to see what the Lord has in mind for these events to come. We must remember God is the one who guides the hearts of rulers, so no matter what happens, God is in control and totally sovereign over all these event and His will will be done. But again we don't know what that is, "as we see these events occur, then we will know.

Yes Russia has made some gains in the eastern front of Ukraine but at a humongous price. UK Intel now estimates that Russia total casualties over the last two years is now probably close to 1 million.

Then with perfect timing and total surprise, invades Russia from the poorly defend norther part of the war zone. Now Putin is pouring assets from where they have been making advances to this new incursion. This will take the pressure of the main battler front and put more stress on Russia forces.

Obviously this is not a long term operation, as Zelinsky said, they want to push Russia to sue for peace and destabilize the Russian peoples faith in Putin to win this war and sue for peace.

I'm sorry but this is not about starting a nuclear war with Russia. Every red line Putin has floated and Ukraine has stepped over it, including using F-16s that have been seen in the air over the battle zone and now, Ukraine has invaded Russia, and the local military is surrendering in droves, surrendering massive amounts of Milt. supplies. Putin even threatened to use a nuke in a demonstration act of warning. Non of that has happened, Why? All this is about generating a coup to remove Putin and get the Russian people to back ending the war. If Putin was going to use a nuke he would have done it on being invaded, based on what he has said. He has backed down each and every time.

But again It's the Lord that has control of the Putin's heart and we shall see what the Lord allows under his perfect and good will.

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