Don't eat out, drive old used cars, wear discounted clothes, do NOT even attempt to "keep up with the Joneses", garden, read books, no movies, use old furniture, keep gift giving to a minimum, and above all else...........be thankful and humble yourselves to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.......willing to be molded to the needs of Christ.......in heaven.

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And learn to cook like our mothers did in the olden days -make use of whole grains like barley, lentils etc. cheap and healthy and filling.

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This is still, though barely, a country where you are free and able to strive to get ahead or at least be comfortable. We have options, choices. Find a better paying job (we are told the business cannot hire as much help as needed). Work overtime when it is available. Get a part time job. Let your children, once they are old enough, work. Cut lawns, shovel snow, ask neighbors if there is anything they can help with to earn money. Kids need to be taught responsibility, financial and otherwise. As soon as they get their hands on extra money, some people spend it instead of saving it. You don't have to be mentally and physically weak. You don't have to be submissive sheeple. Free will and choice still exist. Use them, wisely.

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You are correct. Our 3 kids were working odd jobs before they were 13. Lawns, babysitting, house cleaning, farming and all kinds of jobs.

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So Michael, are you going to tell us how to be free? As far as I can tell, nobody is going to help us get off the hamster wheel. My husband cannot give up his job, cannot stop paying the mortgage, cannot stop helping the kids with their financial problems. We love God, we love our family, and we are doing our best, but clearly, something has to give. Any suggestions?

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Stop voting for billionaires who surround themselves with billionaires who only became billionaires by screwing over people like your husband and hundreds of millions of other middle and low income workers.

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Teach your kids to be responsible for themselves, you or your husband can get a part time job. Get a cheaper house.

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Stop helping the kids, then they can finally learn to be responsible.

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Once employed we ARE on that wheel! Working, living&paying taxes, have a banker for investments financial advice and financing, get married have children, all the while needing to eat, play, use restaurants, watch tv, see movies watch Netflix go on holidays, love the grandparents then lose them, parents aging going to care homes.

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God Always wins. Pray or be prey. 🙏🙏🙏

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This is all part of the long range plan, so that sheeple will accept satan when he arrives.

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Yep. Thank God we have credit cards and LOCs to really really enjoy our desperate poverty.

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Not me

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Ah, so easy to say! Try being retired and on a fixed income, and trying to do all of the above. You've cut all you can cut, but you're still in the hole every month. You have an answer for that? And yes, I trust God to get me through, but it is very hard to remain positive and not fear.

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It's ok to feel cheated sometimes by the rigged game we are forced to play day in & day out Terri even when we are trusting God.

Life is not easy & it's getting less easy everyday Terri.

The one thing that gives me peace though is trusting God no matter what may come.

Because the servant isn't greater then the Master & if Jesus was able to endure the cross for me then I will endure whatever may come my way.

Via His grace & mercy as I choose to trust him in the valleys & on the mountains.

God bless you & your family & all who put their Trust in God Almighty.

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Thank you for this comment of encouragement.

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It's getting harder by the day. Imo, their fiscal/financial policies are meant to squeeze us into dependence.

Terri, we're all in the same boat! ;(

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Love this post! Thank you for sharing and showing to us what is really going on.

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I took a screen shot of what the guy said. He is right on. It’s sad, but true. Depressing for the young adults who would love to buy a home and have a family.

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Ever wonder just how medicine in America got so bad, and American homeopathy almost disappeared? It wasn't all Rockefeller. There is a great article today in Brownstone Institute Journal - https://brownstone.org/articles/the-triumph-of-the-american-medical-association/

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Meant to pay taxes and that pool finances societal needs: civic: garbage collection, road maintenance Provincial: healthcare that is funded Federally and heavily influenced by bigPharma. Federally represent us on the world stage but are a clown show of hypocritical thieving elites

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Would like to pass this along, been using these supplements for years with great results


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What a strangely delightful copy/paste off any random Marxist blog.

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