Oh Boy...yes, I saw that in Scientic pre-prints some 5-6 months ago, however Final Spark APPEARS ti have made significant strides in that field: Terrifying ones.

The Neurons in a Human Brain are - functionally - just 'anchors' for the REAL Brain. From each Neuron there are roughly 10^4 Glial cells interconnecting THAT sungle Neuron to many, many others around it. It is also the exact same thing for Neuronal Axion cells. The formeR mentioned STORES Memories, whilst the latter are the equivalent of a computer's CPU.

Developing a technology that can 'mesh' Organic Neural cellular matter with Digital circuitry demonstrates an astounding LACK of WISDOM.

Long ago, I was told by a very wise man;

"KNOWLEDGE is knowing HOW to do a thing. WISDOM is knowing whether it SHOULD or SHOULD NOT BE done."

I suspect that in the History of "BAD Ideas" this will end up being in - Oh say - the TOP 5?

My reasons are a bit technical in offering that rather harsh estimation. However, imagine the impending development of true Quantum Computing and then imagine someone with an 'implant' such as described. Recall that SCIENCE IS very much a 'Two-edged Sword', one which cuts BOTH ways. Consider Nuclear Power vs Nuclear WEAPONS, the conclusion is evident.

Anyone who was able to 'interface' via digital speed technology with a true QC computer architecture would be - for all intents and purposes - quite a ways beyond simply 'Human'.

I believe that it was originally Lord Acton who - in correspondence with his Anglican Bishop - coined the quote;

"POWER Corrupts...and ABSOLUTE Power Corrupts ABSOLUTELY"

To be sure, such might - just might! - be utilized by persons of High Ethical standards for the benefit of all Humanity, however all history has shown that almost without variance POWER is grabbed by those least interested in benefiting anyone other than themselves, no?

Be well, be Safe as you may and if you are deserving of God's Love, then be BLESSED GREATLY.


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"however all history has shown that almost without variance POWER is grabbed by those least interested in benefiting anyone other than themselves, " POWER is always grabbed and has been for it seems like forever by psychopathic control freak PARASITES. https://www.courageouslion.us/p/problem-psychopathic-control-freaks

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Those who WANT power are generally the LAST people who should ever be permitted even a modicum thereof; those best able to apply it are the last to seek it!

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Perforce of [morality] They’ come to Call and to Answer! We must to the best of our Own’ be as “watchdogs” at least !!

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That requires a fully educated electorate, which we have not had in decades!

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Responding to BOTH your comments here Sandra.

Truly, anyone who RUNS towards POWER is the LAST person that THAT should EVER be conferred UPON. It's simply pitiful how the Sociopaths amongst the greater population have seemingly ALL catapulted themselves into positions of AUTHORITY, isn't it?

Were we NOT imminently anticipating our Lord's RETURN, the sole possible means which I can think up to address THAT issue is this...

Anyone seeking High Office does so FULLY informed that from the moment they raise thier hand and SWEAR the Oath, that they thereafter will IMMEDUATELY be fiited with a 'Golden Torq' as the Irish described thier neckware for Royalty. That Torq would contain exquisitely sophisticated electronics which were inextricably TIED to a BROAD network in which every Constituent in thier Voting District possessed and - BY LAW - must occaisionally 'VOTE' - Yay or Nay - on the Candidates FITNESS to remain in OFFICE.

Should a preset 'Threshold' be reached or exceeded, then the Torq - containing a highly pressurized, tiny vial of a virulent no antidote tixin, such as Ricin - go look THAT up if you don't know what IT is - would auto-inject that into thier neck, resulting in inescapable Death in roughly 9 hours.

Now, you ask, "WHY be SO Draconian about it?", yes?

The answer is blissfully SIMPLE.

NO Sociopath would EVER hazard thier lives for POWER...since thier foremost, DRIVING impulse is SELF-PRESERVATION. PERIOD!

Thus, only people wholly unafraid of what thier actions would be construed AS would EVER seek such Office.

Naturally, the penalty for ANYONE tampering with such would be summary decision AGAINST, immediately followed by a 'No Appeals' Execution. To prevent anyone from 'tampering' with the devices, DISCOURAGING any such from doing so with EXTREME PREJUDUCE.

And no, as satisfying as some of you might find it to be, EXPLOSIVE Collars could NOT be employed owing to the potential danger posed to innocent bystanders.

So, no 'Kingsmen type' Neon Colored head EXPLOSiONS allowed!! I know, I know...you say, "BUT, BUT it would be SO MUCH MORE satisfying!!!" And I GRASP that, certainly! However, Our Lord is not 'down with' HARMING Innocent's...so quityerbitchin, you'd just HAVE to be satified with the other way. Capice'?

Oh, oh, I almost FORGOT to mentioned one itsy-bitsy lil bitty caveat; not ALL the Torqs would contain Ricin. Instead, some would, but others might contain Coral Snake Venom, others Blue Ring Octopus Venom and so on and so forth; you GET the picture, I'm sure.

In EVERY case the operant would be one for which NO ANTIDOTE existed, nor could. If onesuch WERE discovered then ALL carrying that would have to be immediately RESET to another toxin under EXTREME Supervision. Meaning that anyone who WAS authorized to perform such a procedure would ALSO hold up THIER Hand, Swear an Oath...and ALSO be fitted for a new piece of REALLY KOOL looking jewelry!


Happily, our Lord WILL return presently and render ALL SUCH notions MOOT...since the 'Reptiles' amongst us now WON'T be here ANYMORE.

It's just a 'Gedanken' Folks, which is German for 'Thought Experiment' as Einstein used it to describe his flights into realms beyond most Mortals.

Be well, WATCH the Middle East closely hereafter; Hezbollah just 'Threw DOWN the Gaunlet' per ZH yesterday, and whomsoever loves the Lord, BE BLESSED abundantly...


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I'm better acquainted with poisons than I would like to be... ricin, paraquat, various critter venom, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, etc. Succinylcholine works faster. In a combo with 1 of the others, it'd be surefire.

A few might think they can outwit it, but I think they'd be disabused of that notion fairly quickly. We' d never get it accepted though.

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Oh Sandra, you are such a TREASURE!

I thought that I was the SOLE human left alive who used the word 'disabused' with any regularity; that little response just WARMED my Heart Dear more than I can easily express in mere words!

Yes, indeed there ARE many several such individual OR tandemed chemicals which would serve the stated purpose.

In part that is why I specifically mentioned either Coral Snake OR Blue Ringed Octopus Venom; both are 'Protein Poisons' and ol Mother yet REIGNS supreme in gifting her 'children' a formidable Armamentaria of such.

Mankind - or rather, HUMANITY...as some *might* feel the former to be a 'Sexist' term - does not now nor until the true ADVENT of Quantum Computing have any hope of deciphering poisons of that stripe; protein interactions, ie 'Protein FOLDING' is so computationally FEROCIOUS as to be beyond the reach of ALL modern Computing platforms...not 'most', but instead ALL.

At the root of that lies a particular class of named problems...specifically, those are called 'NP HARD' problems. By thier nature, the difficulty level goes UP at such an incredible rate as one adds just a few more variables that they exceed a 'Super- Exponential' rate of increasing difficulty. Think here of the rate of climb of e^x^2, which is basically vertical by the time you reach the numeral 5!

Proteins, Weather, Solar Dynamics, Earthquake Prediction are all in that class...amongst many others as well. Oh, you CAN traipse over to Wiki to look that term up...however the explanation proferred there is so abstruse as to be nothing more than a CONFUSION.

Have a WONDERFUL DAY today Ma'am; I will! Having found not not one, but TWO exquisite 'Jewels' at this site in a mere matter of days; yourself AND CL above.

Be well, WATCH the Middle East like a HAWK in days to come; THAT is nearing it's 'Tipping Point' now I truly believe, also be BLESSED Thou my New and Delightful Friend, surely...


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Jun 28·edited Jun 28

Nope, I use that and lot of others regularly, in fact.

The nice things about succinylcholine is that it's fast acting and insures the intended doesn't go wandering off or raising a ruckus.

I've been watching the ME for decades. VERY close for the past decade!

Be blessed , my brother.

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Nice idea, but totally draconian. What would keep someone or a group that are made up of psychopaths that would vie for the position of the current one to cause the death of the current one using the method you suggest and simply step into their shoes? Ever read "Assassination Politics" by Jim Bell? That is the solution. No doubt in my mind. Good people won't have a bounty put on their heads. Another solution might be the office comes with a caveat. Violate your oath of office and anyone who wants can shoot your ass with no recourse. It's a mess. What else can be said?

And as for waiting for the Lord's return? Good luck with that one. People have been waiting for 2024 years now and will still be in the year 2525.

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Howdy CL!

Clearly you ARE ' a cut ABOVE the AVERAGE' inasmuch as you directly identified the SINGLE FLAW in the notion. I suspect that we'll have delightful dialogues in time to come: I do SO APPRECIATE other 'Agile, insightful MINDS' and the glittering dialogues that invariably follow on in discussing much of - anything at all - with all such!,

Well-Met Sir/Ma'am, either! AGAIN!

It was - as I noted - primarily a "Gedanken", a 'Thought Exercise' as Messr. Einstein descibed his own astonishing mentative process for sifting through problems in his chosen venue.

What a truly marvelous MIND that one had, no?

However, I also noted that the entire 'problem' will be MOOTED soon enough: Once Our Lord returns in TRIUMPH accompanied by ALL His Host, them the "Garbage WILL get taken out to the curb for DISPOSAL!".

FWIW, having a background in Tensor Analysis, ie, the Study of Dyads, I acquired - in translated book form - Messr. Einsteins original papers detailing his incredible process of formulating General Relativity and in a 'mere' decade of non-casual study thereof I have almost succeeded in GRASPING said Theory in it's fullness.

I am so looking forward to meeting the Lord, AFTER this life is COMPLETED, when no longer limited by the FLESH we may 'SEE' as He Himself does. Some might find it an 'odd thing' to say, but the prospect THRILLS me. After all, "The Spirit IS willing, but the FLESH is WEAK." surely...

A few others hereabouts - Daniel, Sandra - are also possessed of truly SHARP Minds - and others also! - and all such dialogues are simply a delight unto me!

Well-met indeed!!

Be Well, WATCH all things in the Middle East CLOSELY in the weeks to come - a Game of Brinksmanship is playing out there right now which has an awful potential to result in the actual USE of Nuclear Weapons. Hezbollah released Drone footage of a large number of sites in Israel - including, God FORBID, the Dimona Nuclear facility, no less - aa a gesture of 'Throwing down the GAUNLET' in front of Israeli Leadership. IF Israel enters Lebannon and Hezbollah subsequently rains down Hell-Fire upon the Northern reaches of the country then I think it more than passably likely that Israel would respond by Nuking Southern Lebanon in an attempt to EXTIRPATE Hezbollah in toto. HOWEVER, inasmuch as Hezbollah is simply a proxy for Iran then simultaneously Israel would - of a neccessity - also target Tehran with - Oh say - about a half-dozen Nuclear Tipped Jericho missles. At that point WWIII is NEAR to kicking off, methinks...

Oh...and BE BLESSED also! :)


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Well-Met indeed Carl!...and now I know 'the REST of the Story'. Ambiguity is - at times 'useful' if a tad bit uncertain. Hence your 'Follow' served to CLARIFY the fundament and no ambiguity now remains...

Well-Met SIR...stated with CERTAINTY.

Be well, Safe as you may and be Blessed abundantly SIR!

JOG :)

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Don’t make of yourselves the “low hanging fruit” !

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Game, Set and MATCH Sir...Advantage, CL!

Great observation by the way. My very BEST Friend on Earth will arrive imminently in my 'Little Slice of Alaskan HEAVEN' after a journey of about 2400 miles and consequently I am a bit 'involved' in attending matters about the residence ere he arrives. Forgive me - transiently - for not stopping to follow the link you graciously posted above. Rest assured, I WILL, in a few days...after which we can discuss matters further Sir...or Ma'am, as the case may be!

Just one of the 'features' of selecting an ambiguous moniker...which can be DURN handy at times!

Be well, be Safe...AND VIGILANT hereafter simce it's looking like the 'Showdown in the Middle East Corral' is about to go into HYPERDRIVE...again. Stop in at ZeroHedge for the latest update(s) thereon.

Be Blessed Sir, also...


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So very true! Think H.A.L.or sSkynet "on steroids"! Interesting factoid about Sci-Fi... What 1 imagines, another will find a way to create, and that almost always invariably to the detriment of everything!

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This is totally terrifying!!!

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The whole thing reminds me of something out of Warhammer 40K with the servitors.

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"Final Spark" of human life? This smells of Nazi Germany. Are they being funded by DARPA? Fauci must be cheering these freaks on.

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A bad science fiction movie? No a great one, like Minority Report.

I'm drawn to one piece of scripture, Rev 13

And then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns like a lamb and he spoke like a dragon. 12 He exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence. And he makes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose fatal wound was healed. 13 He performs great signs so that he even makes fire come down out of heaven to the earth in the presence of men. 14 He deceives those who dwell on the earth because of the signs which it was given him to perform in the presence of the beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who *had the wound of the sword and has come to life. 15 And it was given to him to give breath to the image of the beast so that the image of the beast would even [l]speak and cause as many as do not worship the image of the beast to be killed. 16 And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, [m]to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, 17 he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for the number is that of a man, and his number is [n]six hundred and sixty-six.

1. more evidence that this war will not lead to Armageddon, but a man who brings peace and deceives the world it has not happened yet but we are getting close.

2. Talk about the image of the beast coming alive, an AI machine with a human brain, possessed by a demonic spirit possesses humans and it's conscious, self-aware, and in every way alive.

3. Satan can't directly imitate God but being the smartest creature ever created, is giving man technology to rebel against and continue our rebellion so via technology (mark of the beast) we can become like God.

4. Will the mark (666) bring the bearer supernatural powers the NAR charismatics are desperately looking for their ""breakthrough" and the image of the beast is the advertisement to get the mark and become supernatural, you can now do the things God does without God? Just a thought.

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Howdy Daniel!

An excellent recounting of John's Revelations condensed to the salients WR Michael's article; I commend you Brother.

Perhaps you have heard the term 'Singularity' being bandied about - in VARIOUS 'fields' of endeavor - of late?

A wide variety of Academics and persons involved in other aspects of the BIG Picture have over last decade begun extrapolating the ever increasing PACE of Change...

Thier singular conclusion - in thier respective areas of expertise - is that Humanity IS soon to reach a rate of change that is incomprehensibly rapid, hence the term 'Singularity' a point in Time or Space or EVENTS in which ALL physical law breaks down...or alternately, ALL predictability vanishes.

A long time ago a rather learned man - Frank Drake, an Astrophycisist attempted to (roughly) paramaterize the question 'HOW LIKELY is the possibility of ExtraTerrestrial Life. Unsuprisingly that result was later named for him, in his honor as the "Drake Equation". You can simply go over to Wiki and look that up and acquaint yourself with the particulars, FWIW..

Please bear with me a bit here...for what ALL THIS finally segways into IS entirely related to your Biblical analysis...

Prior to Mr Drake's equarion being formulated Enrico Fermi - one of the Fathers of Nuclear Reactors, having been amongst those who built the first 'Critical Reactor' (the FIRST to reach CRITICALITY under controlled conditions, under the bleachers at a Chicago Ballfield) - was sitting around with colleagues when the subject of extraterrestrial life came up, who asked pointedly, "WHERE IS everyone?"

That became known as the Fermi Paradox.

Why? I mean why should a question such as that MERIT a NAME?

The Universe is VAST beyond comprehension...and we - as YET - ONLY see a fraction of it, inasmuch as Light from the farther reaches has NOT REACHED US, as yet. So, HOW BIG are we talking here?

We can 'See' a bubble around us with a radius of roughly 14 Billion Light Years, however based on the previous paragraph we are led to 'believe' that the actual FULL extent of the Universe is on the order of 90 Billion Light Years in diameter...at least.

So, again, "WHERE IS everyone?"

The Universe which we CAN 'SEE' contains roughly Two Trillion Galaxies - at a minimum - and when averaging the 'Sizes' of those you arrive at a figure of about 250 Billion Stars per Galaxy. Naturally if you multiply the one by the other you get a frikin' huge NUMBER of total Stars in just what we CAN 'see'.

The probability that 'WE' ARE the sole sentient LIFE in a Universe SO VAST is mathematically so close to Zero as to be indistinguishable from IT. S'ok? Yup...

A few tens of years ago some 'Worthy' noting Fermi's Paradix AND the Drake Equation attempted to offer an explanation as to WHY we see no evidence of Life but that which is Terrestrial, calling that explanation "The Great Filter Conjecture".

In essence, it comes down to THIS: At some point in the development of any 'Civilization' an 'Event' occurs - either Astrophysical in nature OR one self-generated by said civilzation that TERMINATES it forthwith, in toto...

I - much as does Elon Musk - BELIEVE that AI is the single GREATEST threat to Human Survival that has ever been conceived.


The advent of true Quantum Computing is almost upon us, NOW. Problems which no Digital Computer could EVER solve in the lifespan of our Universe - REGARDLESS of how much 'Computing HP' you threw at the task, will be solved in mere days OR even hours by a true QC Architecture. That is ATONISHING in truth...

Various popularizations in SciFi have attempted to portray what Super-Human Artificial Intelligence MIGHT be - in aspect - in the real World; most of those do not paint a 'Pretty Picture', ranging from Colossus: The Forbin Project to Terminator: Genisys.

That does NOT mean that AI is intrinsically 'BAD'...instead that will be determined by HOW it is employed, yes? Recall now Michael's recent article addressing 'Organoids'. Soon a Human being will be born with or 'fitted with' such and be able to interface directly with a QC Architecture.

Here's WHERE it gets 'Juicy'...

IF current AI Software algoritms defining the parameters of AI broadly continue to evolve and reach a level of Super-Human AI, hereafter termed 'SHAI', are then commited in code on a QC Architecture then said AI - given LARGE ENOUGH datasets - could predict virtually anything at all with stunning ACCURACY. No mere human could EVER 'out-think' such a construct, obviously.

BUT...it gets MUCH WORSE!

Returning to the previously mentioned individual ABLE to interface with such DIRECTLY, do you believe that AI would be used for GOOD or EVIL?

Thr likelihood that those PAYING for it's development would allow anyone with GOOD intentions to interface with that are roughly equivalently ZERO as well. THEY would WANT 'thier MAN' in the "Driver's Seat" now wouldn't they? Yuppers...

At that point a truly 100% LETHAL Biological Weapon that targeted ONLY one's enemies and left your own population unscathed OR the same Pathogen with a perfectly effective vaccine could be developed in at most, mere weeks.

There are innumerable OTHER equally BAD ways this could go...but given the Bible I think perhaps that the case I first mentioned IS the most likely one...and THAT is how the Anti-Christ and/or 'False Prophet' might well 'perform Signs and Wonders' whilst accessing knowledge that NO OTHER human COULD obtain access to...

Dwell on the thought briefly my Friend and consider the ramifications involved....

Be Well, be ever VIGILANT hence and be BLESSED also,


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What I was told by my SDA from the military is being repeated now in the open,

check out Col Karl E Neil his credentials are amazing.


Then three more here very credible people


They are here, they are among us and we are in contact. After this war with the Arab radicals (that we/Israel will win). the next event will be a massive deception that involves a conflict in space and out of that this will get exposed, disclosure will happen and it's my opinion the Anti-Christ will be human but empowered by these guys. They are all dark and evil literally the fallen angels. No worries about believing or disagreeing just watch this all play out you and I will see this. Watch and pray.

Oh question will AI be used for good and evil? Only one answer 100% evil. Man made and any intelligence that is not from God himself is part of the fallen universe and is 100 % satanic and evil for only God is good and everything else is evil, Satan is not titled the prince and power of the air for nothing, that is where he dwells and his fallen ones.

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Oh...a Question here: "SDA"?


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Hello Daniel!

Nothing in that venue would come as a "Suprise" to me...

The Universe is SO VAST that the likelihood of US being the SOLE Sentient Creatures within THAT is so close to mathematical Zero as to be indistinguushable from it...

I - HAPPILY - AM entertaining a Guest currently; my very BEST friend on EARTH. We are having a truly WONDERFUL time in this staggeringly BEAUTIFUL place which I call Home...

Therefore, allow me some 'few' days ere I peruse the links you have graciously provided; I DO like to fully 'acquaint' myself with material I am provided ere addressing it intelligently...

I too am WHOLLY certain that the Anti-Christ and the False Prophet WILL be wholly 'Human' irregardless of any other salient fact. The BEAST however is another matter entirely. Perchance did you ever read Arthur C Clark's masterpiece, "Childhood's End"? I ask, as what you are suggesting IS eerily similar to that...it's conclusuon that is.

As a final thought here, consider the following...

IF such as 'THOSE' were involved, then we ARE in Deep DOO-DOO, other than for Jesus's INTERVENTION.



Anything which could MASTER interstellar travel has already fully expostulated a REAL "ToE"...a Theory of EVERTHING. The implications of that are RADICALLY WORSE than say what happened when White people came to the America's. A ToE would merge Einstein's GR with Quantum Mechanics AND Quantum Theory in FULL. THAT has eluded our every effort thus far, even the efforts of people so radically more intelligent than you or I that it beggars the imagination, TRULY.

Why is that important? Simply put that would give you - eventually - technology capable of controlling GRAVITY; think here of Star Trek's 'Warp Drives' OR Star Wars 'Lightspeed Drives'...all of whom would have GARGANTUAN Power requirements perhaps even in the Peta- or even Exa-Watt range. The Earth receives - in toto - CONTINUOUSLY from our Sun, Sol, power in the Petawatt range for context.


Arthur Clarke is also otherwise famous for a specific quote, that being;

"Any Technology sufficiently advanced would be indistinguishable from MAGIC to a less developed species..."

In Revelations the Dragon, the BEAST, the Anti-Christ and the False Prophet are ALL spoken of as 'performing SIGNS and WONDERS".

I'll leave you at this point to dwell on the notions expressed above. As always my Friend, it is simply delightful to conduct dialogue with a Keen and Agile MIND such as your's; we are ALL seeking TRUTH, are we not? Our Father has BUILT a Creation SO MARVELOUS for us to abide in...I could easily spend 10,000 lifetimes examining it in an effort to GRASP His Thought...

Be Well, be EXTRAORDINARILY 'Vigilant' in the coming Days; One's VERY Life might well depend on such; and BE BLESSED also,


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Sounds familiar. Isn't the reward, punishment program started in grade school? From my recollection back as far as 1960 when I was enrolled in first grade that is how it worked on REAL people. We just didn't have wires hooked up to us. Well, that I know of. Maybe the Matrix was a documentary.

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By '60, the punishments had been "tamed down" by child protection laws; they used to be quite real and physical as well as psychological.

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So how much worse where they before the 60’s? I was subjected to corporal punishment up into Junior High over typically nothing but bullshit. I’ll never forget a day in 1969 that the science instructor was out of the room and I walked up and peaked at his gradebook just as he walked back in. I was taken to the principals office and subjected to a paddle that left my ass bruised for that dastardly deed. And there were a few other times also. Plus the psychological abuse I was subjected to all the way through high school because of my insistence to ASK QUESTIONS of the brain dead “instructors” that they couldn’t answer most of the time.

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Where was that? Because by '60, child protection laws had made such actions and others illegal, with jail time attached. Parochial schools got away with its bit longer, because it wasn't reported, but it was gone from public schools. Even detention was on shaky ground already.

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Crestview Elementary school in Dade County, Parkway Junior High School in Dade County and Carol City SR in Dade County. I lost count how many times I was whacked and for what. Here is one for you…My sixth grade PE teacher, Mr. Blenn had it in for me due to my inability to keep up with the rest of the PE class. So on the last day of 6th grade he had the whole class there and was holding a paddle. He told the class that everyone was going to be able to give me a going away whack with it since I had been so disruptive the whole year. My response? I walked up and punched him in the face as hard as I could. He dragged me down to the principals office but when she heard what had elicited my response she was upset with him. Which is the way it should have been. He was quite the tyrant.

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25

I am truly sorry you had to endure that. Bad as the physical abuse was, the psychological was far worse, and has left the deepest scars. I truly am not sure how he got away with that so late into the '60s; even in the hard left enclave of Long Island, NY, that was not tolerated! Standing in the corner was even banned by '60. It was true across all the states around us and the Midwest for certain. Detention or suspension were still practiced, but not any physical acts, or public shaming of pupils. Teachers like that did not remain employed.

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No scars here. Just a mature Jedi knight from life long experiences. I learned to question authority as a child. I learned that I am actually quite an anomaly among the population. Because…the greatest fear was washed from my very being at a young age.

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This is so bizarre!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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You don't read or watch much sci-fi, do you?

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Was that 'directed' my way Sandra?

I'll presume that it was. The answer is emphatically, 'Yes'. I am - and have been since I was perhaps 11 years old - a VORACIOUS reader as well...and NOT simply SciFi or Fantasy. I picked up my first text on Calculus that same year and all but cried out, 'Euraka'...which is Latin meaning "I have FOUND IT!" when I began 'digging IN'.

In Mathematics there exist a Crystalline PURITY found in no other human endeavor, ASSUREDLY.

That is not to say that EVERYTHING CAN be described by MATH: Goedells Theorem stands as PROOF of that. Nonetheless in gaing my BS in both Physics AND Mathematics - separate, full DEGREES - and taken in conjunction with a truly insatiable CURIOUSITY - which I inherited from my father - concerning the Greater World, ie, the CREATION itself, I came to the realization that MATHEMATICS is but ONE Language which God is Supremely FLUENT IN, thus 'Revealing' another facet of His thought to us mere mortals!

I trust and hope that your Sabbath today was both pleasant AND restfull...mine WAS!

Be well Sandra, be SAFE as you may in Times to come and be BLESSED ABUNDANTLY, Thou my 'newest' Good Friend,


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Not specifically, no, more toward the incredulous ones. You, I would expect to not be surprised or disbelieving at all! You. understand human critters well enough for that to be highly unlikely! Rather, those who are surprised by it, are those who missed the warnings!

It was indeed! Caught up on much-needed rest and got my brain back in gear! You stay well and safe too. Remote Alaska has its hazards too, and other assistance is far away. Be doubly blessed my Brother ! See you at the wedding feast!

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Good MORNING Sandra!


"Ein Schuldingen mein Frau."

German..for "Excuse me Ma'am".

I find that tracking individual responses in the SubStack - good as it is - is a bit PERPLEXING at times...when a sequence of responses grows overlong...

Be WELL Thou my Beloved Sister, be ever-increasingly VIGILANT; The last moves which ARE the ENDGAME approach being played NOW and be so very, VERY BLESSED.


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I agree; at times it is a challenge to find which reply goes with what comment. Hiking ting the response helps find it, but doesn't connect it to the comment to which it applies, always.

We are, indeed, under increasing attack, hardly a surprise, but annoying none the less. Vigilance and discernment are more necessary than ever. Thank Yhwh for His Holy Spirit to guide us in this time!

Be blessed and well yourself, my brother, and be aware of the local denizens who can be used by Satan too.

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Hahahaaa...yes, ALASKA does present a Uniquely 'Challenging' environ to SURVIVE IN. I am delighted to hear that your Sabbath was 'all that it could be' my Friend. In these Days we must needs FORTIFY our Spirits in the Memories of 'Better Days' inasmuch as our Lord - speaking to the masses - in His Sermon on the Mount declared unequivocally that;

"BLESSED are the Meek...for THEY SHALL inherit the Earth."

Now...why would He tell US THAT if as many believe, EVERYONE gets swept UP in the 'Rapture'? If so, then NONE would REMAIN to inherit THE EARTH; we'd all be in HEAVEN, no?

It is a CONUNDRUM, surely...

Returning to the Alaska subject, I have told several of my friends the following anecdote/parable(?)...

"A man is sitting in a Bar having a drink. A stunningly GORGEOUS Woman in a Fire Engine RED dress comes in, walks over and sits right next to the guy - the Bar is otherwise UNOCCUPIED - and turning slightly towards him says,

"HI! I'm Alaska...if you come back with me I'll show you things that can't EVEN imagine yet...however, then I'll KILL you."

Yup...THAT IS ALASKA!!! You betcha!

However, in truth mere Nature is rather 'honest' or at least 'upfront' with you in the sense of what WILL happen if you allow your attention to wander. That stands in STARK CONTRAST to dealings with HUMANS - who unlike 'Man's Best Friend', our Canine Friends, who will never come up to you wagging thier tails and then bite your ARM OFF - Humans can AND WILL do exactly THAT.

Dogs learn VERY QUICKLY and THOROUGHLY that 'some' Humans ARE Liars, no? Indeed, and in my interactions with all my beloved 'four legged Friends' over time I have striven to be both utterly consistent and absolutely truthful in all my dealings with them: Dogs - simply put - are not constituted to LIE, quite the contary in fact, BUT once they GRASP that WE have a seemingly inate ability to LIE TO them then they naturally lose all Faith in whomsoever does that unto them. In this 'thing' it is not dissimilar to the Great Divide within our own species which has on the one hand the Upright, Righteous, TRUTHFUL amongst us and the 'Others'; the 'Reptiles' in Human Skin...Sons AND Daughters ALL of THIER 'Father'; you KNOW of whom I speak, I am sure...

Be Well Thou my Beloved Sister, may He Shine down His Countenance upon you in PURE WARMTH throughout the week to come. Be BLESSED...as always, you are a 'Jewel'...


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Yup...in SPADES Merrilee,

Incidentally I really LIKE your name! Please don't take that as ANYTHING other than a simple compliment...I'm old enough to be 'harmless' at this point Ma'am.

Be Blessed!


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"If the enslaved mini-brains do what they are supposed to do, they are rewarded with lots of pleasure. If the enslaved mini-brains do not do what they are supposed to do, they are hit with lots of “irregular electrical activity”. In other words, these miniature human brains are tortured until they learn to obey."

Switch out "enslaved mini-brains" for "children", and this is how every child-rearing book instructs parents how to raise a good child. Same for military trainees, pets, and to some degree, employees.

Thank the likes of the Elon Musks of the world for this stuff.

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Dwar Ev stepped back and drew a deep breath. “The honor of asking the first question is yours, Dwar Reyn.”

“Thank you,” said Dwar Reyn. “It shall be a question which no single cybernetics machine has been able to answer.”

He turned to face the machine. “Is there a God?”

The mighty voice answered without hesitation, without the clicking of a single relay.

“Yes, now there is a God.”

Sudden fear flashed on the face of Dwar Ev. He leaped to grab the switch.

A bolt of lightning from the cloudless sky struck him down and fused the switch shut.

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..___ been doing this with the frozen [. ] kept in the Deep freezes @ the antiarctic, scary and maybe ‘damnable’ but science trudges on ! Will (we) learn of or anything and most importantly will the Right thing be done by those in the (capture) wether they were willing or merely signed over to science’ (?)

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It was noticed decades ago that frozen corpses (some) whatever That’ specifically meant, when examined long periods after they were kept in the same sequestered sanctuary were (found) to have made strangely ‘incremental’ movement as though to proceed in some manner or mode .. theres’That !!

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artificial neurons[nerve network] are already a fact as of the late 1980’s (Japan)

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And Spock is my future grandfather.

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Does this mean that we as humans have 'skin in the game'?

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God destroyed the world during Noah’s time because of the evil in the world, man’s rebellion including the nephilim. He has truly been patient and long suffering not willing anyone should perish 2Peter3:9. The Nephilim was the evil experiment using God’s creation (man) and again there is nothing new under the sun. God considered that evil in Noah’s day and He is the same today .

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Sick to my stomach...

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I had to read this twice and still shocked trying to wrap my human brain around this. Sounds to me like Frankenstein. We have billions of people on earth with human brains but this company is developing little brains to replace chips! Is the day coming when your new car isn’t operating right and the service tech says oh we just need to replace Organoids. Obviously too many people with brains aren’t using them well if this is what they create.

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So much of our "entertainment" is, in reality predictive programming.

These kinds of advancements scare the daylights out of me. Unfortunately, science is gonna science.

We need a worldwide group of concerned people to put limits on technological advancements, but that will probably only happen after some unthinkable disaster.

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All in all , they are building a better brick machine ,for the Wall.

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