The 2023 Sukkot War between Judah/Israel and Islam is the largest "Black Swan" in centuries. This is bigger than the war in Ukraine, the pandemic, 9/11 and the Iraq War, combined. Once Israel sends troops into Gaza, I posit the "Great Tribulation" will have begun; while the global fiat money system of US Dollar reserve currency will implode forthwith.

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Our petrol dollar is set to implode no later than July of 2025. Look at any credit or debit card issued.

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It is time to use the money to buy and keep "stuff".

Not only our farmers and ranchers have been sabotaged this Biden season; our Cities and Towns are just 2 Walmart trucks away from panic.

China may be too busy to produce "Made in China" stuff too?

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Well said.

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I question whether the "Time of Jacob's Trouble" did indeed begin with the jihadist attack. It occured on the 8th and great day of the Feast of Tabernacles.

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Yes, you certainly are not wrong. It is my understanding the "Time of Jacob's Trouble" and the "end of the Times of the Gentiles" are simultaneously occurring events.

The "time of Jacob's trouble" refers to the difficulties that the Jewish people will face during the seven-year tribulation period, according to Jeremiah 30:7. During this time, the Jewish temple will be rebuilt, but it will be desecrated. The Antichrist will break a covenant and set himself up as a ruler and expect to be worshiped. AND:

It is at Christ’s return that the "Times of the Gentiles will end". Jesus Christ will swiftly defeat all of the nations who will turn and fight against Him, and He will then reign forever as King of Kings and Lord of Lords (Daniel 2:44; Revelation 19:11-16).

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Almost there, the 1st seal judgement is the AC bringing world peace and divides the Land (Israel) for a price (rev13, Daniel 11) then 3.5 years later that ends and the war that leads to Armageddon begins,

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Our border is still WIDE Open !

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All kinds of money sent to secure the Ukraine and Israel borders but it is fine not to close ours. I can't speak for others but for me this mentality sucks! Time to put America first.

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Open border may be in "Ze Plan" ?

Thousands of “special interest aliens” plus Cartels are walking into USA, what could go wrong ?

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That rape tactic may work with African or Asian tribal women and girls. The Jews, however, have survived centuries of pogroms, inquisitions and the Nazi genocidal Holocaust. I think it may well blow up in their faces. The Jews had waited and prayed to return and restore their homeland for most of the last 1900 yrs, before 1948. Now they are back...

Then there's another point: American Jews had often turned their backs on the jihadist antics in Israel, until this time. This has infuriated them as well, and rumors of Aliyah are flying n the internet already, so Israel may have reinforcements coming.

Another factor you seem unaware of is the many prophecies connected to Israel now unfolding under our noses, and what the near future holds, for them, us, and all humanity. If, as seems likely, given the rumblings in Iran and Lebanon already, this is the start of the prophesied war in Ezekiel 38 &39, it's leading into a period of judgment on all unrepentant humanity, most especially those who harm Israel. The majority will likely not survive through to the end of Armageddon, of which signs show it's near approach as well.

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And there are a bunch of powerful people calling for a one world government with its own cashless currency. So many Christians are ignoring this. They call those of us who point this out "paranoid conspiracy theorists" and laugh at us. My conservative Christian family dismisses what I say. They refuse to view any videos or read any articles I send their way. Only TV and popular magazines are to be trusted. Never mind that the WEF and WHO themselves have posted their plans on YT or their website. "Ho hum. Let's watch the evening news and then that new show."

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That tidbitwas mentioned in UN Agenda 21, over a decade ago, and called for by Geo Bush (papa), back in the '80s to the UN, but it's ALSO given at least "honorable mention" in the Bible, especially John's Revelation of Jesus Christ (see man of perdition, aka the anti- Christ)

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Islam is an imperial religion, which was spread at the point of a sword. Only the Indonesians converted peaceably over several centuries. Every refence in the Koran to Christians and Jews is pejorative, with some verses stating that devout Muslims are to kill Jews where they find them. So, when you say "radical Islam", it's a repetition of words. Do all Muslims believe them? No, many follow Sufi traditions that rejects the violence. But several hundred million do accept the words as revealed truth from God, so even if they don't participate in the murder of infidels, they also won't do anything to prevent it. You are correct that a tsunami of violence is coming all over the western world from Muslims, directed at everyone else: it's actually already started, except their apologists amongst the pagan and atheist ruling classes explain away the violence as just deranged individuals, or whatever. meantime, they just keep pouring over the borders, along with millions of just regular folks and common criminals. Nothing will change until the white cognitive elites and their families, Republican and Democrat, are being assaulted, raped, and killed off. Then there will be a change, but not until then.

Danny Huckabee

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There are not that many muslims on the American continents, but they are chock full of communists. "Free Palestine" is a rallying cry for communists worldwide. Communist Colombian President Gustavo Petro came out quickly to support the terrorists just in an address more suited to an Iranian Mullah.

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It is not "our leaders" but the specific usurpation of the third term of Barack Obama. He is a Maoist who hates America, hates humanity, and uses the Islamic militants to prophet from war and terror.

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This is exactly why I have my concealed carry license and the insurance to cover my legal fees, should I need to use it. If you are not armed, you will become a target. It's my understanding that Israel has no second amendment and very few citizens are allowed to carry firearms. They were sitting ducks to a bunch of crazies armed with knives and hammers.

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keep your powder dry

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Me thinks the good ol' USofA's 'bout to get exactly what it deserves.

Thanks Michael. God Bless.

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Question - if 2023 is 5783 (Hebrew calendar), and God has given "man" 6000 years to 'get it right', The End is not close, yet? Also, IF the Hebrew way of calculating for years is accurate -or not- (I recall reading once about 175 years have been "misplaced, shall we say), " man" can't be sure of calendar timing anyway . No doubt "Jews" trust their current Hebrew calendar, though. No wonder only God can know the accurate time/date for anything . 🤔

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The biggest danger is developing (using AI to 'communicate'). This attached video w/Whitney Webb clarifies things, listen carefully to her understandings of many things, she's an untapped resource of truths ! https://youtu.be/rYyTyXpdQRI?si=

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God did not give man 6000 years to get it right. He out of His grace used 6000 years to reveal His plan of salvation (the Cross- "Jesus came at just the right time" and have it preached to the whole world, then the end will come. The 6000 years was to show we can't get it right and we are under judgement and can only get it right in Christ because He got it right for us.

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I understand that, it's why I put 'get it right' in quotes, we all know MAN can never get it right, only Jesus can. My focus is knowing "Jews" are operating from a flawed calendar. So they will be very surprised when their controlling plan FAILS, miserable. God is giving "the (Orthodox, pagan) Jews enough rope to hang themselves . They are the ultimate FOOLS on earth, in my humble opinion . 🙏

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Yes Michael, they have come here in droves. Again, this is being allowed, so when the terror attacks happen, we can say, we are a victim now and we can wrap ourselves in the American flag with a Bible in our hand and go to war. This is how we got into WW I and WWII it's how America roles, it's how we get into wars and get congress and the American people behind this. This is coming and millions will die, just what the globalist want, and all they have to do is sit back and watch us destroy ourselves.

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Boy are you right! And it is beyond frustrating. Anytime you hear friends and family chatting about the personal lives of those MSM morning show hosts, you know that they have absolutely ZERO clue about what is truly going on in the world. One of my Christian friends believes so fully that everything happening is entirely pre-ordained (and I suppose that “free will” is not a thing) that she sees no logic in anyone fighting back against the rising tide of tyranny. I have a handful of friends and family with whom I can actually discuss what is really happening. They are a true respite for me.

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Let’s not ever forget this is not just Hamas. It’s Islam. This is a religious slaughter.

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There are many Islamic Imans who want peace, who want unity with Christian, Jews and Moslems.


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Isreal brought this on itself. What goes around comes around. Screw IsraHELL!

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