Howdy Y'all,

Let me be very direct here: Helicopters require an INORDINATE amount of meticulous maintenance is order to NOT fall out of the sky...REGULARLY.

I FREQUENTLY was aboard UH-1's during various of the REFORGER exercises (an Annual event whilst I was Enlisted) and at EACH and EVERY stop those made ferrying us from site to site, the Warrant Officers flying those occupied all thier 'ground time' simply crawling over the craft, METICULOUSLY examing everything in sight.

To do otherwise was to INVITE a visit from the GRIM REAPER. Period.

The Bell 212 was virtually synonymous with the UH-1 'Twin Huey' which was a Stalwart of the Vietnam Era...as famously depicted in "Apocalypse Now" starring Robert Duval. Our guys at LEAST had personal NVD (Nght Vision Devices either of the Light Amplification variants OR instead of the IR persuasion) which per ZH the Iranians lacked (???).

Attempting to FLY through Fog without that latter variant was, is and always will be simply put here, "Fulfilling a DEATH WISH". THAT is seriously exacerbated by the presence of MOUNTAINOUS terrain!

Heck, who would NEED to do something to sabotage those craft under the circumstance? Absolutely no one: Mr Raisi and staff were simply "Called Home by THIER DEITY" in my considered opinion.

Bear in mind that given that NO IR devices were present then the Pilots SHOULD have set those Birds DOWN...regardless of WHO didn't like it. PERIOD.

"STOOPID is as STOOPID DOES." is exactly the moral of this story Folks. My own Cousin and his best friend were both KILLED while taking a sight-seeing flight over Lake of the Ozarks in a MUCH better maintained craft.

I KNOW whereof I speak.

Be Well, be SAFE - especially as the incoming FREIGHT TRAIN that is barreling down the tracks at us now APPROACHES - and be BLESSED.

ALSO, I beg you, GTFO NOW if the Spirit even just 'hints' that you SHOULD...

As a final thought here, I'm sure that most of you have heard the old Carpenter's adage,

"Measure TWICE, cut ONCE" certainly.

However, I here offer an updated version more apropos to these Days,


Auf Weidersehen mien Freundin.


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Kobe Bryant had just put out an occult magic book with a creepy front cover. (I saw it and was surprised by the culture of evil that has invaded every facet of American life directed at the children , God was not pleased with Kobe's book, TRAINING CAMP

From the Wizenard series , Vol. 1



NBA superstar is part of a writing duo that combines basketball and magic to tell the story of a struggling inner-city team.)

before he got into a practically new high tech chopper with his daughter and friends. Like Iran's Raisi, the pilot hit a mountain in poor visibility and only small pieces were left.

Lesson here , Be careful who you hang around with.

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Howdy Brother!

Yup...that AIN'T mere 'Coincidence' now is it?

Game, Set and MATCH...for MARCEL!


Keep 'em coming Sir...you ARE doing 'your JOB'!

Fond Regards my Friend...


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What crowd ?

I can't say I fully understand God's ways, but He sure owns every soul. Sad reality is most think not.

They find out too late that they've been deceived big time.

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Just a 'figure of speech' Sir, "The Crowd" that is! Indeed WHO amongst Men can fathom our Fathers thought? Why NONE at all!

There we begin to understand WHY Faith is so critically IMPORTANT in our relationship WITH Him, certainly. HIS thought lies WHOLLY beyond our KEN...we cannot understand HIM in that wise, so FAITH in His Mighty Love for us tiny, little things defines HOW we must ACCEPT His 'Mysterious Ways'.

It is true that MANY will NOT accept His Gracious Gift, that of His only begotten SON: I MOURN for all such, however THAT is exactly WHAT "Free Will" is, isn't it?.

Be Thou WELL and BLESSED my Brother.

Jesus is on His way very soon now...never have I been SO THRILLED to know such a thing.

Praise God in the HIGHEST!

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Amen, I'm blessed, don't live in a godless Democrat ruined city.

From gateway pundit;

“Does your Target have to lock up, in plastic boxes, literally every item?” Johnson quipped. “As soon as you get in the shopping area, you notice that everything, I mean everything, is locked up inside of little plastic containers that would be very, very hard to steal.”

“This is what a zero-trust society looks like.”


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Yes Sir,

It WILL get MUCH worse presently.

In my view the next significant change we will see will be a rather abrupt announcement on the part of MAJOR retailers to the effect that they are preparing to simply 'evacuate' a VERY LARGE number of Metropolitan areas, in toto.

That will have 'follow-on' effects includung - but not limited to - major "Bottom-Line MISSES", and a very sudden dramatic increase in employees being terminated.

This will set up a response loop that will further exacerbate matters: Less Employed, less 'discretionary income' hence a stringent tightening of the Noose around Retailers Necks...rinse and repeat, REPEATEDLY.

Again, I am WHOLLY not concerned as to any impact on me and mine; our 'selection' of locale renders all such concerns 'Moot'. Period.

I DO feel Pity for all who FAILED to heed the Spirit's call - much earlier, since removing one's Life FAR AWAY is an enormous task - and thence REMOVED themselves from the 'Cess Pools' which all metro areas are rapidly becoming...some are ALREADY THERE as is evident in daily news today. Yet, "Free Will", Si S'enor?

Be well and SAFE my Friend...the latter being much more difficult in time to come. Also, be BLESSED...


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I tried giving you a like but the algorithm control masters have made that button inoperable for my Android.

Agree 100% with you. Snyder calls it a mystery. He should read the Bible more.

It's God who makes His enemies stupid enough to fly an old bird in fog and bad weather.

Job 12

He deprives the leaders of the earth’s people of intelligence

And makes them wander in a pathless wasteland.

25 They grope in darkness with no light,

And He makes them stagger like a drunken person....

And it's God who gave the USA a senile pervert old fool to lead America to hell. Psalm 9:17 KJV.

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Hello Marcel!

Yuppers! As in days of OLD, such as with PHAROH, the LORD raised that one UP with the PURE INTENTION of casting him DOWN; to SERVE as a LESSON...

It is *likely* that Iran's vituperative HATRED of Israel is - NOW- coming back upon them WITH INTEREST DUE. I never take 'Joy' in anyone getting on HIS 'BAD side'. I admit freely, that I myself did just such a stoopid thing (no, that was NOT a typo; I USE that occaisionally to serve as a HIGHLY emphatic variant of the actual word itself, FWIW.)

Also, I DID give over to my own particular RANT-style earlier this evening in Michael's LATEST forum regarding the WEALTH Disparity GAP which has grown to be vastly LARGER now than our own Grand Canyon.

But that is neither HERE, nor THERE, eh?

Sometimes a specific thing COMPELS us - individually - to VENT: I am NOT immune to that, certainly.

I trust that your Sabbath was restful and serene? Mine was...until Monday, when we set out upon the FINAL LEG of Closing on my new HOME here in the North; I am NOT overly FOND of attending 58 pages of documents, HALF of which require a Notary: Grrrrrrr!

However, TOMORROW the required Escrow Funds will be wired to the Holding Company and - at last - I am COMPLETED. Halellujah!

Be well, BE VIGILANT now, especially as I think it likely that Iran is going to attempt to ACCUSE 'outside influences' as responsible, inasmuch as thier HOLD on Power amongst thier own People may well be of concern to them, VERY.

But also, as well, BE BLESSED my Friend!


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Stoopid can be a good thing when I look in the mirror and say , God help this stupid soul get thru life. He is Lord.

The pride of man is his downfall.

I pray for humility EVERY DAY.

Jesus has me tucked away in the woods. Had to execute an oak snake the other day because of my past unforgiving memory of one some years back wrapping itself and killing on one of my baby chicks.

The only reason I saw it was by the grace of God. Lesson, stay alert , the snakes are out and about quietly slithering close by.

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Agreed. Toss in the gusty winds, and a crash was nearly guaranteed!

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It's God who says ; 'Your Time is up'

How thankful are you for every day ?

"And do not be afraid of those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell."

Matthew 10: 28

The fear of God which Jesus taught is something lost on most Christian's today.

It's the beginning of wisdom and will keep you alive and out of much trouble

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Irrelevant as there are no true leaders in the world and any one of these clowns will be replaced with another and nothing will change.

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If not an accident, what is the likelihood that the US or Israel is responsible for the death of Raisi(n) and some of his henchmen? Although somewhat likely, what is more probable is that the satanic global cabal is behind this. It seems that since the beginning of the Covid plandemic, many world leaders have died or mysteriously vanished. That's the way these inhuman creeps play-- if you don't play by our rules, then we won't let you play. I also want to mention that for the last few years, more global threats have been occurring. The frequency of events is meant to confuse us and instill fear. The rich devils are getting quite good at this. Submit and die or resist and live. The choice is still ours to make.

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How can I rebel against what has planned for me, God has ordained these things for His Saints in these last days, what a privilege is to be considered worthy to suffer fir His name

1 Peter 4:12-16

Suffering for Being a Christian

12 Dear friends, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. 13 But rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed. 14 If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you. 15 If you suffer, it should not be as a murderer or thief or any other kind of criminal, or even as a meddler. 16 However, if you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but praise God that you bear that name.

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You left the Giver of Life & Death out of your thinking 🤔.

"And do not be afraid of those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell."

Matthew 10.

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"...will eventually emerge from inside Iran is that either the U.S. or Israel is responsible..." That's conjecture, Michael, and doubly so in the current climate of heightened tension. For Iran to accuse either the US or Israel of murdering Raisi is to declare war. I don't think Iran wants that sort of escalation, and I don't think Israel or the US does either (well, apart from the Uniparty Beltway morons obviously).

Apparently this was a 70s era heli, which is frankly bizarre as either Russia or China could have sold Iran modern, state-of-the art helicopters. Additionally, they flew in fog, and flew with key people on the same chopper. Not sure who planned this, but it's piss poor - amateurish, even.

But that also makes you wonder if this was actually something more in line with Michael's assertion that this happened in extremis, and as a deliberate act of war. (I guess that one should never underestimate the CIA (or Mossad) for their depravity and willingness to torch the world.)

Seriously hope not, but let's never underestimate the neocon / neolib uniparty willingness to do stupid, or insanely stupid.

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Too late; they already HAVE blamed Israel!

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The weather in that part of Iran can change on a moments notice. The fog in those high altitudes are common and when the fog roles in flying can be treacherous. Yes, this could of been an accident/ pilot error.

I really like the phase Michael uses here,

There Sure Has Been A Lot Of “International Intrigue” Lately

The key word here is intrigue. The word means usually a complex behind the scenes planing or intrigue to bring about surprise or secret scheme. What happens is not is what is expected.

This term is used twice by Daniel in 8:22-24

The four horns that replaced the one that was broken off represent four kingdoms that will emerge from his nation but will not have the same power. 23 “In the latter part of their reign, when rebels have become completely wicked, a fierce-looking king, (Antioch IV brutal rise to power- a fore-runner of the man of Sin) a master of intrigue, will arise. 24 He will become very strong, but not by his own power (Satan's help). He will cause astounding devastation and will succeed in whatever he does. He will destroy those who are mighty, the holy people.

Clearly a depiction of the brutality then and what is to come under the Anti-Christ.

This realization of the Judgement on Israel and the world by God made Daniel ill for 3 weeks

Daniels uses it again in 11:20-22

His successor will send out a tax collector to maintain the royal splendor. In a few years, however, he will be destroyed, yet not in anger or in battle. 21 “He will be succeeded by a contemptible person who has not been given the honor of royalty. He will invade the kingdom when its people feel secure, and he will seize it through intrigue. 22 Then an overwhelming army will be swept away before him; both it and a prince of the covenant will be destroyed.

Again as in Antiochus IV he comes to power by Intrigue the little horn overpowering 10 kings where they surrender their power to this tyrant king again making a clear reference to the Anti-Christ of the last days.

We even see this now how the powers of today are planning the distractions of America to replace it with a secret plan to change the world order to a new one.


What is shocking in the article is that there is shock an awe that this is happening. When this plan has been in place for over 100 years, and they are just now figuring this out? This is all globalism 101 stuff. For me what is going on here is at a high spiritual intrigue where God is giving Satan his moment in the sun to accomplish God's plan to judge, deceive and sift the world in these last days. As it was horrible under A.A. IV so will it be under the man of Sin when he comes to power.

The sad thing is there are so many in America think we can cancel the Apocalypse and for America to wake up and stop this. What they fail to see is this was all part of God's plan from the beginning, what is driving this is far beyond any earthly powers, this man comes to powers with a plan of intrigue that we will not fully be understood until it comes to light. Jesus said as you see these things come to pass then and only then will you know what this all means.

We need to understand that God is giving us an opportunity (the privilege) to be considered worthy to suffer for the sake of "the Name" and we need to embrace what God has called us for in these last days.

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