When will young women wake up and realize we're NOT men and can't do what men do. We are constantly at war with our bodies. Killing your child has consequences, even if not legally. Spiritually and emotionally it takes a TERRIBLE toll and unfortunately it can also leave you unable to ever conceive again. Being a woman and being able to give life is the most important thing in the world...wish I would've known that 25 years ago.

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One of my foster moms had an abortion at 45 years old. It ain't just young girls looking out for their futures.

I just checked post-abortion stats and interviews. A pretty hefty majority are very happy with their choices not to become parents, or to become parents later in life once they had their crap together. Instances of regret were very, very rare. You're right about giving life being the most important thing in the world. That's a real good reason to make sure it's a smart, well thought out action and not just a ruh-tarded "oopsie"

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I wanted to come out of the gate swinging but I won't. I pray that LORD blesses you abundantly with his glory.

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The US started its downfall in the early 1960s. We are now so far down the sewer there is no way this country can continue. Abortion, LGBT-XYZ, transgender conversion being pushed on children. History is full of nations which have gone down this same path and suddenly they cease to exist. We, the US, and Western Europe are next. Our current president was put into this office to finish off this country and start WW3. He is doing a good job.

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It all comes from Jews.

The current "president" as well as all the other ones serve the Jews.

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We wonder where the people are to fill our employment rolls. Everyone is asking where our nation's employees are. Where is the next generation needed to make our industrial gears turn and make us once again a dynamic nation among the nations of the world. We murdered them for our convenience. Since most of those murdered are not from our upper classes we did not care. Since we love death so much as a nation, we better get used to a lot of it in the next couple years. God is going to look the other way, because God is going to give up on us, actually he already has. Abortion and our taste for unnatural sex is actually the punishment of God for our abandoning Him (Romans 1:18-32)

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The real Judgement of God upon America cannot be far off at this point! Too much depravity and abomination is going on and tolerated in this Nation!

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There is also no future for America if children who made it alive are sent to fight foreign wars. Also, think of it, the population of Gaza consists a big percentage of them are women and children. That robs them of ever having a future. I just wanted you to acknowledge Justice and liberty for all God's creation.

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And do you know that women in Gaza are opting for C-sections with no anesthesia just to make sure their babies are born safely? Israel is holding off any medical supplies, even the necessary humanitarian aid, so kudos to these loving mothers who REALLY have the necessary love to bring children into this world. It's these women and children I pray for the most.

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The IDF bends over backwards trying to minimize civilian casualties. You need to understand it's Hamas holding them in harm's way or killing those trying to leave. NO other military has personally phoned people on their private phones to warn of a pending target they should leave, including the US. But HAMAS declared this war, and IsraelIS going to finish it. War is ugly and deadly. Nation building COMES AFTER the war, and it too is already planned, or at least in the planning. Time to stop blaming Israel for defending herself. After all, the "Palestinians" are squatting on Israeli land; the ONLY land in all of history ever personally covenanted by our Creator, Yhwh, to any people group, in perpetuity.

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You need to study the history of this region to understand just who is parking it on who's land. Defending 1400 deaths, and no Hamas was not right, but defending it with over 10,000 deaths of woman and children in Gaza somehow makes it right for you? are you serious? I stand with the victims of these out of control governments. Both sides! SAVE YOU ANTI SEMITE BS PLEASE.

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I HAVE studied the history, and the conflicting ideologies as well. I know precisely who is "parking" on whose land. I am "defending" no deaths, but I understand war, and who declared this particular iteration thereof. I ALSO understand a much broader panorama of what this war is a part of, who is behind it, and where it's leading. I think you have a bit of tunnel vision here. This crap has gone on for decades; it's time to put a stop to it, and that means by destroying those who persist in initiating it. Yes more will die to accomplish that; FAR MORE will die in future if it's not done! How do you NOT comprehend that??? Hamas will not live in peace; listen to what they are chanting, to what it really is saying! Evidently YOU are cool with the slaughter of every non-Muslim on the face of the Earth, because THAT is the end goal of Islam! Jews first, in Israel, then around the world, then the rest of us. That's presuming,of course,the PTB don't beat them to it and kill all of them too. Have you considered that?

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They're seeing through your lies, Chaim! :D

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The only lies they CAN be seeing are yours, unless "they" are as ignorant as you are....

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Folks...99.9% of all "Christians" have never even HEARD of "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion".

The percentage of "Christians" that might identify it as "debunked fraud" is so small as to be minuscule. ONLY A JEW CALLS THE PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION A DEBUNKED FRAUD. No "Christian" does this because they lack the foundational basis for making such a claim.

Sandra Lee Smith is a JEW pretending NOT TO BE. Why do you hide in plain sight, Jew? Why not stand up and admit what you are to everyone, so we might know the bias of your comments?

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Well too bad you were wrong AGAIN.Why don'you go play with someone in your IQ range.. Obviously your assumptions are not up to the challenge andI have better things to do than try to re-educate a zealot convinced of "superiority" .

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"I have better things to do than try to re-educate a zealot convinced of "superiority".

Except...you don't have anything better to do which allowed you to type out a cop out. Huh...that's a weird schedule you have.

Here's where you get OWNED, JEW.

You just stepped on a landmine and your ignorance has blown up in your face.

Here's the setup. It's Genesis chapter 4. Cain has just slain Abel, his half brother. God is in the process of casting him from the garden, and the following is Cain's response to GOD, upon learning of his expulsion:

Genesis 4:14 "Behold, thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the land; and from thy face shall I be hidden; and I shall be a fugitive and a wanderer on the earth; and it shall come to pass, that whoever finds me shall slay me."


Wait a second...if it's only Adam...Eve...Cain...and now dead Abel....

THEN WHO IN THE HELL IS "WHOEVER"?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Idiot. Ignoramus. Charlatan. Liar.

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Here is a fool that's never read the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.

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Why should I read a debunked fraud?

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This was the fool's last post.

You all know why this was its last post?

Because it realized with this post that it revealed itself to be a Jew. And it wasn't supposed to do that.

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Folks...what we have HERE, is a JEW that is PRETENDING TO BE A CHRISTIAN. And the reasons for doing this can ONLY BE NEFARIOUS.

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Hey, look, spouting Jew propaganda.

I though you said you weren't a Jew.

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Just curious. Who made you in charge of who lives and who dies? MSM? All lives matter, even the ones you apparently hate. And sorry, I don't have "tunnel visions" I have eyes wide open and know God doesn't teach genocide to any race or culture. Hamas and IDF are just 2 peas in a pod. Both are monsters and will kill others to destroy themselves. And neither give a flip about their citizens. Better understand that probably includes you.

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Where do y'all keep reading "hate" in my comments? Are you so pre-programmed that if anyone dares disagree with you, it's automatically hate??? I spent most of my life taking care of others in 1 way or another, most of them strangers.

Perhaps you should try reading the Bible with the Holy Spirit for a change,instead of in your own understanding. Ever hear of the Canaanites? Or read what happened at Sodom and Gomorrah? Maybe you missed the part about Noah's flood? Or what is yet in store, to all evidence in the very near future, for all unrepentant humanity? Yhwh is a God of mercy, but He is also a God of righteousness, and that aspect of His nature must also be met.

Since I am a natural born American living in the US, I think IDF is the least of my worries. I'm more apt to be killed by a rattle snake, or a criminal invader, who's jumped our border. Your eyes are not as wide open as you seem to think.

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It ran away once it realized it was getting owned, lmao.

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Watch me crush this fool.

Say, Sandra, what people were on earth before the time of Genesis?

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I bet you're one of the people that thinks everyone on earth is somehow descended from Noah's sons...

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What a distorted reasoning. Warning people in hospitals who cannot be moved anywhere? Warning to go where? You all have not become human yet!!!!! All land on earth belongs to God. Moslems, Christians and Jews lived there in harmony before 1948. You all have minds sick unto death, desiring legalized murder. Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 AD because of disobedience and rebellion to God. Dehumanizing others and destroying people who are different, is Nazi war crime. Israeli military and All isresli's who support legalized murder which is war are All Nazis. You are a nazis for your sympathy with criminal viciousness that has the potential for world war and destruction of israel and all other countries.

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Hamas is the Govt in Gaza. Their leaders live as billionaires Qatar. They spent millions on tunnels and defenses, weapons for this attack. They placed these tunnels under schools hospitals, apt buildings and parks to maximize collateral damage no matter how large the war. These leaders provide the hostages with everything they need while for years their people struggle on the brink of real poverty. All of this is Hamas' fault. They don't care about their people. They are using them to start a war to kick Israel out of their land. When their ancestors came here 3500 years ago from the Mediterranean area (they are not Arabs) they came to the land of the Canaanites. They melded into that very pagan and brutal culture of Child sacrifice. Not much has changed in 3500 years. God sent Israel to cleans the land, it may be happening again.

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So much evil has been generated and still is going on in the name of religion. Past and present. In every nation. Dark minds illusion to create more evil in the name of good.

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Cleanse the land by shedding the blood of children and women, civilians and destruction of infrastructure? What a mind sick unto death, distorted reasoning! Shedding blood, committing legalized murder, creating more wrong to correct the wrong? That is not God's way, but definitely devil's way to justify evil as good

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The "Nazis" were the good guys, I'm afraid. Equating communist Bolshevik Jews with "Nazis" is disingenuous.

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How can any evil be good? Anything authoritarian that imposes tyranny and oppression generates evil. Any ideology that desires supremacy and intrudes on the right of others to be free and be left alone generates evil. The crimes of bolsheviks and Nazis are the same. Dehumanizing others and self aggrandizement of a group generates atrocity. So both are creators of evil.

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"Crimes of Nazis"?

WHAT "Crimes of Nazis"???

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Human experimentations and misuse of scientific powers to dominate others. And "inclusion and diversity" means that diverse groups, ethnicity, religions, are recruited and participate in the same criminal activity by misuse of scientific knowledge and domination by technology

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Every patient in that hospital COULD be moved to safety. I KNOW it can be done, because I've participated in the actual doing of such, decades ago. The problem is HAMAS blocks departure, even to the point f murdering their own to prevent them going to safety, or do you claim to not know that???

Yes, all land belongs to Yhwh, so only HE has the right to bequeath any portion to anyone of His choosing, and the only time that has occurred is the covenant between Him and Abraham giving the land Abraham could see in all directions to the children of Israel (Jacob) in perpetuity!

Be very careful who you label "Nazis"; I think you are throwing out a term you truly do not comprehend. Not only am I not an ideological Nazional Sozialist from Germany (Nazi), I am not advocating "legalized murder", nor have I ever. However being the child of 2 veterans of that war in the '40s, and a veteran of the Vietnam era in the US as well, I understand that war is an ugly thing that should never be started if you don't have a plan to finish it and an "exit" strategy. It should always be a LAST resort. That said, when another unjustly starts a war, one has 2 choices: finish it , or be conquered. Wars are ALWAYS started in a bed of lies, just as this one has been. "Palestinians" in Gaza chose Hamas to govern there, and have been oppressed by Hamas since, but rather than face their own bad choice, they tell and believe the lie that it's Israel oppressing them. Do you KNOW what Gaza City looked like under Israeli protection and leadership? It was beautiful, overflowing with the good things of life. Since Hamas took over it has gone the way of once beautiful and vibrantly cosmopolitan Cairo, for the same reasons. If you want to know what those Nazis in the '30s and '40s REALLY were like, LOOK honestly and clinically at Hamas, at Hezbollah, at all Nusra, at Bok Haram, or any other faction of the Muslim Brotherhood, who, BTW,, were closely allied with Hitler and his Nazi party through those years! THAT's what Nazis look like: murdering their own as much as everyone else! Hate and fear were their weapons too. I feel sorry for your naive ignorance, swallowing the hates and lies of others, without ever looking for the TRUTH. I'm retired now, but I was an RN, and an EMS 1st responder, not a killer. Not even in the military.

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Don't you know hammas was funded and trained by israel. You are a racist.

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Don't you know anything about the MB? No, although I'm sure beginning to think we made a serious mistake in sharing with some groups of ingrates.

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Yep. Fools require echo chambers to maintain their status as fools. Allowing strangers into your echo chamber can lead to new ideas.

New ideas are scary, especially if the old ones came from propaganda programming.

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Get an education then come back with some facts. Till then you are just spouting an opinion you have been propagandized to believe.

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What? An indoctrination like yours? Thanks, no. I graduated half a century ago, THEN I got educated, an ongoing process. I think you're too "woke" to understand what's actually happening in the world even let alone the full scope of events.

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Your hatred has a stench that's offensive to God.

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There is nobody more brainwashed in this "country" than people that were trained in Rockefeller "medicine".

It shows here in spades.

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You’re right. So many really love abortion. As the late and great Mike Trivisonno said ‘I don’t understand the world I’m living in’ or something close.

I’m part of the Ohio 43%. Honestly I think most Ohioans are stoned. I can prove that (issue 2). They simply don’t care about right or wrong anymore.

I still hope they vote republican and I hope they remember to vote, now that they have everything they want.

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Ohio girl here and I am ashamed of my fellow citizens.

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You're very right, Michael.

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Nov 9, 2023·edited Nov 9, 2023

America has already chosen the evil path, let’s face it. We have a double of Biden (clone) and he is an “empty vessel” for demon(s) to inhabit that body. So demons are controlling the American population. The election was stolen by these filthy demons.

It’s all going down folks!

If you died tomorrow, where will your soul spend eternity? Heaven or hell? That is the bottom line. Lost souls matter and I care enough to share the gospel (good news) with lost souls.

1 Corinthians 15:1-4 - Saves lost souls when you believe.

Ephesians 2:8-9 - We are saved by Grace through Faith.

Ephesians 1:13 - Saved and SEALED with The Holy Spirit of promise.

You MUST BE BORN AGAIN, then let The Holy Spirit guide you into all truth, it’s the only way!

We are truly running out of time! Today is THE DAY of your Salvation, now is the accepted time because tomorrow is not promised.

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I love how states are legalizing abortion until as they call it the fetus is viable. I'm sorry but there is no such thing. A new born is not viable either. Until a child can walk well it is not even remotely viable and even once walking it can at best beg for food. So let's just say you have the right to kill your child until the age of 2 or 3. Or maybe just make the age of emancipation since the parents are still responsible.

Of course this sounds absurd but so does killing the baby in the womb.

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Babylon, the Prostitute on the Beast

Revelation 17: One of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and said to me, “Come, I will show you the punishment of the great prostitute, who sits by many waters. With her the kings of the earth committed adultery, and the inhabitants of the earth were intoxicated with the wine of her adulteries.” Then the angel carried me away in the Spirit into a wilderness. There I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast that was covered with blasphemous names and had seven heads and ten horns. The woman was dressed in purple and scarlet, and was glittering with gold, precious stones and pearls. She held a golden cup in her hand, filled with abominable things and the filth of her adulteries. The name written on her forehead was a mystery: "Babylon the great, the mother of prostitutes and of the abominations of the earth."

I saw that the woman was drunk with the blood of God’s holy people, the blood of those who bore testimony to Jesus.

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Of course America loves baby slaughter. Just like they love everything perverted like LGBTQ, pill for ills, vaccines that kill and destroy lives, child trafficking and drug/sex orgies in the desert. Throw in also the education system that grooms the children to endorse these lifestyles from kindergarten on and the blood thirsty government that calls for War, War, War and genocide to certain races and cultures. Will this country survive? I still hope it will but honestly if the sheep keep baaing along and believing the propaganda fed like a bale of hay, I doubt it. God, I am glad I am old and got to grow up with some morals, clean food and God in my life. I truly pity the children today that may never know any of this.

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The LGBTQ agenda comes from Jews, you know.

Here's someone else that agrees. You may have heard of him...


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Yes I know that. pretty well explains why this country is falling over their own feet to financially support this agenda. We live in a really sick society. I will never support what Hamas did, nor will I support what Israel is doing. They are both blood hungry globalist with one goal that has nothing to do with people. I stand with the citizens on both sides that never deserved any of this. I seriously wonder when the US is attacked if anyone will stand with us? Why would they.

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Why is anyone stunned about this? We’ve been on this road for years. It’s super obvious that half the GOP wishes they didn’t have to talk about abortion and the pro-life movement isn’t organized or funded enough to defeat these initiatives on the state level.

RTL is great at doing legislative races, but they aren’t in charge of defeating these initiatives. The orgs in charge are usually broke shoestring operations nobody has ever heard of that are barely staffed and have minimal funding. The Dems are just out organizing and out fundraising these groups at every turn. Pro choice is a bread/butter issue for Dems in a way that Pro-life just isn’t for Reps.

We rested our laurels on being able to do a great March in DC every year, but We got lazy and stopped educating people who aren’t in politics. At least, That’s the main takeaway I got from the Michigan March for Life today.

We had a good crowd turn up despite the rain and cold a few thousand),but geez, the event felt like it belonged to another era. If I were younger and less religious, I really wouldn’t have been able to relate to most the speakers at all.

I think I’m just more stunned that Michael and others are ‘stunned’ than by the actual results. I never bought that Ohio would reject the initiative because I saw what happened here in Michigan in 2022 and the pro choice side ran the same playbook in Ohio. And it didn’t surprise me that the pro-life side learned absolutely nothing from that loss.

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Although I'm not anti-choice myself I'm still a conservative Christian and I do respect my brothers and sisters who take the anti-choice stance. I think your opinion is off about fundraising. Anti-choice measures have always been the right's bread, butter, and caviar. The left doesn't need to fundraise on something so fundamental tho their base. If they raised any money on abortion this time I bet it would be to appeal to non-liberals, because choice and family planning are not just popular for the dems only. More than half of the girls getting abortions include themselves as church-going Christians. Red voters also voted to save choice.

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I’ve worked in politics. I know exactly how broke these smaller organizations are. Brands like ‘RTL’ or ‘Susan B Anthony’ might lend their name for an endorsement and it’s spread all over the literature that’s put out, but that doesn’t equate to cash for the organization. No cash - no TV commercials. In larger markets, that’s super important.

Republicans are very divided on abortion in a way that Dems are not. A lot think just saying ‘pro-life’ means they’ve addressed the issue and don’t have to actually explain their positions.

The overturn of Roe caught R’s flat-footed because now they have to do more than say they are pro-life. People want actual positions and politicians either pivot to ‘tax cuts’ which is also a loser for many people or they don’t adequately explain anything. Very few R’s can actually talk about abortion and life issues in a way that doesn’t make the audience cringe afterwards. I cringe a lot and I’m pro-life.

The reality is that most people (left, right, center) want exceptions, but also favor some limits. We need policies to reflect that.

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There are a lot of "church-going Christians" that think Jesus was Jewish, despite that being false, too.

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Genisis 4:1-2 Now the man (Adam) had relations with his wife Eve, and she conceived and gave birth to Cain, and she said, “I have gotten a man child with the help of the Lord.” 2 Again, she gave birth to his brother Abel. And Abel was a keeper of flocks, but Cain was a tiller of the ground.

The serpent's seed is all of fallen/wicked men ( for all men have fallen short of the Glory of God- we are all sinners and under Satan's influence and God's judgement) Jesus clarifies this;

Matt13:38-39 & John 8:4-7 and the field is the world; and as for the good seed, these are the sons of the kingdom; and the tares are the sons of the evil one; 39 and the enemy who sowed them is the devil...

The scribes and the Pharisees *brought a woman caught in adultery, and having set her in the center of the court, they *said to Him, “Teacher, this woman has been caught in adultery, in the very act. Now in the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women; what then do You say?” They were saying this, testing Him, so that they might have grounds for accusing Him. But Jesus stooped down and with His finger wrote on the ground. But when they persisted in asking Him, He straightened up, and said to them, “He who is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.

The bruised heal of the woman's seed is not the wicked seed but the Holy God-man Seed is Christ, where Satan crushes the seed of the woman's seed heal (Christ on the cross) But the crushed heal is not a fatal wound, Christ rose from the dead on the third day. With raising from the dead Jesus defeated sin, death and the grave and made a spectacles of His enemies the Devil and his minions, defeating them on the cross. Crushing his (Satan's head) he is doomed. Read how this ends for Satan Rev 20:7-15.

This was done while Adam and Eve were still in the Garden Genesis ch3 and they are kicked out of the garden in Genesis Ch 3. It's in Genesis ch 4 the eve gives birth to both Cain and Abel his brother.

See I told you this was Bible 101 stuff. It's right there to read.

The world was cursed by Adam's sin and doomed the world to judgement, but by the second Adam Christ (son of God) the world is restored to a relationship with God by the death and shedding of blood on the cross and raising from the dead glorified. Putting our faith in What Christ did for us on the cross, we repent of our sin and a me run life and pursue a Christ run life via the Holy Spirit given to us, enables us and God gives us His perfect righteousness as a covering for our sin so we can stand before God and walk with Him as Adam and Eve did before the fall.

Here in Genesis we see he Gospel told. The entire Bible all 66 books from Genesis to Revelation point to Christ and His redeeming power to save those who believe in what he did for the whole world and judgement for those who do not. We must choose, eternal life found in Christ who cleanses us from all unrighteousness, or we stand before a holy God as we are (sinners) and face the wrath of God and Judgement.

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It does look like USA has been set-up to fall.

It seems like a deliberate plan to corrupt our Nation's minds and bodies first, before a WW3 ?

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1. This is why people are abandoning both the Republican party AND the church: the lie that people "LOVE" abortion. Nobody LOVES abortion and to say so makes you look like an ignorant ghoul. Females who get abortions don't love it and the doctors who perform abortions don't love it. To say that any pro-choice/pro-freedom of choice person LOVES abortion is as moronic and deceptive as saying that pro-Second amendment people LOVE school shootings. So please stop saying such stupid, divisive things that only cause more harm.

2. My birth parents shouldn't have had me. My birth stopped them from achieving their dreams. I kept them poor. They argued over the many negative situations my birth caused and I witnessed their plight for the first 3 years of my life until my birth mom shot herself in the head just to end the dead-end life they chose. The next 15 years I was human-trafficked into more than a dozen families, some of the wives had abortions because they were smart enough to know that babies cost a lot of time and money. Many of my foster sisters had to have abortions too, and some just had the babies and permanently sealed their own fates.

3. Judging by Facebook accounts of people I know and their extended friends too, many women who WOULDN'T have chosen abortion very definitely chose to end their pregnancies NOW while their RWNJ overlords were threatening to eradicate women's rights all together, believing that if they didn't end their current pregnancies, they'd be forced to keep additional pregnancies in the future and then have too many kids. So they hedged their bets and had abortions. The politicians screaming that abortion is murder are too stupid to know that abortion ISN'T murder and that if you threaten to take something away, people will load up on it while they can. Wouldn't anyone here load up on guns and ammunition if LWNJs said they were making them all illegal?

4. People Trump endorsed lost their races. People Biden endorsed WON. Potential Trump voters said they'll vote for Trump in 2024 UNLESS he gets convicted on any of his charges, in which case they'll stay home or vote 3rd party. This hysterical, non-biblical abortion garbage totally cut the feet out from under any GOP chances at the 2024 polls.

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Me woke? You are insane! I graduated in 1972 and thank God I grew up! Sorry about you. Now take your s##t and git! Got better things to do than spar with a ahole. And please enjoy your own tunnel vision.

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