The question everyone should be asking is why now has this top ranking individual with impeccable credentials been allowed to reveal this in the first place? It's like they want us to know because they are about reveal what has been kept secret for so long. And you can be sure what they are about to reveal is not for mankind's benefit.

Timothy Alberino does a really good interview on this & other topics on hunters quest about 1mth ago, if anyone is interested. He also did a really good interview 2 weeks on AI & where it will lead us.

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Joe Smith

just now

Snyder is a disinformation agent spreading the fraud of Jesus which is easily proven.


The ignorant Christian parrot population spews out what their shirt tailed preachers tell them to believe. The world is held back as a result just as the idiots who arrested Galileo for exposing the stupidity of the Roman Church or Bruno who had his tongue cut out and then was burned at the stake. Were it not for modern laws the Christian idiots posting here in these comments would do the same. WWIII approaches at a geometrically expanding pace. DC, St. Peter's Cathedral and Jerusalem will be huge craters thousands of feet wide. Raw meat cannibalism is coming. Roving bands of apes will Molotov Cocktail out any survivors. Jesus will be crunching popcorn with his naked angels while listening to countless screams in the dark Nuclear Winter countryside. Amen! Pass the plate!

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So if you're not an AI, it's evident you do not have any morals. So how much are they paying you to reek havoc on Christian forums?

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When you cannot deliver facts you turn to lies and insults. Prepare for war not that you have anything worth saving.

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Such arrogance and even more disinfomation or malinformation is repugnant to intelligent readers here. Be gone with you, Satan.

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wait a minute Joe You just boasted about your sources of truth about WW III as Mike Adams and the Liberty Man John Moore, both these guys are Christians and patriots.

You can't have it both ways man. Again you get off script and try to say somehting new and original and all you do is contradict yourself, the ignorant Christian patriots are Are Moore and Adams, so you are condemning your own source of information.

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If a Christian tells me a house is on fire it doesn't mean I agree with their religion. In that department they are no more intelligent than you which is not much.

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But Joe in my comment there was no intent that I did, talk about paranoid.

I don't agree with your religion, that goes without saying.

In fact, I have no idea what your religion is.

You have never stated that.

So Joe what is your religion, who your God is and how you relate to him.

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I have no stupid religious beliefs> I was raised and confirmed in a Lutheran church. I had to study the Bible for 2 years with a catechism I am well aware of the BS in the Bible and what they steer you away from so you don't ask questions. That you have never done.. Read Thomas Paine's Age of Reason. That was a great man who did more for this country than any religious pinch eyed preacher. Who says there is a god and who says it is a male with a penis and was its penis bris butchered. or not? If god exists then it is an Atheist. We ascribe to no higher religion than god's own. You are the only god you will ever know. We are the creators in human form. It takes many thousands of incarnations to attain perfection. You don't get shit with a few Hail Marys. There are beings millions of years in advance of Earth man. I have seen them many times and interacted with them.

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So what happened in your Lutheran upbringing that caused you to hate everything and everyone who does not believe like you?

Again Joe why are you so angry? (you still have not answered the question)

Everyone has a religion, a world view that guides their personal life an judges what is right and wrong, good and evil. Joe you have been spouting your religion in most every post, including this one. Thomas Paine had his own personal religious beliefs (religion).

That's lie #1.

Lie #2 was about Thomas Paine being an Atheist.

I taught American History, I'm well read in Thomas Paine.

Thomas Paine hated organized religion all of em, but Paine was a Deist. Paine’s deism, the belief in God was real, but his eschewing of organized religion is often erroneously confused with atheism.

He believed in the total freedom of religion, that each person has the the right to view God and his religion about God (worship) as each believes and that no one or any religion can dictate that to him what that looks like, its between each person and God.

here are some quotes;

Every person, of whatever religious denomination he may be, is a DEIST in the first article of his Creed. Deism, from the Latin word Deus, God, is the belief of a God, and this belief is the first article of every man's creed.

"I do not believe in the creed professed by the Jewish Church, by the Roman Church, by the Greek Church, by the Turkish Church, by the Protestant Church, nor by any Church that I know of. My own mind is my own Church." (each person has their own religion about God)

"Revelation is necessarily limited to the first communication-- after that it is only an account of something which that person says was a revelation made to him;" (First communication w/ a God)

"It is necessary to the happiness of man that he be mentally faithful to himself. Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what one does not believe."

(So Joe why are you so angry, where is your happiness?, You are your own God so why as being the master of your own life you are so angry and unhappy)?

Paine called Christianity the most derogatory system toward the almighty (GOD)-"Of all the systems of religion that ever were invented, there is no more derogatory to the Almighty, more unedifying to man, more repugnant to reason, and more contradictory to itself than this thing called Christianity."

Washington, Jefferson Adams and Franklin were all Deists,

So as you boast about the teachings of Thomas Paine and his Deism and the freedom of religion, respecting the rights of each person to view and worship God as each individual sees fit, so

Then why do you get to promote what you believe about God and man (religion) on this website with real freedom, but everyone else does not. You get to say what is right, but we can't. When you go after us, you have a right to do so, but when we go after you and what you believe you explode demanding we believe as you do?

Where is the freedom of religion there?

If you really believe that, and I don't believe you do), you would respectfully argue your points or you would back your bags and go elsewhere.

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Disclosure Project by Dr Greer is informative as to 100's of witnesses but his conclusions are very concerning.

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If you can post the links, I would like to see them.

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FALLEN ANGELS, GIANTS & ALIENS w/ TIMOTHY ALBERINO / The Hunter’s Quest w/ Hunter McWaters


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AI and the End of Humanity | Beyond the Forbidden Podcast / Timothy Alberino


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I've just posted those 2 articles for you Alanna by Timothy Alberino. Enjoy I would be interested to see what you think?

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Thank you. I'll let you know.

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In the words of Gomer Pyle, "Surprise, surprise, surprise!" The "media" has been mistepresenting a lot of stories.

Just wait until you find out what else they've been lying about: the moon landing, 911, JFK Sr. and Jr's deaths, just to name a few. I, for one, will enjoy the show.

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Oh the moon landing was real. I have a signed photograph by Jim Irwin who by the way is a born again Christian "Jesus walking on earth is more important than man walking on the moon"

He is a very credible witness, Thy saw a lot more on the moon than they could talk about so debunking the moon landings was needed to keep a lid on the alien factor. These guys who are doing this fake news do burn the candle at both ends.

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Snyder is a disinformation agent spreading the fraud of Jesus which is easily proven.


The ignorant Christian parrot population spews out what their shirt tailed preachers tell them to believe. The world is held back as a result just as the idiots who arrested Galileo for exposing the stupidity of the Roman Church or Bruno who had his tongue cut out and then was burned at the stake. Were it not for modern laws the Christian idiots posting here in these comments would do the same. WWIII approaches at a geometrically expanding pace. DC, St. Peter's Cathedral and Jerusalem will be huge craters thousands of feet wide. Raw meat cannibalism is coming. Roving bands of apes will Molotov Cocktail out any survivors. Jesus will be crunching popcorn with his naked angels while listening to countless screams in the dark Nuclear Winter countryside. Amen! Pass the plate!

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The Invention of Jesus by the Flavians. The dumb and ignorant will hide their eyes.

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Nothing gets leaked out that the machine doesn't want us to know. Right now leaks are distractions. Frankly, I believe China has been flying over us in things other than balloons for years. If it wasn't for our spoiled consumers buying all their products, China would have already taken over. God says nothing about space aliens in His Word.

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Joe, again you are dead wrong.

Most Christians live outside the USA and grew up in non Christian cultures and many here grew up in non Christian homes, Critical theory does not work here or anywhere else. And the church of Christ are free to do that, remember your hero Thomas Paine freedom of religion?

You hypocrite, you want freedom to shout out here what you believe and get really mad when you are challenged but everyone else is free game for you to challenge them with unabated bitterness anger and self-righteousness.

All of you is not driven by some principle or truth but by pure anger, bitterness and hatred and what is sad your doing it so that 1000 of people can see that. Do you understand what your doing to yourself?

Again why are you so angry Joe?

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Translating "disinformation" and "hiding materials" is nothing but lies and deceit... the ways of Satan. And, it is only going to get worse with the advancing of Artificial Intelligence pushing out the "disinformation" in many venues including instructional materials for public education.

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about 40 years ago I did some counseling with a retired Satellite Data Analyst from the Air Force. In the midst of him being honest about the mess his life was in he told me what he could about what we have in space, since he had access to all of it. He described it as literally "Star Trek" that's it. We have "platforms" in space the size of a German pocket battleship with 6 incredible technologies if you know what they were would blow you away. (notice the Space Force flag is the star trek emblem, because that's what it is).


Dave Hodges on the Common Sense show reported that his father was part of Operation Paper Clip and they worked on the German Bell and the Germans said they have off planet help.

Yes disclosure is coming, they are here and it will change everything. From the massive amount of eye witness testimonies about contact with these entities one common theme is that they will not let us blow ourselves up. There has been credible reports of UFO turning on and off nuclear missiles at will.

I believe there is a lot of deliberate disinformation out there but what a perfect time to stop what appears to be Armageddon and save the world and promise to fix this world with this super technology (the melding of science and the occult) to save this age not destroy or judge it, overthrow the NWO guys (Daniel 7) and promise somehting very close to what appears to be the kingdom of God an angel masquerading as an angel of light so even the elect might be fooled like honey in the mouth. Rev 10. As Jesus said as these things happen you will know, we shall see.

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Snyder's Suckups are all trying real hard to be parrots who can say nothing but Jesus, Jesus , Jesus.

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Oh my goodness some real Jesus envy.

You pay to get on a Christian website, that looks at the world through the lens of scripture and is promoting the idea that we are headed to Armageddon the Anti-Christ, judgement and the second coming of Christ,

and your shocked, surprised and august that everybody is talking about Jesus, Jesus Jesus?

So this goes back to my question you have failed to answer, why are you on this website?

No one here believes anything you say, no one is listening Joe.

If all I did all day long was tell you everything you believe is a lie and do it in a very demeaning manner would you ever listen to that person?

No of course not! So why do you expect people to listen to you on this website?

There are some things Michael Snyder and I don't agree on, but we treat each other with respect, same with most everyone who posts here.

You might as well be in the highest mountain in Antarctica screaming the diatribes you do and what you believe and expect someone will hear you.

Simple common sense says that would be a waste of time and effort because no can hear you.

So why are you here Joe, what is your purpose and agenda? Why do you do what you do?

Why are you so angry with lots of Jesus envy?

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Scott Ritter on the Ukraine Dam Destruction.


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I have witnessed dozens alien craft piloted by beings millions of year in advance of earthmen since 1956. They are telepathic. A lot smarter than Christians.

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Joe I agree 100%

My friend who works for the Milt Ind Complex says what is in the black (secret projects) are 100 years ahead of what is in the white. And yes they are very smart, the most powerful and wise being ever created (Lucifer) is their master and as Adams any many others are saying they will be at the epicenter of the biggest deceptions ever, as you have eluded to.

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