Magic! Bad becomes good. Just like that. Imagine what else the Left magics.

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It is obvious to me that the globalist masters over our government have told them to just lie with impunity about everything and suppress the bad news totally. European leaders are telling their citizens to brace for war, even nuclear war, and to stockpile food and water and be ready for a Russian invasion. You won’t hear a peep about our own vulnerability here in the mainstream media or our government,

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Expect all economic numbers to be stellar as the fascist dems pull out all the stops. After all, they lie about everything else.

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It's not surprising of the positive Jobs report after all we just went into the election primary mode and amazingly the job numbers skyrocket. It's all about preaching to the choirs and doing things to get re-elected. Trump did the same thing on the abortion issue, he softened his stance to help win elections.

Look at Gov Abbott of Tex the border has been overflowing for the last 3 years, now it's an election year and all of a sudden I have one small section of the border in Tex becomes a political football. It's symbolic at most but clearly election cycle driven. Now the Dem float a bill to close the border and if Rep refuse the bill they will blame the border issue on Rep. Sadly almost half of America will by this lie.

Again the timing of the air campaign in the Middle east as we approach this election cycle, is also suspicious of the timing to respond.

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I'll tell you what else Fox News glosses over....Israel slaughtering tens of thousands in Gaza. That's right..the same fox news that's advocating for a wonderful job market, is telling you to throw your support behind the same people who own fox news

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In the history of war, urban warfare always has high civilian casualties. In WW I civilian vs combatant casualties were about 50%-50%

In WW II, 53 million people died. About 28% were combatants 72% were civilians. The uptick is due to the high level of urban warfare.

The problem with what the real numbers are is that Hamas only count total deaths they don't separate combatants from civilians. Israel is counting everybody of combat age a combatant. So it hard to know the real numbers.

Several independent studies pretty much put the civilian deaths around around 65% with 26,000 total deaths with 10,000 combatants and 16,000 civilians.

In every case of every war for the last 150 years urban combat almost always produces high civilian casualties. It's just the reality of the ugliness of urban warfare.

In Ukraine the civilian death toll is very low because the cities on the front lines were evacuated by both sides before the real fighting started. Gazans were not evacuated because Egypt and other Arab nations did not want Gazan refugees in their countries, because Hamas considers all the other neighboring Arab Govt. targets to be overthrown, they are not radical enough for Hamas.

But when the Jews do it, in a very intense urban warfare environment, it's genocide. No one talks about the Gazan fighters fighting from hospitals schools public housing and public places, using their own people as human shields to increase civilian casualties. Considering all the know facts, 65% of deaths being civilian is what could be expected.

Plus Israel is fighting for it's existence. Hamas Iran Syria and all their proxy militias do not want a two state deal, they want the Jews out of Israel period.

This is a formula for a very ugly war with high casualties on both sides, just wait when there is direct conflict with Israel and Iran and it's proxies like Yemen.

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Jews took Palestine illegally though. Nobody asked Palestinians anything. And they have been slaughtered and driven from their lands ever since. Is that not true?

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