Where does all that money go?

This seems like the long term plan to kill the Spirit

Of our armed forces. The mandatory vaxxines did not help. Another way of creating sick soldiers or chase the noble ones away! I’m sure Obama started this Trump interrupted the decline Biden continued

What Obama started.

Micro aggressions if you tell someone in the air force to “toughen up”

Military wokeness is an existential threat to democracy.

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Howdy James,

ACTUALLY...the mandatory vaccinations were deliberately employed to 'weed out' the remaining critical thinkers in the Armed Forces; anyone who objected WAS teeminated with prejudice, no?


Suffice it to say that this was but a single salvo in a process that began under Obama and Holder in which the Officer Corps basically was 'Loyalty Tested'. If an Officer did not present as loyal SOLELY to the President (Obama-nation) then they very quickly found themselves HIGHLY pressured to resign thier Commisions...

So...first, remove any real Patriots from the Officer Corps and later use the Vaxx requirement as a litmus test to determine who WOULDN'T 'tow the line' in the Enlisted Ranks...

Frickin' insidious, ain't it?

Be Well Sir, Safe as you may in coming Days and above all, be BLESSED...


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> We desperately need to get our act together, because war is coming. Unfortunately, a study that was just released by a congressional panel concluded that we are not even ready to fight one major war at this point…

Seriously? Who is threatening the U.S. mainland? NOBODY. So, those 3 wars are NOT coming to the U.S. itself, so what on earth does it need an army for? Only for its illegal foreign wars.

In other words, you are arguing that the foreign war capability needs to be maintained, even improved because those foreign wars are a way of life with the U.S.

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LOL, they'd better "hurry" huh....sure. Sick sick satanic administration. God takes the nations down with the kings.

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But, but, but, we have 11 million newly arrived unvaxxed young men.

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It's not "our" military. It's a mercenary force which serves the interests of the trans-national corporatist oligarchy. See "War is a Racket" by Gen. Smedley Butler USMC (1933)


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From two very solid people connected to now what we know as the Space Force, a data satellite analyst, and a Navy Capt. involved in the creation of the "public Space Force."

"The next major war will be primarily fought and won in space, not with assets on the ground."

"No one in space has what we have in space, the only thing I can tell you to describe what we have in space is its "Star Wars" Star Trek", what we would call pure science fiction. If you can imagine it, we can do it. We have a fleet of ships (the size of a German pocket battleship), each with 6 of the most amazing weapons you can imagine."

The Space Force flag is the Star Trek symbol and the reason for that is because that's what it is.

What is about to go down will be beyond what most of us can imagine.

Out of this war, Europe will be remade and rescued and become the center of the coming global govt. The UK will be remade and become the new global banking and finance center of the global system. And America will be remade (and we won't like it) and our space force and all that cool technology will come into the white from the black, it will be so amazing you would think the kingdom of God has come and Israel will be the very center of their global ecumenical, universal messiah to come also with real signs and wonders that will amaze and deceive the world.

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The US has not fought a truly equal since ww2 and has lost nearly every war since then - Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, etc.

Yet the truth remains that the US could have avoided all of those wars including ww2 and suffered little or no consequences. The huge moats that surround the US offer more than sufficient protection as kong as Mexico and Canada remain friendly countries.

Only the military industrial complex benefits from these wars.

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Not anymore. Nations abilities in space have made oceans into rivers, there is nowhere to hide.

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A country cannot be invaded and controlled from space. The oceans do in fact prevent a large scale invasion.

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I'm sorry my comment was too brief. I did not mean to say there would be no invasion. In fact they will come the Artic to Main and to Alaska. They will bypass the oceans, but it won't be masses of troops, it will be super weapons to make us undefendable and stop functioning economically, it what we will do to them as well.

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Absolutely. The Davidson Window closed 5 years ago.

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