The one single reason that the petrodollar exists is because people need the energy from oil. If we ever get to the point where fusion power becomes feasible, oil will become irrelevant. Hasn’t yet, but it is always possible. If not that, then fission will make a comeback in the US. Think about it for a second - sit on our own uranium reserves and buy everyone else’s oil. When they don’t have uranium or oil, we will have power and be able to sell it back to them. Evil, maybe, but I’m starting to be skeptical that the dollar will ever die. The real issue is going to somehow avoid turning into a dystopia in the meantime.
Just a random thought, petro dollar aside. The majority of US debt is owed to the Fed (global bankers). The Fed has been controlling the dollar since 1913, and has done an incredibly poor job. The interest payment for this debt is now so large it is about the same as the defense (rather offense) budget. The solution for the US is to drastically raise taxes. The problem is the source of the big money are the friends of the Deep State and the Fed. So, we won't go there. The next best source is the working class citizens. There are two problems with that. First, due to the Fed not being able to control the country's enormous foolish spending or inflation, the working class has little money left. Second, because of inflation, the taxpayer cannot no longer afford the basics and it heavily indebted to the, yes, bankers. As the saying goes, you can't get blood out of a rock. So, the poor working slob (or at least those still working) cannot be robbed by the government to pay the Fed. This all leaves the almighty dollar in a state of limbo (so it is not going to immediately crash). What about CBDC, you ask? Does changing the unbacked physical dollar to an unbacked cloud-based currency change anything concerning the debt? The only thing the CBDC will do is leave us with no control over what we have left. Is the only solution default/bankruptcy for the country? (Which well lead to more countries going broke) It seems like the greedy global bankers have screwed themselves.
You are missing the obvious answer freedom fighter it is being done on purpose. If you look up Brandon Smith on he has many great articles detailing that the Fed is in fact a suicide bomber.
That has been instructed to destroy the global dominance of the US$ for one purpose.
And that is to enslave everyone to the basket currencies controlled by the IMF backed by CBDC eventually leading to a one world currency.
Very similar to the concept in the Lord of the Rings with one ring to rule them all.
So while the real puppet masters are using the Roman strategy of divide & conquer on American. The shadow Masters are destroying America from the inside out behind the scenes. People ask themselves why & the answer is simple why not. If by the destruction of the US$ the whole house of cards comes tumbling down & control is taken of "everything" by those in the shadows pulling the strings. Doesn't it answer the question why not?
People look for complex answers to easy questions that are looking straight at them in plain sight that they fail to see the trees for the woods.
Michael is spot on, this year 80% of all international oil sales are still in dollars. 35.5 billion barrels of oil are consumed each year and 80% are purchased in dollars.
Again Michael is spot on about 45% of BRICS nations fully or partially use BRICS nation currencies mostly in a dual system using Yuan or Rubles and the local currencies. The non-BRICS nations make up just under 65% of the rest of the world economy. In order for Russia and China to dominate the world currencies by buying and selling everything, they must break up the dollar and other nations under the IMF, BISdollar system. Basically, America and the EU and UK must be economically crippled. If they can't do this strictly in the market place they will use force. This is what Ukraine's war is all about.. Yushchenko was elected as PM of Ukraine with a promise to align their economy with the West. When he flip-flopped at Putin's behest to the BRICS system the Orange Revolution began. A classic example of Putin's plan to bring nations into the BRICS system one way or another.
Therefore, Michael Snyder, can you then confirm to us that Mike Adams is deceiving us that the petrodollar was dead as of June 9, when the Saudis failed to renew the contract?
“The world just changed on June 9th, the day the Saudis ENDED the petrodollar”
I think Michael did confirm that pretty well, they have a tendency as in this case in Saudi Arabia not do their homework as Michael did. They are so bent to push their agenda they can sensationalize stories too much where it becomes christian end-times propaganda. If they see a news items that really looks good for an end times story, they will run with it. Not all his stories are bad, he does do some reports but you must fact check everything, there are a lot on the left who want him shut down. If you listen to him talk he will often say I think or I feel about a story, that may not be true or verified but presents it as it is, you need lots of discernment
Appreciate your viewpoint. Please don’t get the impression I trust or value Mike Adams. At all. To put it bluntly, I believe him to be a self-serving, pompous charlatan.
Jacob, I appreciate the kind words as well. Well said, he's kind of like the Christian Alex Jones, everything is a platform to sell his products and make money via fear.
Actually the entire Kitco News with Andy Schectman as guest is quite riveting. Project Sandman should give us nightmares. It will make Weimar Republic look like a walk in the park.
The nature of the deal with Saudie's buying and selling of oil is not the real issue. Yes Brenton Woods II in part set a deal to buy oil in dollars, the details about that are not important. The Saudis buying and selling of oil is only about 12% of the global market. In 2023 dollars were used in about 75% of all oil sales. But that trend as you know is changing but as of now, the dollar is still dominant, but not for long. But this gets complicated as this involves a lot more than oil. It's about a new reserve currency, a new reserve currency to replace the dollar. Why? Not oil, but establishing a stable valued reserve currency to stabilize exchange rates, fair trade and to deal with inflation and deflation among currencies i.e. (stability). Dollar holdings are collapsing and a handful of other currencies are competing to play a bigger role in oil and all global markets. We are in the midst of this transition period that is now being worked out and is chaos.
The plan by the IMF for the dollar is for it to be replaced as the world currency. The question is when. They knew when the dollar went fiat in 1970, that was the cancer that would kill the dollar, which has now left the dollar on its deathbed, of (debt). They have been planning this for over 50 years now.
The IMF wants to replace the dollar with its SDR basket of gold-backed CBDC currencies. China is part of this SDR system as well and at the same time establishing a Rival BRICS system. The problem with the BRICS is at this time it's not gold-backed and they still have to piggyback on the IMF BIC global banking network, they need their own global system to rival the IMF and that will take a long time.
The IMF is ready to go now, just about everything is in place. A gold-backed untraded benchmark currency backed by almost 300,000 metric tons of gold.
The big point is the dollar will die soon and there will be chaos here, as Xi said we don't have to hurry to take Taiwan, we will wait until America collapses. Russia does not have to nuke us, we are dying from within, economically as well as politically. We are headed for a very dark time, the nature of the end of Brenton Woods is not important. Look for an event that will cause real instability here and around the world, that will trigger chaos that the FED will use as an excuse to pull the trigger on the dollar before it loses what little dominance it has left, it is a race to the bottom. All being done under the watchful eye of the IMF, WB and the BIS.
The real reason Putin may have told the Russian people we need to just hang in there 2 more years is because by that time America will be no more as we do ourselves in. This will destroy the EU and the UK and it will all be remade via an extended period of great darkness. Except for Israel and Islam war will not be needed now, just wait. That's why NATO wants war now, and Russia and China say "NOPE."
Well, I don't know who the hell Peter c. Earl is, but you read something in investopedia and that does it for you? Did you look into who owns investopedia? IAC inc. Do some research into them. And just because you said it isn't true, does not mean it is not true. I can find much better sources than investopedia that do confirm it
Be sides the FED and the Treasury have already put into place a plan to deliberately default on the dollar and all its bonds. This will will be done when they can blame the default on something ,like the Ukraine war, conservatives and Christians, lots choices. I actually attended a meeting at the ST Louis FED and they said from 2008 -18 zero interest rates and trillions of QE failed and this will not end well, they have run out of bullets, we were told you will have to wait to see what's next. This is not far off.
Not disagreeing with you that all those things you listed are repugnant, but I think Michael is writing about the quasi-physical death of the US through the destruction of the USD, and you're writing about spiritual death. I think both can be true at the same time.
Both are true yes and they will both be destroyed but the dollar will be replaced by a new global currency and at the time of the end God will judge all the nations for their sins and promises to protect and restore a repentant Israel, Isaiah 66, and Joel 3:1-21, all the nations will be judged in the valley of Jehoshaphat. on the part of God's true Israel, God's inheritance, and people
The one single reason that the petrodollar exists is because people need the energy from oil. If we ever get to the point where fusion power becomes feasible, oil will become irrelevant. Hasn’t yet, but it is always possible. If not that, then fission will make a comeback in the US. Think about it for a second - sit on our own uranium reserves and buy everyone else’s oil. When they don’t have uranium or oil, we will have power and be able to sell it back to them. Evil, maybe, but I’m starting to be skeptical that the dollar will ever die. The real issue is going to somehow avoid turning into a dystopia in the meantime.
Just a random thought, petro dollar aside. The majority of US debt is owed to the Fed (global bankers). The Fed has been controlling the dollar since 1913, and has done an incredibly poor job. The interest payment for this debt is now so large it is about the same as the defense (rather offense) budget. The solution for the US is to drastically raise taxes. The problem is the source of the big money are the friends of the Deep State and the Fed. So, we won't go there. The next best source is the working class citizens. There are two problems with that. First, due to the Fed not being able to control the country's enormous foolish spending or inflation, the working class has little money left. Second, because of inflation, the taxpayer cannot no longer afford the basics and it heavily indebted to the, yes, bankers. As the saying goes, you can't get blood out of a rock. So, the poor working slob (or at least those still working) cannot be robbed by the government to pay the Fed. This all leaves the almighty dollar in a state of limbo (so it is not going to immediately crash). What about CBDC, you ask? Does changing the unbacked physical dollar to an unbacked cloud-based currency change anything concerning the debt? The only thing the CBDC will do is leave us with no control over what we have left. Is the only solution default/bankruptcy for the country? (Which well lead to more countries going broke) It seems like the greedy global bankers have screwed themselves.
You are missing the obvious answer freedom fighter it is being done on purpose. If you look up Brandon Smith on he has many great articles detailing that the Fed is in fact a suicide bomber.
That has been instructed to destroy the global dominance of the US$ for one purpose.
And that is to enslave everyone to the basket currencies controlled by the IMF backed by CBDC eventually leading to a one world currency.
Very similar to the concept in the Lord of the Rings with one ring to rule them all.
So while the real puppet masters are using the Roman strategy of divide & conquer on American. The shadow Masters are destroying America from the inside out behind the scenes. People ask themselves why & the answer is simple why not. If by the destruction of the US$ the whole house of cards comes tumbling down & control is taken of "everything" by those in the shadows pulling the strings. Doesn't it answer the question why not?
People look for complex answers to easy questions that are looking straight at them in plain sight that they fail to see the trees for the woods.
👍🏼 Thank you for your clarity, Michael.
Michael is spot on, this year 80% of all international oil sales are still in dollars. 35.5 billion barrels of oil are consumed each year and 80% are purchased in dollars.
Again Michael is spot on about 45% of BRICS nations fully or partially use BRICS nation currencies mostly in a dual system using Yuan or Rubles and the local currencies. The non-BRICS nations make up just under 65% of the rest of the world economy. In order for Russia and China to dominate the world currencies by buying and selling everything, they must break up the dollar and other nations under the IMF, BISdollar system. Basically, America and the EU and UK must be economically crippled. If they can't do this strictly in the market place they will use force. This is what Ukraine's war is all about.. Yushchenko was elected as PM of Ukraine with a promise to align their economy with the West. When he flip-flopped at Putin's behest to the BRICS system the Orange Revolution began. A classic example of Putin's plan to bring nations into the BRICS system one way or another.
Therefore, Michael Snyder, can you then confirm to us that Mike Adams is deceiving us that the petrodollar was dead as of June 9, when the Saudis failed to renew the contract?
“The world just changed on June 9th, the day the Saudis ENDED the petrodollar”
I think Michael did confirm that pretty well, they have a tendency as in this case in Saudi Arabia not do their homework as Michael did. They are so bent to push their agenda they can sensationalize stories too much where it becomes christian end-times propaganda. If they see a news items that really looks good for an end times story, they will run with it. Not all his stories are bad, he does do some reports but you must fact check everything, there are a lot on the left who want him shut down. If you listen to him talk he will often say I think or I feel about a story, that may not be true or verified but presents it as it is, you need lots of discernment
Appreciate your viewpoint. Please don’t get the impression I trust or value Mike Adams. At all. To put it bluntly, I believe him to be a self-serving, pompous charlatan.
Jacob, I appreciate the kind words as well. Well said, he's kind of like the Christian Alex Jones, everything is a platform to sell his products and make money via fear.
Actually the entire Kitco News with Andy Schectman as guest is quite riveting. Project Sandman should give us nightmares. It will make Weimar Republic look like a walk in the park.
You may wish to view the first several minutes of this to get another viewpoint on Saudis petrodollar/military protection deal.
Kitco News:
The nature of the deal with Saudie's buying and selling of oil is not the real issue. Yes Brenton Woods II in part set a deal to buy oil in dollars, the details about that are not important. The Saudis buying and selling of oil is only about 12% of the global market. In 2023 dollars were used in about 75% of all oil sales. But that trend as you know is changing but as of now, the dollar is still dominant, but not for long. But this gets complicated as this involves a lot more than oil. It's about a new reserve currency, a new reserve currency to replace the dollar. Why? Not oil, but establishing a stable valued reserve currency to stabilize exchange rates, fair trade and to deal with inflation and deflation among currencies i.e. (stability). Dollar holdings are collapsing and a handful of other currencies are competing to play a bigger role in oil and all global markets. We are in the midst of this transition period that is now being worked out and is chaos.
The plan by the IMF for the dollar is for it to be replaced as the world currency. The question is when. They knew when the dollar went fiat in 1970, that was the cancer that would kill the dollar, which has now left the dollar on its deathbed, of (debt). They have been planning this for over 50 years now.
The IMF wants to replace the dollar with its SDR basket of gold-backed CBDC currencies. China is part of this SDR system as well and at the same time establishing a Rival BRICS system. The problem with the BRICS is at this time it's not gold-backed and they still have to piggyback on the IMF BIC global banking network, they need their own global system to rival the IMF and that will take a long time.
The IMF is ready to go now, just about everything is in place. A gold-backed untraded benchmark currency backed by almost 300,000 metric tons of gold.
The big point is the dollar will die soon and there will be chaos here, as Xi said we don't have to hurry to take Taiwan, we will wait until America collapses. Russia does not have to nuke us, we are dying from within, economically as well as politically. We are headed for a very dark time, the nature of the end of Brenton Woods is not important. Look for an event that will cause real instability here and around the world, that will trigger chaos that the FED will use as an excuse to pull the trigger on the dollar before it loses what little dominance it has left, it is a race to the bottom. All being done under the watchful eye of the IMF, WB and the BIS.
The real reason Putin may have told the Russian people we need to just hang in there 2 more years is because by that time America will be no more as we do ourselves in. This will destroy the EU and the UK and it will all be remade via an extended period of great darkness. Except for Israel and Islam war will not be needed now, just wait. That's why NATO wants war now, and Russia and China say "NOPE."
Well, I don't know who the hell Peter c. Earl is, but you read something in investopedia and that does it for you? Did you look into who owns investopedia? IAC inc. Do some research into them. And just because you said it isn't true, does not mean it is not true. I can find much better sources than investopedia that do confirm it
I found one, how about Market watch a very credible market web page
Be sides the FED and the Treasury have already put into place a plan to deliberately default on the dollar and all its bonds. This will will be done when they can blame the default on something ,like the Ukraine war, conservatives and Christians, lots choices. I actually attended a meeting at the ST Louis FED and they said from 2008 -18 zero interest rates and trillions of QE failed and this will not end well, they have run out of bullets, we were told you will have to wait to see what's next. This is not far off.
Not disagreeing with you that all those things you listed are repugnant, but I think Michael is writing about the quasi-physical death of the US through the destruction of the USD, and you're writing about spiritual death. I think both can be true at the same time.
Both are true yes and they will both be destroyed but the dollar will be replaced by a new global currency and at the time of the end God will judge all the nations for their sins and promises to protect and restore a repentant Israel, Isaiah 66, and Joel 3:1-21, all the nations will be judged in the valley of Jehoshaphat. on the part of God's true Israel, God's inheritance, and people
Still not disagreeing.