Regarding fed job cuts, my friend who works near DC said:
"The absolute **freak-out** here in Northern Virginia over DOGE is utterly hysterical.
My local media pages are absolutely lit.
These are people who, (unlike 99% of the rest of us who are quite accustomed to knowing our jobs are on the line at all times, based wholly on our value to the companies we work for) have never had to worry a day in their careers about the possibility of being unemployed - regardless of their performance.
Can you even imagine never having to worry about that??? Seriously? I mean, that in and of itself is indicative of a MAJOR systemic problem in the federal system!
It is mind blowing to me…the reactions….
…the sense of entitlement, frankly."
I think she's spot on. I've seen many federal workers hardly work the last 5 years but still collecting a BIG, FAT paycheck. Time to get (many, not all) lazy federal workers back to work, and if they don't want to, then bye.
That is the bane of having a government as a master who is never questioned or is allowed to exist without any rules or law or conscious. I hope every one of these parasites hits the bread lines and finds out the bread is stale and moldy.
I am absolutely ecstatic about USAID's downfall. This is HUGE. This eliminates all the plausible deniability that mainstream media and its brainwashed viewers try to dish out to dissenters. No longer will flags and bands and protestors be purchased by USAID. If the deep state continues on, at least the accounts will correctly attribute all those flags and protestors to the CIA.
"No revolution will ultimately be successful unless America turns back to God" Amen. I feel a little nervous as I fear that people are forgetting, what we are witnessing is God's mercy and He is working thru Pres Trump to prosper us again. God seated biden to punish the nation, He still has mercy left and now gave us Pres Trump. Pres Trump cannot restore this nation without God being with him. God is the one who restores.
The modern world is a simulacrum, where reality has been replaced by false messaging and imagery, to such an extent that one cannot distinguish between fact and fiction.
While I do not think that Trump is the AC, he is deceiving the world and especially Americans. He's not all he appears to be! There are things going on behind the scenes that would make our hair stand on end! Trump is the prefect NWO player, and is simply doing these things to make the world shout out "oh what a saviour, our hero!".
Michael, do you really think the Deep State is only one color of the DC uniparty...? If you do, you are quite naive. I like Elon, but if you think he has gotten to be one of the richest (or the richest) man in the world and never played "patty-cake" with the Deep State, you are sadly mistaken. He may have had a true change in heart or he may be just doing a massive deep-fake and cutting his "mob cousins" off at the knees (or so you think). The Deep State "Benefactors" aren't just going to take this all lying down. The control and the money running the hegemonic financial world is just too enticing. Look who was the first foreign leader who showed up to visit Prez Donald. That should be a massive warning flag by itself. Good luck and have your bunker full.
..."It’s beyond repair."...that applies to 90% of the government as the corruption has been building upon itself since the end of the Civil War.
If you are an employee of any kind, how long do you think you can rape the employer (or the country or the taxpayer) before you are discovered?
Eventually you will find yourself at odds with the laws of cosmic existence. And if you be a true man, you must face the consequences for your actions which violated the trust of the people.
We have too much gov't-it's the 8,000lb gorilla crushing taxpayers...what angers us is they get get tons of days off, great benefits & retirement [while most in private sector get squat] ALL on our dime...Fed & state bureaucracy are a cancer which has spread.
Regarding fed job cuts, my friend who works near DC said:
"The absolute **freak-out** here in Northern Virginia over DOGE is utterly hysterical.
My local media pages are absolutely lit.
These are people who, (unlike 99% of the rest of us who are quite accustomed to knowing our jobs are on the line at all times, based wholly on our value to the companies we work for) have never had to worry a day in their careers about the possibility of being unemployed - regardless of their performance.
Can you even imagine never having to worry about that??? Seriously? I mean, that in and of itself is indicative of a MAJOR systemic problem in the federal system!
It is mind blowing to me…the reactions….
…the sense of entitlement, frankly."
I think she's spot on. I've seen many federal workers hardly work the last 5 years but still collecting a BIG, FAT paycheck. Time to get (many, not all) lazy federal workers back to work, and if they don't want to, then bye.
That is the bane of having a government as a master who is never questioned or is allowed to exist without any rules or law or conscious. I hope every one of these parasites hits the bread lines and finds out the bread is stale and moldy.
I am absolutely ecstatic about USAID's downfall. This is HUGE. This eliminates all the plausible deniability that mainstream media and its brainwashed viewers try to dish out to dissenters. No longer will flags and bands and protestors be purchased by USAID. If the deep state continues on, at least the accounts will correctly attribute all those flags and protestors to the CIA.
"No revolution will ultimately be successful unless America turns back to God" Amen. I feel a little nervous as I fear that people are forgetting, what we are witnessing is God's mercy and He is working thru Pres Trump to prosper us again. God seated biden to punish the nation, He still has mercy left and now gave us Pres Trump. Pres Trump cannot restore this nation without God being with him. God is the one who restores.
All smoke and mirrors and part of the Globalist technocratic NWO playbook! People are being deceived.
You're Being Played: Trump Is the Pied Piper:
For Those Still Being Duped: Wake Up Already and Unplug from The Matrix
They Are Playing Us:
The modern world is a simulacrum, where reality has been replaced by false messaging and imagery, to such an extent that one cannot distinguish between fact and fiction.
We've All Been FOOLED! The Antichrist is Already Here and YOU Are Following Him!
While I do not think that Trump is the AC, he is deceiving the world and especially Americans. He's not all he appears to be! There are things going on behind the scenes that would make our hair stand on end! Trump is the prefect NWO player, and is simply doing these things to make the world shout out "oh what a saviour, our hero!".
I believe you nailed it, Kathleen!!! Trump is absolutely NOT what he appears to be.
All those extra employees, now fired, will be replaced by A.I.
This new world order will be so controlling with A.I. demonic control, people will
be screaming for Biden to come back on board. And, do not forget. . . .THE WORST
Keep in mind ISAID represents only .08 % of the entire U.S. budget.
Michael, do you really think the Deep State is only one color of the DC uniparty...? If you do, you are quite naive. I like Elon, but if you think he has gotten to be one of the richest (or the richest) man in the world and never played "patty-cake" with the Deep State, you are sadly mistaken. He may have had a true change in heart or he may be just doing a massive deep-fake and cutting his "mob cousins" off at the knees (or so you think). The Deep State "Benefactors" aren't just going to take this all lying down. The control and the money running the hegemonic financial world is just too enticing. Look who was the first foreign leader who showed up to visit Prez Donald. That should be a massive warning flag by itself. Good luck and have your bunker full.
..."It’s beyond repair."...that applies to 90% of the government as the corruption has been building upon itself since the end of the Civil War.
If you are an employee of any kind, how long do you think you can rape the employer (or the country or the taxpayer) before you are discovered?
Eventually you will find yourself at odds with the laws of cosmic existence. And if you be a true man, you must face the consequences for your actions which violated the trust of the people.
I've been reading your articles the last few days and have to say this is quality journalism.
It is refreshing to read intelligent discussions factually based that actually reflect the values of American society accurately.
This feels like America again and I'm actually starting to sleep better at night.
Thank you.
God Bless you
God Bless America and President Trump
Lil’ 🚀man missed the boat! Mara-Gaza, Americado 🌮s, golf, Americano Lattes, MagaRitas by the pool, jet skis to Cyprus, 🤣🤣🤣
We have too much gov't-it's the 8,000lb gorilla crushing taxpayers...what angers us is they get get tons of days off, great benefits & retirement [while most in private sector get squat] ALL on our dime...Fed & state bureaucracy are a cancer which has spread.
Fact: its not chaos. And its LONG overdue. You are definitely in the minority.
Yes. It Is GLORIOUS to behold.
You can't have a corporate fascist takeover, when a government still exists....
The plan all along.
No representation at all, in a fascist corporate technocracy.
As outlined in the "Kissinger report" .
Love your website .... please send me your address so I can send you a donation .... Terry
Is this the result of a Deagle prediction of numbers culling.
Spot on Cause & Effect CONCLUSION….