Northern Arkansas here, we haven't had as hot or long a summer as years past. Already acting like Autumn.

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Ditto here in Tennessee.

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Western Arkie here, I can testify 🙌

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I live in South Dakota. We didn't have our first bad hot streak until August.

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I couldn’t say if it’s connected, but the hurricane forecasters who said this was going to be a blowout hurricane season are now wondering exactly why things have become very quiet. Maybe the calm before the storm? Seems like the world is very much on edge right now, what with the election, two wars that keep threatening to completely out of control, economic numbers that only Herbert Hoover could love, and so on. Maybe look to heaven, not just the skies.

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We have a Winner🏆

Indeed… in our lifetime.

Israel is God's time-piece…

All these prophesies fulfilled

1948 Israel re-born

1967 Jerusalem no longer divided

1973 Golan Heights Judea Samaria

Fast forward to Oct 7th.

Which their Imams say they attacked Oct 7th, because of 5 Red Heifers now in Israel…


We are the Generation that “shall not pass from the earth until all things are fulfilled…”

As it was in the days of Noah…

We are there…


The Spirit and The Bride say, Come!

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Amen and Amen!

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Sep 10
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... and the 5 unwise virgins, were locked out. A picture of those who are not prepared for The Bridegroom's Coming. They will not be at The Marriage Supper of The Lamb.

Same as those who did not heed Noah's words of impending judgment. God Himself, shut The Door. For now, The Door of His Grace is open, but for how long?

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Sep 10
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USA = Mystery Babylon

WRATH - is stored up for the ungodly, unrepentant, unredeemed, enemies of God.


Jesus' Blood Atonement satisfied

my sin-debt, at The Cross.


Our Nation is under judgment for many reasons, yet The Lord God still KNOWS His Own. PSALM 91


The "Winged Lion" is the Symbol of Greece and is in agreement with Daniel's vision.

The USA IS NOT found in the Prophetic Scriptures, in fact

It's dismantling is currently under way...

to make way for the Beast System.

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Sep 10Edited
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50+ years studying Eschatology and the deep things revealed only by The Indwelled Holy Spirit and confirmed in His Word. Schooled under the Guidance of One. The One that matters.

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I believe the guy at MIT said we would have 35 named storms this season. Wow number 5 just got named.

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And God is still on His throne and in COMPLETE CONTROL! Praise His Holy Name!

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I can't help but feel these stories may be generated as a cover for "friendly fire" grid destruction.

My trust is zero, no more, and I can't help but suspect the worst.

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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The sun has been acting like the sun for billions of years. Scientists are always guessing since they are not around for more than a few decades.

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Yep! (thumbs-up)

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There is climate change but it's not man's fault, it's God's. So we through science are trying to undo what God is doing. Talk about all out rebellion. We can't blame God so we blame others or other reasons.

Now this could be (we will have to wait and see) the lead up to some real miraculous signs and wonders that science can't explain or expect. Volcanoes, earthquakes, sever weather, even the dreaded pole shift, the sun will have a major role in all of it. Now the ocean is cooling and the scientists can't explain it. I love it. Bring it on!

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What! It’s not my gas guzzling car making the weather? And, yes, we are in for dramatic events that will change our world. I’m speaking not just of the Sun, of course!

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Strangely enough, saw a small article stating that the Atlantic ocean is now cooling, when it was expected to stay warmer (according to climate catastrophe bs) until Sept. It doesn't fit the $$$$ agenda, since winter cooling La Nina started in May, not September.


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Yep. When the Earth gets hot (from the Sun like it has been doing for hundreds of million years), the glaciers and ice-caps - do melt (gasps of horror). That addition of cooler waters eventually affect the gyres of ocean currents which in turn affects the weather which in turn leads to cycles of global cooling. That's not exactly something DEI climate scientists, funded by billionaire stakeholder who envision Neo-Feudalism in the name of "climate change" for the rest of us, want the commoners to know, especially considering that their models are based on a hundred or so years of human recorded data with the focus on data from the last few decades and ignore everything else.


Yeah - right ffs.

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Howdy Susan,

You are NOT wrong...

In the last 12 months we have seen a RAGING La Nina turn into an equally tumultous El Nino...and thereafter FLIP back to centerline NEUTRALITY.


Rest assured, NO ONE - not even NOAA OR NASA - 'knows' as a certainty what is going on right now.

That said...only a month or so ago we monitored astonishing increases in both the SFI - Solar Flux Index and the SSN - Sunspot Numbers, both reaching heights not seen in decades.

FWIW, the daily averaged SFI values are taken as a GOOD proxy for total Solar Bolometric (ALL Emissions...) output and briefly last month those abruptly rose to a value of 347, which is a full 100 points higher than any figure recorded thus far during SS 25...figures not seen since early 2001.

However, those CAN reach much higher, and if this Solar Cycle continues apace we may well see SFI's being recorded that rival the highest ever recorded - at or above 400.

Suffice it to say that a simple consequence of such astonishing variability is that our 'weather' - which we see each time we walk outside - is VERY LIKELY to become equally erratic, proportional to the magnitude of the variations being recorded.

I almost hate to see what the upcoming Winter will manifest.

Be Well, be Safe please, as safe as you may in coming Days and be BLESSED...


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The population isn’t paying attention because MSM isn’t reporting on these things.

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"Experts had predicted that August would only see half as many sunspots..."

Since March 2020, every time I hear the word - "Experts" - I freaking want to puke.

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"This wasn’t supposed to happen."

Really? According to whom? Experts?

That's the problem with "experts." They have their computer models which, as a retired IT professional, I can assure you is only GIGO (garbage-in/garbage-out).

So some researcher's model didn't predict the Sun's sunspot activity. How is that, "This wasn’t supposed to happen." The Sun isn't somehow bounded by the expectations of a few humans on planet Earth who believe that they have the actions of the solar system and universe neatly put in a box and tied with a ribbon. It doesn't work that way.

Let me make the comment more accurate: "Given the limitations in astrophysicist's ability to predict the Sun's complex nature, the models used to predict sunspot activity recently have proved inaccurate."

There - fixed it!

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By the way. I personally don't live enveloped in a bubble of "continuity-bias" like most of the other people on this planet. Another X-45 class "Carrington Event" isn't an "If" but a "When."

Also, the current crop of scientists who are spinning the man-made global warming tropes as well as scientists, world leaders, and moronic billionaires (WEF comes to mind) spinning the "Great Reset" based on highly advanced computer and AI technology (as well as a cashless society where electronic "ones and zeros" take the place of physical fiat) are going to find that The Great Reset comes on the back of another Carrington Event or even greater X-class CME solar event. Not quite what they had in mind. Climate scientists are another group of rather moronic-types who willfully limit their models to a "history" spanning a very limited number of years of "human recorded data" while completely ignoring (and worse - discounting) ice core data which spans millennia. Unfortunately their astrophysicist counter part do too. Think the Carrington Event X-45 CME was bad? Ice cores tell a Freddy Kruger story of CMEs 10 times as worse well within the post-Anno-Domini time period.

If the current world leaders don't blow humanity away with nuclear weapons (that's a real possibility in the short-term), the Sun will eventually step up to the plate and create the conditions that force mankind back to a Medieval agrarian existence sans about 95%-plus of the current Earth's population who aren't going to make it after the lights go out. Ironically it will be those in the least "civilized" nomadic and agrarian societies who will best weather that particular storm.

Not "If" but "When."

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Well, it looks like the EXPERTS are wrong again. I wonder if they have government contracts with job security built in?

I wish you well.

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Two things...1st off, Lord grant me the wisdom to accept the fact there are some things that I shouldn't worry about because I have absolutely no control over them. And the 2nd is this: https://www.courageouslion.us/p/dear-greta-tintin-eleonora-ernman about those TRILLIONS of gallons of water blown up into the atmosphere back in 2022 that still hasn't come down and is causing a greenhouse effect.

It appears that the real climate change culprits have been around for millions of years, one being the SUN. The other being VOLCANOES. Just like the one that erupted on 14 January 2022 at 04:20 local time (15:20 UTC, 13 January). Yeah, those pesky volcanoes don’t seem to be under man’s control too well, and don’t really give a crap about how many of your first born daughters you toss into one.

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Scotland was nowhere near hot. Maybe 5 days seemed sort of like summer. We're seeing Autumn everywhere.

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Thank you Heather...hearing from REAL people across 'the Pond' is the BEST source of info we could hopr for.

Be Well, please be SAFE and above all, BE BLESSED...


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Thank you. I find it works in reverse too. I'm from the US so news always interests me, but I have to source things carefully, like we all do.

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I live in Northern Utah and planted 3 pomegranate trees 10 years ago! During that entire 10 years none of the trees had blossoms and would winter kill each new year to start over! This year one of the trees blossomed and now I have 15 ripening pomegranates. It’s climate change, but it’s wickedness of man killing our children and babies that is causing God to fry us!!! I hope my family and get a chance to eat them before the poop hits the fan!!!

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