Is somebody paying you to spread this around? This is so reminiscent of 2020. I am not fearful, my God created the heavens.

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Here we go again...

PCR testing fraud. They're about to gin up another "pandemic".

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Interesting how suddenly Bird Flu is a major issue.

By my very rough calculations, approx. 34 people died every year, in the past 28 years, from

Bird Flu. But now, suddenly, the tables are turned.

Could it be because the psychos in charge need another pan/scam demic? Americans do seem

To be quite independent. The control freaks are desperate to be in control again.

Of course, destroying human beings is uppermost on their list, and another fear-filled, locked

down populace, injected with all sorts of new poisons, is just the ticket to eliminate so many more.

Again, there could be some credibility to all of this. Yet, look at the timing and look at their goals:

I read several years ago that by 2030 their plan is to have 90% of the planet dead, and 10%

Cyborgs! That means 10% are half human and half A.I. oh, yes, and No Children!!!

I praise and worship You, our Precious Lord and Savior. I cherish your promise:

“Fear not, for I am with you.”

The Bible is filled with wonderful promises of Our Faithful, Almighty God. Thank You dearest Lord

for your deep Love for us.

Bird flu?????

Sure this sounds scarey, but the enemy thrives on fear. That, and hell, are all he has.

“Slim pickings” indeed.

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"The Control Freaks are deserate to be in charge again."


Asute observation Ma'am, SURELY.

But it is here instructive to ask 'Why do they NEED such control over thier fellow Men...or Women?"

Please note I did not use the word "WANT", instead I used the word, "NEED".

The psychology of Sociopaths is fascinating, truly.

Typically, those invariably regard themselves as the "Smartest People in the room.", all others as patently inferior to thier own Titananic Intellects. Also, those are without variance, incaoable of empathy, hence the concept of 'Compassion' is utterly foreign to thier mental processes.

In essence all such regard thier fellows as 'lower animals' and by that reasoning not deserving of consideration such as they themselves are CERTAINLY are just 'Entitled' to....SURELY.

Gee, doesn't that *seem* to be exactly what all the LGBTXMKZZSAD types seem to act as? Yup...that is how they rationalize SHOVING all that Crap down everyone else's throats, since ONLY thier 'feelings' matter.

We're just 'lower animals', undeserving - possibly incapable OF - 'Feelings'.

For everyone in THAT group I have a bit of extremely USEFUL information for you!

'Feelings' don't mean SQUAT...DOING does.

All you incompetent, unskilled, self-righteous, OPPRESSED individuals can - actually - just FALL off the Face of the Earth tonight and come tomorrow NO ONE will miss you one whit. In fact, if you did - and I realize that this will come as a TERRIBLE shock to you - the WORLD would not only 'go on turning' in your absence but also Life - for all of us 'lower animals' - would in fact lead MUCH happier lives in your absence in great part due the immediate absence of your continuous WHINING.

AH, it does feel good to just 'air out the mental closet' every so often, doesn't it?

Best Regards Carol...keeo up the good comments Ma'am,


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Yes, you are correct, but those have clearly not spent nearly enough time among animals either! There is so much they could have learned from them! Animals not only have, but very clearly express, feelings. So that belief of theirs is a total fallacy! Then again, most of their beliefs are as well.

Best to keep in mind these are sold out to Satan, whose time it is just now, but that is LIMITED! When it's up, the earth will be "under new management" and sanity restored!

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Indeed Sandra...and I pray every day for him to accelerate His return SWIFTLY.

I am mindful of what Matthew recorded Jesus as saying, in response to being questioned by His Disciples about the End Times,

"For the sake of the Elect, but those days be SHORTENED, NO Life would survive."

Which taken at face value is not particularly comforting...especially the qualification towards the end 'no Life would survive,"

I wholly concur with your observation that our 'furry friends' ARE more than 'simple', far more is involved in them than I believe we yet know. My use of 'animals' in the foregoing was NOT intended to slight our 'little friends'.

I have a mixed breed cross between a Karelian Bear Dog and a Black Lab, who is - in my rather remote location - my best friend on Earth. Unfailing loving, sweet natured, forgiving of my errors, trusting, FAITHFUL and that list just goes on and on and on.

I - like you - KNOW better, that they are in fact 'little people' in thier own right. Beloved companions to us in these darkened days.

Be well...and BLESSSED Ma'am,


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Mine is a cat, at present; all 12.4 lbs+ fur of her! But I have spent enough time around other animals to know it goes beyond cats and dogs.

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12.4 LBS!

Wow...is that a Maine Coon Cat? Hefty thing, ain't it?!

To be sure, it's not 'Canon' anywhere in Christianity but I've many times dwelt on a particular question...

IF the Lord gave our 'little Friends' such an ability to Love us as they ASSUREDLY do, then I HOPE beyond hope that He (somehow) has a place somewhere with Him such that when we 'pass over', we'll see them again...ALL of them.

My Sweety - Sissy - is such a Joy unto me. The notion of leaving this Earthly plane and never seeing them again would break my Heart. Surely if God GAVE them such a capacity to LOVE - and by extensuon - for us to LOVE them, then surely He haa sych a place reserved in Heaven fir them also.

Or so I hope...and pray.

Good Night Sandra...Sleep well Ma'am


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She was a shelter rescue, and they said no, but size, and she has other characteristics that suggest she must be at least mix.

I'm mixed about that as well. I do know there will be animals in the millennium, but in the new Heavens and Earth, I can't say, and I too hope He has a special place for them too. Our lives are so enriched by them. And after all, they too, are His creatures, He must care for them too!

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Be not afraid of sudden fear, or the destruction of the wicked when it comes. So, who trusts or believes the FDA or related agencies? 🤔 They fooled us once, will we be fooled again? 🤔

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Howdy Y'all,

The Zoonotic transmission to Felines via the consumption of raw, virus-loaded Fresh Milk is slightly disturbing...though not quite yet cause for panic.

As I - and others - have already pointed out, virii are exquisitely sensitive to exposure to sufficient Heat...Pasteurization being onesuch method of neutralizing the virus by breaking it into smaller chains of proteins, which are all but without variance, innocuous.

However, those Felines DID contract the H5N1 by simple ingestion of untreated Milk, which allows for the possibility of those who DO drink Fresh, unpasteurized Milk to potentially contract the viral infection.

The 'disturbing' part of this lies in the following.

Virii ADAPT to thier local host by incorporating host DNA/RNA into thier own genetic code as a matter of 'building from what is AT HAND', during the process of viral replication. THAT is how viruses evolve, FWIW. Suprisingly, it has been recently demonstrated - conclusively - that Bacteria ALSO utilize host genetic material to effect a similar process, hence also 'evolving'. That is - in part - how we are now subject to virulent MRSA infections...

No, the concern here lies in the SUCCESSFUL Zoonotic transfer INTO Domesticated Cats...in which the virus will undergo further evolution. Not being a Virologist, I cannot state how closely Feline lung structure and binding sites on that tissue may - or may NOT - match those in Homo Sapiens. Certainly, FERRETS are a nearly IDEAL species in which to conduct successful GoF amplification of lethaility and communicability...especially in developing viruses which can be transmitted in airborne particles...also, not my particular field, Genetics that is.

It would be extremely helpful if someone hereabouts WAS either a Virologist or a Geneticist...and consequently could speak directly to the Human/Feline similarities/disparities.

Myself, I am little worried about anysuch reaching the locale I reside in: A town of about 45 people which is - literally - 'The End of the Road'. I'll even give you a 'small' hint WHERE that is; go look up "Canada's Northernmost Ice-Free Port". I'm actually on the Alaskan side FWIW.


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Very interesting, JOG. What disturbs me most about this, is that people will actually

dedicate their lives to destroying people, animals, foods . . . Life. Total demonic insanity.

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Very interesting - thanks 🙏 for the info !

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Oh. And IF we're 100 percent that transfer of virus was from the ingestion of milk bc of the viral load in mammary glands. And IF it becomes contagious to humans, how will this play out with mothers of infants who need to breastfeed? I kinda hope it was bc the cats ate diseased birds.

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I read in a medpagetoday article, that the scientists researching the Texas cats incident theorized that the cows were infected by eating grain that had poop from diseased birds ... so is it possible that the farm cats ate the diseased birds in their environment and contracted the flu via that route rather than drinking the milk? My cat doesn't drink raw milk. But she does occasionally catch and eat birds. And the diseased birds are likely easier prey.

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I don't believe anything the "experts" say...especially because they are probably the ones causing it.

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The Israeli NIH (equivalent ) showed that Elderberry is effective against the avian flu. Also FLCCC has good recommendations

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Like they said Follow the money 💰 https://www.upmc.com/media/news/092923-bird-flu

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Odd...my Grandfather's milk cows always went to the same stall each, so if these dairy farm cows do likewise, there should not be cross contamination, and if the machines are properly cleaned between milking sessions, again, there should not be cross contamination.

Why would a respiratory disease invade the brain and cause neurologic disorders and bleeding, unless it got tampered with?

Methinks there is something rotting again in Denmark!

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Just like the bird flu required millions of food foul (H5N1) to be destroyed this could effect the dairy and beef industry as well.

We must remember Jesus predicted in the end there will be real pandemics that will spread all over the earth and kill millions. Remember the great pandemic of 1918 was an N1H1 swine flu virus, it was real and deadly. This new form of a mutated H5N1 could be a real problem, its the same family of viruses that devastated the world just over 100 years ago can and as predicted will happen again. We will just have to wait and see, but we know at some point this will happen.

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"If H5N1 can do this to cats, can it also do it to humans?" I guess we won't know unless and until it jumps to humans. I do know that cats are susceptible to all kinds of cancers and diseases especially as they get old - and feral cats have much shorter lives than do house cats because they are exposed to many more pathogens and parasites and don't receive veterinary treatment. So it's not that surprising that some weird disease has popped up in Texas cats. When I had my cat he used to like to roam around, even though he was fixed. I thought it was unfair to keep him cooped up in the house all the time even if it came with risks. There are cat owners who say it's cruel to even let kitty out of the house. I say it depends on the cat. Mine was friendly and sociable. My mom's cat was the prototypical 'fraidy cat - hid under the bed whenever my rambunctious nephew came over. But when my mom tried to introduce another cat into the house - boy, you saw a different side of her - she terrorized the poor thing and mom had to return the new cat to the shelter. I was watching hoarders the other day (yeah, I have time on my hands!) and one of the poor cats got feline leukemia, it was posited, from the ammonia fumes from the hoarder letting urine accumulate. Cats are exotic and beautiful creatures, and many love them, but they probably don’t tell us a lot about human pathogens.

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This is a ploy to restrict our food supply. See what they're doing to farmers:


They also want to frighten us into taking another death shot. I'm a pureblood and I will die before I take their poison.


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Dr. Tom Cowan: RFK, Jr. = trustworthy.

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He's a climate activist who's ten times worse than Biden. If you want to heat/cool your home, drive a car or any other activity that results in carbon (like breathing) you will not vote for RFK Jr. Please look it up, my dear sir.

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Really wish these psychopath scientists and our government would quit weaponizing pathogens to kill animals and humans. Not only are they doing their best to destroy our food supply, but commit murder as well. These are crimes against humanity.

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If we think logically we would remember that cross species infections are rare, hence the necessity for GAIN OF FUNCTION research ?

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they’re doing it again…. can’t help themselves…

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