Christians know America has turned its back on God. Judgement Day is upon us. Lord hear our cries.

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It does seem the momentum for war in Israel is traveling much faster than any other conflict. Michael is spot on. Where in Ukraine this creeping meat grinder war Putin started, seems to need more time to gain their objectives, Putin said they "need 2 years." China needs more time to prepare again in a couple of years, as stated, here in Israel both sides are ready to get it on now.

Putin's first peace ultimatum, of having the 4 eastern regions evacuated, demilitarized, no anti-Russian political parties, and no NATO is nothing but a peace plan of total surrender. Both sides knew no one would take that deal and now he ramps it up just a little more but the same thing, total surrender.

It seems that the alliance with N Korea is part of the plan to start these wars all at once. That may be their plan but the Lord may have his own. It seems these wars are progressing at a different pace.

Putin surrounds himself with family, based on Russia's history, Putin may be dealing with rampant corruption, having rulers he trusts to carry out his agenda in case something happens to him, and or things inside the Kremlin may not be good very unstable, paranoid, is there plans to overthrow him and he is getting rid of threats close to him? Xi did almost the same thing not long ago cleaning house in the Govt and military.

They are getting ready for war, but when? They have their timing for war but what is God's timing for all of this? God determines the times for war and peace. God may as He almost always does, surprise all of us.

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I hold a grudge against many so-called Christians who admire Putin only because he hates the Sodomite Agenda not realizing that so did Hitler, Stalin, Castro and others like him. He is a murderous dictator, a friend, helper and abetter of every communist, murderous, God-hating country in the world! The Law of God does not go only against the abominable sodomites, it is much broader than that. There are no good guys in this fight. As a Christian, I feel that right now the Beast System is the world as a whole since all the Nations have departed from the Living God! We must be careful with that!

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spot on Magdiel

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"Peace" under the current conditions would mean conquest/ enslavement. How much "peace" is there in that?

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Man's peace is fleeting, and unreliable. World's version of peace never lasts. The peace of God that passes all understanding, surpasses anything that the world can throw at me. Paul said the secret to contentment is know everything that happens in my life good and bad God is in total control and He has promised to carry me through no matter what happens, that brings an eternal peace.

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Too big a concept in1 bite, for the majority to take in. That peace passes understanding for the very reason it doesn't make sense to human thinking. I get it because I've got it, but have you tried explaining that to the average "none"? The eyes glaze over and the face goes blank.

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The US should build more fallout shelters like the Russians have.

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why, after the bombs fall and everything is irradiated, once you run out of food then what do you do, you go to the surface, and there is no food water, or any systems to live, starving to death with radiation sickness is a horrible way to die. This comes from a hope that is only in this world, where the only hope is not in man but in Christ and what he has done on the cross to restore me back to Him, then it does not matter what man can do to me

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I've considered buying a bunker in North Dakota. Then I watched the Amazon Prime series, "Fallout". it will probably be a couple hundred years before you can come back out because of the radiation and nuclear winter. I'd go crazy after a month.

I'd much rather be instantaneously incinerated, thank you very much. There are no winners in a nuclear war.

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