Mar 1·edited Mar 1

I can't imagine five inch an hour snow. I have lived in Wisconsin all of my life. The big snowblower I have will handle six or even eight inches of snow depending on how wet and heavy it is. In a storm like that, one would have to snowblow every hour and a half. It takes me 45 minutes to do my circular driveway. You would literally have to work almost non stop. Where do you go with all that snow?

Again, I can't tell if God is angry or someone is playing with a HAARP machine. On Monday here, there were more chemtrails in the sky than I've ever seen in my life. The next day, it dropped from the seventies to the twenties with a thunderstorm and then snow - in February! I still contend that some of these fires are caused by Direct Energy Weapons:


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I can hear the climate alarmists (nuts) yelling now: "We warned you about climate change. Now, Mother Earth will defend herself by eliminating those climate changing dispensers of methane." There are always climate disasters, which come and go. But, don't be too quick in calling these disasters natural in origin. The Department of Defense, especially the Air Force, colluding with Big Business (and the likes of Bill Gates of Hell) have been experimenting for a long time using weather as a weapon. Do not be surprised when we eventually find out (the truth always comes out) that a good portion of these disasters were caused by our own government trying to kill us, destroy the country and turn control over to the WEF and its hellish partners. The war continues. Resist while you can.

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The Texas fire was intentional and Biden just came out and said the quiet part out loud. He is on video saying you can see where 20 houses are burned completely and there’s 1 standing because it had ‘the right roof’. Same as Lahaina. So the feds retaliated against Texas, probably for fighting illegals and the open border. And destroyed more of our food supply. NO one is safe from this administration.

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Let's put all this into perspective. We have only a few hundred years of almost decent weather data. If we have say a 100,000 years of reliable data, we would surely see that this span of natural disasters is nothing unusual. Sure, as with anything else, you are going to have occasional extremes.

It is because the comparable data set is so infinitesimal that it seems like the end of the world. Furthermore, if there are comparatively fewer people living in an area of destruction, how severe that destruction may be is of little consequence. And we know that any little blip above normal is going to cause the wacko news feeds and global warmers to go nutz. Ignore them both.

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I think folks should've listened up.

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No matter how much you warn people there will be many who will not believe. Just the nature of the beast these days. It's not new. It has happened many times throughout history.

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Climate change was bound to start messing with the weather patterns sooner or later. Man has destroyed the climate in the name of greed, ignoring God and his command for us to be stewards of the earth. War, environmental destruction, famine caused by cruelty, and so on. These are just our sins catching up to us before He returns.

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Please read Alanna Wilgus's comment below. Alanna is right on target. Could be man-made.

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Quite a few wildfires have been intentionally set. The bigger thing is how the conditions get to the point where even a small fire can go completely out of control.

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