I disagree with you on one level . I feel we will miss a recession and do a headlong into a depression. Technically we are already in a recession.

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I agree...it amazes me how 98% of the people can't see and hear any of this. God hasn't lift their veils.

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This is truly God's judgement on America.

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Oh, they're seeing it alright. People are just too embarrassed to talk about it because no one else is talking about it because they're too embarrassed to talk about it. You see the Catch 22 here, don't you? Cars are being repossessed, people are losing their homes, food pantries are overwhelmed and credit card debt is soaring. I am fortunate that I have a nice IRA that I rolled over into silver. I can't live on a boat, but maybe I can build a cabin in the middle of nowhere, because it's going to get real bad, real fast. God help us.

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Spot on Jeanne, the FED and the Treasury Dept. always understate or deny reality. As to minimize panic and to keep things under control the best they can.

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When you look at the big picture and how bad things are, they need to keep control of this fall and be on top. One perfect way is control the reset when and how. Default now and bring everything and everyone down with it. They have war gamed it and at just the right time pull the trigger for the best option for them not us. This will not be long.

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"In April, the federal government brought in 26.1 percent less tax revenue than it did in April 2022…"

And the federal budget deficit for first 7 months of the fiscal year is nearly $1 trillion. There are still 5 months left in this fiscal year.

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Stacking metal of all types. We live on our sailboat and are in the midst of our spring preps. By the time we are done we will have enough food, water, fuel, and propane to not need to touch land for 60 days. 90 days if we dig into our emergency supplies. Likely better off than most as we can sail away from the carnage and go where we will be treated better.

Now if I could just figure out what is wrong with the water maker and the dinghy engine we’ll be good.

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