19 You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe—and tremble! 20 But do you want to know, O foolish man, that faith without works is dead?

James 2 19-20

The problem I have with polls is that the only question they ask is if a person believes there is a God, but they don't ask the real question; and that is if a person loves the Lord enough to obey His Will! The number of people in this Nation that have a Biblical worldview stands much much lower, about 5 percent if I am not mistaken. The True Remnant of God is sadly a very small number! Believing alone doesn't cut it, even demons know there is a God. The real thing is to love and obey the Lord and have Him as King and Sovereign in our lives! Believing without obedience is FOOLISHNESS!!

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Jesus said, "not everyone who calls me Lord Lord will enter the kingdom of Heaven but only those who do the will of my Father"

In context that will is that we walk humbly before God as we work out our salvation and fear and trembling (humility and respect) Philippians 2:12. We come to Christ by God's grace, we walk with Him by God's grace- every good thing we do, it's not us but Christ in us. Jesus is speaking about spiritual arrogance that is prevalent in the church (the look what I did for Jesus attitude).

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I am vice chair on Pastoral Council at my Church. We have really wonderful people who attend Mass and I see no corruption going on. Unfortunately, we are probably the exception than the rule. I ask people why they don't go to Church anymore and what I hear are a whole lot of excuses: I don't need to be present for God to know my heart; I don't like the sermons; I can watch it on TV now; I find God in nature; I'm still angry about the priests scandal; They want me to donate money. I could go on all day.

I believe the real reasons we can't get butts in pews is sheer unadulterated laziness and self centeredness. Many people feel that they have lots of time, when they get old or sick, to get right with God. But as you said, that may not be the case. Brother Ricky Scaparo was telling us about a mid forties, perfectly healthy, woman friend of his who recently died in her sleep. Every day is a gift from God. The least we could do is spend an hour a week worshipping the Lord.

As for the continuing degradation of the nuclear family, Satan found a crack and he's trying with all his might to destroy us. But the last laugh is on Lucifer, because, guess what? God wins!

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Wow. You are spot on 100%, exactly what I see as well.

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It's not about laziness but somewhat about self-centeredness. It's actually about Lordship Luke 14:25-33.

Everyone wants Jesus as savior but for Him to be the master of all my life is the big issue. We love being in control and if Jesus is not the 1# driver in your life all of it (or at least your striving for that) you may not be saved.

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Ghandi said he like Christ, it was His followers he didn't like.

So, I would have said to him: a.) you like Christ? Why? If He was a "good man," why don't you at least follow him yourself? And how could He be a "good man" when His main claim was that He was God and we should WORSHIP Him as such? Sorry, Mahatma, but He can't be a "good man" and be a liar on the main point of His teaching at the same time.

So, Mahatma, you like Christ but not his followers? Well, first answer the question above. Then, if you like Christ, then you LOGICALLY must determine if He is who He said He was. Then, if you don't like Christians, you must at least accept Him as your Lord. (This will, of course, cause one to seek out other like minded people, which is some type of Koinonia of some sort, formal church or not)

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If Gandhi liked Christ why did he not repent of his Hinduism and put His faith in Christ as Lord and savior? It's like saying like Jesus but not his disciples, I like Jesus the bridegroom but not his bride?

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Yes, that is exactly my point. You cannot "like" Jesus and then say he was a liar on the main point of his teaching, his divinity.

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When asked why individuals had abandoned organized Christianity, none said it was any problem with Jesus or the Gospel, but rather it was their fellow Christians.

It's not just the church and all of the apparently constant upsetting news of rape against women and children. It's how our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ have abandoned Jesus' commandments to be good to one another and to love one another (which Jesus stated was most important above all other commandments). It's US who let people down. It's OUR bad behavior that encourages people to leave Christ. This is our test on earth and we're failing.

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Good post. Of course it is fellow Christians. That is WHY we go to church! The first story in the Bible explains that we are all fallen... and that isn't fully eliminated when we go to church.

My thought is that the church actually attracts people who are really messed up more than ever day society, as that is what church is supposed to do - help the broken, and those that know they need help (of course we ALL do). So, now you have a church - and rightfully so - of people who are really messed up, even moreso than the "just" normally messed up culture. Pastors really need to know how to navigate this. But the excuses Alana notes above " don't need to be present for God to know my heart; I don't like the sermons; I can watch it on TV now; I find God in nature; I'm still angry about the priests scandal; They want me to donate money." is, in the end, just a set of cliches to justify themselves.

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This article is an omen for what is to come for Christians until the Lord returns.

Daniel 7:21-21, Rev 13:7 & 6:9. Matt 24:8-9 Before Jesus returns the saints (you and me) will be handed over (by God) to be persecuted by the beast (the little horn and over powering them).

This will cause many (Christians' love to grow cold)

Matt 24:12, Rev 2:4 & 3:15-17

Christians will run to a safer Gospel to avoid persecution 1Tim 4:1 & II Thess. 2:3.

Or walk away from the Faith all together Heb 6:4-6 2 Peter 2:20-21

All of Matt 25 (just after Jesus talks about his coming, he preaches two parable about the sifting of His church, parable of the 10 virgins and talents (judgement for sins of omission of negligence and doing nothing with the gifts we have been given and missing opportunities to serve) that bring death and judgement.

Jesus said His end times task among completing the gospel to be preached to the whole earth and in His church is to sift out the chaff and tares from the wheat

Matt 13:23-25 &Matt 3:12.

This calls for the perseverance of the saints and only those who persevere unto the end will be saved (the only true proof of real faith leading to salvation

Rev 13:10 & 14:12 Matt 24:13

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Jesus addressed this in His Parable of the Tares Matt 13:24-30

The church is a wheat field and the evil one sows tares amongst the wheat. Jesus said to leave them in the church until He returns. So church will be messy and hard. So Jesus calls us to deal with it with grace. No excuse to leave the church (because of those hypocrites) well that's just one less there when you leave. It's all forgiveness, I get offended I leave, instead of forgiving my enemies and persevering in being a witness to the tares. Luther said when God plants a church, Satan plants a chapel next door.

This is another test of a true believer, patiently enduring church that can be messy.

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"When mean cease to believe in God, they don't believe in nothing but *anything* (Attributed to GK Chesterton. And MONEY sure seems to be that "anything.' As always, tho, that fake "god" will turn on those worshipping it, and leave them in the lurch.

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Besides free will, God gave us a hole in our hearts where only He fits. Many people throughout the years, but especially recently, have tried filling that hole with other earthly things: money, power, sex, houses, etc. Unfortunately for them, those things don't really fill up that hole properly, only God does. They are always chasing something, but never really get it.

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God is not religious, he didn't came to earth to create another religion, he didn't ask the creature to fix the word, he doesn't need help.

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