Satan is continuing his path to take over every heart. The only ones he can control are the hard hearted, wicked ones, the ones without morals, the hearts void of Jesus. You can always tell which ones Satan controls, because they are always angry, always out to bully someone who disagrees with them, their language is usually coarse and unruly as well as their conduct. This decline of America began decades ago and began to pick up speed downward after 1962 when prayer was removed from our schools. 1963, Supreme court ruled no Bible teachings in schools; 1967 decimalization of homosexual acts; 1973 Abortion legalized; 2014 genders redefined of more than 2; 2015 same sex so called marriages legalized by the Obama administration. Those are just a few of the sins against God that our country has to answer for now and in the days ahead.

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Couldn’t have said it any better. You can see so clearly when and where the decline of the nation began. Even Christians will deny the obvious. God said in the declining times that even some of His children would be deceived. I see it happening in large scale numbers. Entire churches. Pastors that were right, have changed their viewpoints and become apostates! We have people like Andy Stanley denying the Old Testament outright! On and on! .. It never fails to astonish how blinded people are! How they’ve strayed from the infallible Word of God! Twisted and manipulated it into unrecognizable words. It makes my stomach turn! We know these things have been prophetic, yet it’s still hard to watch. 😪 Continue to pray constantly for discernment! This is only going to become worse as evil continues to increase! Bless you all brothers and sister in Jesus Christ!

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Just remember your gawd created queers.

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"Joe Smith" is definitely a satanic possessed AI.

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We rebuke this demon back to hell in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ! Do NOT come back!

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I wondered when this would start to happen.

Another sign the politicians are not in control, the massive bureaucracy is. The politicians are temporary employees for the most part and the ones who have been here for a very long lime are part of the problem,

1 John 3:13-18

Do not be surprised, brothers and sisters, if the world hates you. We know that we have passed out of death into life, because we love the brothers and sisters. The one who does not love remains in death. Everyone who hates his brother or sister is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life remaining in him. We know love by this, that He laid down His life for us; and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers and sisters. But whoever has worldly goods and sees his brother or sister in need, and closes his heart against him, how does the love of God remain in him? Little children, let’s not love with word or with tongue, but in deed and truth.

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Mentality of the herd? You obviously must be the 'HNIC' (head nut in charge) of a white supremacist group. Your dribble is SO old, tired, boring . Shall I go on ? Please, go play with your pet rattlesnake, leave decent people alone ! Michael, I vote this Satan's emissary be blocked from the conversation. We're tired of it. His "Free speech" is no more welcome here than his "yelling fire in a crowded theatre" ! Anyone agree with me ?

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AMEN AND AMEN,!!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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Hey M T,

I get it, you are spot on and it is frustrating and angering. But retaliating in the same manner he attacks is exactly what he wants, he feeds off this, it will actually make him worse. He is bitter and angry at God and Christians. I have no doubt this is from horrific events in his life from someone in the church. He mentions Catholic theology a great deal. I suspect he may have been abused by a priest or someone in authority in the Catholic Church, but that is just a guess.

I know Michael is monitoring everything and I will just trust him to make a judgement on His website as he sees fit. I really respect Michael and his wisdom to do as the Spirit leads.

My dealing with Joe, is simply to expose the darkness Eph. 5:11-13 to protect fragile or younger newer believers (the reason he is here) from his lies. So I challenge his flawed thinking and own hypocrisy. And it also helps me in defending the faith and exposing the darkness.

And this does call for the patient endurance of the saints. Hang in there my friend, pray for God's will to be played out in all of this Joe, trust in God's timing power and will.

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A Personal Update



Mikey is looking to sucker some money out of you now.∙

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"Joe Smith" must be an AI.

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Didn't you pay Michael to get on this page, it seems you have already been suckered out of some money now, who in their right mind would pay for someone else's garbage and lies. What was the word you like to use? Starts with an H?

See Joe you just admitted that you need grace Just like the rest of us, or face judgement.

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No. This is free to me. Only you suckers pay. You Jew lovers suck up to a Jew gawd and a Jew loser who got caught by Jews and hung on a Roman cross. No body judges you except yourself. There is no old white bearded White Man taking notes on a clip board. It is called karma and it is mathematical and impersonal.. You decide how to balance the debt and receive the rewards. Many people who are born with handicaps or deformities choose to be born that way to balance their debt or learn a lesson.

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Learn your lessons yet, Danny Boy?

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You just said "nobody judge you but yourself? But all you have done on this web page is judge everyone else and what they believe, so what you just said was a lie according to your own words. That's twice now you have contradicted yourself to make a point tonight.

Since you mentioned Karma, what kind of good karma are you creating for yourself here on this website (actions and words that elevate)? Or is it more like Vikarma (action and words that degrades)? Or do you see it as Akarma (actions and words that create neither good or bad reactions)?

This goes to why are you even here? Life is about good Karma, so what is the good Karma you are trying to create on this website?

Even Hindus believe Jesus died on the cross and it was a good positive karmic event.

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...in every religion the priest insists on five things -

First: There is a God.

Second: He has made known his will.

Third: He has selected me to explain this message.

Fourth: We will now take up a collection; and

Fifth: Those who fail to subscribe will certainly be damned.

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The Moral Masochism at the Heart of Christianity:

Evidence from Russian Orthodox Iconography and Icon Veneration



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You are a demon from the bowels of hell and I rebuke you back to hell! In the HOLY NAME OF JESUS CHRIST!

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All religions do not insist there is a god, Buddhists or Buddha taught that there is no God or Gods, a personal God or Divine creator. They believe nothing is fixed, that change in everything is always possible, thus there is no "divine will" each person must find their own path. Now there are Devas and bodhisattvas but they do not fit any concept of God in any other religion.

Your attempt at humor, is humorous, simply because again in an attempt to make a point, all you do is contradict yourself and expose your flawed logic and reasoning.

You said "judging yourself is quit different than Judging others - visit a courtroom."

Joe, I have visited a courtroom, often. I was a cop for 25 years. Again you have no idea what your talking about. In court for a judgement to be good it must be just and equally applied to all. So in judging myself or judging others, requires if the judgements are truly just, to applied equally. For by the same standard you judge yourself you must judge others or vise versa, in order to be just.

Plus to simply make any judgement on anything in self or others, there must be a benchmark of right and wrong, good and evil to base that judgment on. Thus concluding there is an external source for right and wrong, good and evil a good (light) god and a god of evil (darkness). Even most religions embrace this concept and it must play out in our life to those around us justly and equally. Good Karma is based on this idea of harmony in myself and the world around me.

Again in an attempt to make a point you end up contradicting yourself, exposing your flawed thinking, and logic and ignorance.

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Another word salad. A beauty contest has judges and so do intelligence tests. You are desperate for a BiG Gawd to worship to give you a pass for your sins.. Moses was a rapist and murderer of little girls. Jesawas glorified Moses. How do you judge that in your courtroom? Have you male children? Do you have the recordings of the circumcision screams that your wife brings out for visitors when you show baby pictures???? Hmmmm? Did you have the foreskin bronzed??? Hmmm??? How many of those torturing children have you arrested for crimes against humanity? Every man is the creator. All that you experience you have created. Prophecy exists because all time is now. Telepathy is instantaneous because space does not exist.. I have experienced both. Races of beings billions of light years away do not give one good goddamn about Jesus and his blood lust religion. You believe what your shirt tailed preacher pours in your stultified brain.



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Daniel this is a demon! Please do not engage with it! 🙏🏻

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I think we need to remember not to cast pearls before swine.

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Amen Kathleen! And this isn’t human. It’s a demon from hell that needs to be rebuked back in the Name of Jesus Chris! Rebuke! We have this power through Christ!

Be done with it!

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You have no pearls to cast, only bats in your belfry.

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Expert warns 600 million human beings injured or killed by covid vaccines so far

Mike Adams

A shocking (but evidence-based) analysis reveals that covid vaccines have now injured or killed 600 million people across the planet.

Yet somehow, Donald Trump still claims credit for fast-tracking the jabs, claiming people "wanted" them.

When will Trump ever admit the truth about these death jabs? And when will the deaths end?




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Actually, it's 1 billion deaths.

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See, Greg - you're dealing with EVIL on two feet !

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Yes! They must stop engaging with this demon! It’s pointless and wasting time. There is no hope for demons! They already made their choice to stand with the enemy if our Savior! Do not allow it to provoke you!

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There are at least 3000 billion galaxies in the known Universe. Billions of galaxies have been formed and gone through their cycles of birth and death. On those galaxies lived races of beings who could travel space and had intellects that far exceeded the common religious hypocrites that you find on the comments section. None of them gave one iota about some vindictive Jew gawd having a bastard son who had to shed blood to assuage god to forgive sins. Billions of races exist at this very moment and they look upon earth man as but little more than ants fighting religious wars who want to signal to their gawd that they are better because they espouse a particular view none of which is supported by reason. Thus the world is in a state of breakdown because idiots can sin and get their sins forgiven if they get their preachers to tell them it is o for cash down in advance. I have seen these craft many times and on purpose. The ETs are telepathic. They have no need of radios. But you have need of education

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To the religionist: I am sorry but you just can't fix stupid.

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Spoken like a true MORON ! Satan's emissary.

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Joe, you actually used the word virtue. Do you know what it means? How many of these common virtues have you shown in your posts here?

Acceptance Assertiveness Authenticity Beauty Caring Cleanliness Commitment Compassion Confidence Consideration Contentment Cooperation Courage Creativity Detachment Determination Dignity Encouragement Enthusiasm Ethical Excellence Fairness Faith Flexibility Forgiveness Friendliness Generosity Gentleness Graciousness Gratitude Harmonious Helpfulness Honesty Honor Hope Humility Idealism Integrity Imaginative Joyfulness Justice Kindness Love Loyalty Moderation Modesty Optimistic Orderliness Passionate Patience Peace Perseverance Preparedness Purposefulness Reliability Respect Responsibility Reverence Self-discipline Service Sincerity Tact Temperate Tenacious Thankfulness Tolerance Trust Truthfulness Understanding Unity Visionary Wisdom Wonder

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Thanks for showing us you are Satan's emissary !

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Dear (M)other (T)ucker You are under the thumb of the Jew and a blood lust atonement religion... A Jew gawd, a Jew bastard for a savior from what? Also a not now a virgin Jewess as your queen of heaven. All that you believe in came from Jew brains and was recopied by other Jews and formulated by the wife and child murderer the Emperor Constantine at the Council of Nicea in 325 AD. It was further changed by the whore Empress Theodora at the Council of Constantinople in 535AD. It has been poured into your tiny mind by shirt tailed preachers and thus you are the product of a narrative created by murderers and whores. Drop in another $ in the next plate take. The price of your chains is increasing. Thanks for showing us the mentality of the herd.

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Not to worry Daniel, I don't "retaliate" in the same manner. I take the 'pulse' of the opposition and respond as I CHOOSE ! 🙏. God's power of prayer, a miraculous thing, more people should try it.

Thanks for your comments, though 🙏

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Regarding the Catholic Church dogma - St. Peter was MARRIED ! The Bible clearly says so (no doubt it's not in the adulterated "Catholic Bible"). We're priest allowed to marry (as they were in earliest generations ) PEDOPHILIA would not be the insane/evil problem it is/has been among priests !

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I agree w/your position, in part. At what point of postings does "Joe's" vitriol mislead vulnerable minds? "Balance and moderation in all things".🙏

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This upside down thinking reminds me of the story my husband told me when he was in the military and the Commander made the soldiers clean their boots before going out running in the mud, which made no sense at all. But that was the point! They give you stupid orders to see if you will obey.

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