It doesn't really produce much wealth. The military and its contractors are paid with tax dollars. Taxes are a drain on the economy. As Jesus Christ said to some friends of mine, taxation is theft.

Now you may quibble that some death machines and ammo are sold to foreign buyers. But these are also theft funded gooferments. So, no, the people of the world are better off without the military industrial financial pharmaceutical complex and its burdens. Americans are better off defending our homes and families ourselves, helping one another. We are better off without the spy agencies lying and spying.

We are better off without the vaxxajab pushers lying and pushing poison. We are better off without the welfare and warfare state dominating the economy and slaughtering the men, women, and children they don't enslave.

Until you stop pledging allegiance to a hunk of cloth and worshipping the government "for which it stands" you won't be obedient to God. God told you not to worship any artefact of human hands. But you wouldn't listen.

So now you have the consequences of your choices. The only path through this mess is to repent your sins and turn to God. Stop supporting the demon worshippers who are seeking to enslave you.

God bless you and your family. Amen.

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A greater war is coming and we need to prepare for this no matter who wins the next election, even if we get there.

We need to look at this from the big picture. This is not Biden's war. Historically Dem and Rep presidents have led us into wars and kept us there. They both are controlled by the same MIC and that is just a branch of the trunk of the western global banking network the BIS, WB IMF, plus all the major western banks working together monthly getting their marching orders from the BIS and yes the USA FED. Supplemented by the Pentagon, the CIA and the NSA. Almost every major nation has thier version of the CFR here in America and that controls the key politicians of both parties. Notice over the last 100 years we have had an equal number of Dem and Rep presidents in office just about the same number of years. The same goes for party control of each congressional election for 100 years. And what has changed? Nothing but this slow slide to globalism.

Notice the Republican debates did not touch on the the coming default and how to get out of the war mode or the coming WW III, or how to solve the decay of our culture. Did anyone mention the Gospel?

WW I came to bring in the League of Nations, it failed. WW II came to bring in the United Nations and it's failing. They are bringing in another world war WW III to bring in the final battle for global control and it does appear this will have an "Alien" disclosure event to bring the world together and bring in peace. But it will be a false peace.

We have almost 70 wars, revolutions, civil wars, tribal wars, insurrections and factional wars going on together for decades. What would happen if someone came along and stopped it. Subdues all the nations so no one can make war against him and his power? World Peace! Who can vote against world peace?

We have to stop looking at this through our American eyes. This is not more like 1984 but more like the road to the Antichrist. We look at this and how it's effecting us. We need to look at the bigger picture.

My daughter has been in Ukraine for a year leading Samaritan's Purse medical relief operation for that country. She has been all over the country even withing 10 miles of the front lines in the north east and south. That nation has been devastated by that war. Over 50% of the severely injured and those suffering from PTSD are committing suicide. SP is committed to bringing help and the Gospel to these suffering war vets. And here we sit bitching about how bad we have it here. She is now spearheading setting up mobile hospitals throughout the regions near the front lines partnering with local churches and missionaries, not only to provide desperately needed medical, dental and psych help but the Gospel as well.

Remember Jesus is doing all of this. He said that he would bring wars and rumors of wars, famines and diseases. They are regrettable, but these things must take place, and as Jesus said I will give them eyes that won't see or ears that won't hear because they have rejected me.

What we are seeing is God's righteous wrath beginning to be poured out on the world and God's plan to purify His church in the last days by His sifting of the Church just as Peter was sifted by Satan, but just as Jesus was for Peter, Jesus is for us, so it does not matter who is against us. It does not matter what happens. America survives or dies, there is a last days revival or not. We already have all we need, the cross (the Gospel/the truth) and the Holy Spirit. We need to rest in that. Jesus said if they kill you what else can they do to you? Dying as a martyr is not a big deal because my name is already in the book of life and and I'm already seated in the heavenlys.

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Daniel H. Benson: A magnificent comment that is grounded in Holy Scripture! My wife Karen and I believe that "by your fruit you are a faithful servant of the King of kings" in these latter days of the "times of the Gentiles".

If not sooner, Karen and I will see you on the lake of glass and fire.

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My mistake - its the SEA of glass and fire, not lake.

Rev. 15:2 – “I also saw something like a sea of glass mixed with fire, and those who had won the victory over the beast, his image, and the number of his name, were standing on the sea of glass with harps from God.”

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Forewarned -The global game is rigged, listen and learn.. https://youtu.be/BlfZ91Pot-w?si=X-MvRYU3O6k79okD

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Spot on MT. America is in the middle of this. Here we have American Christians commenting on this web page how evil Israel is, and America a violent and rebellious nation from the very beginning and at the very center of this NWO agenda and America's evil is so much worse, talk about the pot calling the kettle black. The spiritual self-righteousness is appalling. The Church here in America is dying and we love to self-righteously condemn others, wow. He who is without sin cast the first stone.

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If there is any group of the American people that should be opposed to the military industrial complex and the warfare state, with its suppression of civil liberties, imperial presidency, government propaganda and interventionist foreign policy; it is the American Christians. Especially conservative, evangelical, and fundamentalist Christians, who claim to strictly follow the dictates of Holy Scripture and worship the Prince of Peace.

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God is in control... I've learned to 'stay out of His way'

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This reminds me of the perpetual wars between Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia, in the book "1984". War is a racket. It makes a lot of people very rich. It also kills and maims thousands of young adults.

I hope people wake up to how corrupt these conflicts are.

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Our nation's founding fathers, especially G. Washington, are rolling over in their graves. The present state of our country was never their intention. We were to be the beacon of light of freedom and liberty to the world, but we have become the world's arms dealer and the world's bully policeman. Sad, very sad.

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"Where do we go from here?"

Send Hunter on a silver platter and let slow joe experience what other people have been forced to while he finances (prints) a war we have no business in.

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FYI: It is my understanding, the final estimated cost of the George W. Bush-Dick Cheney 2003 Iraq War is $2.2 trillion, which includes direct and indirect human and economic costs, including the death of at least 190,000 people, including men and women in uniform, contractors, and civilians and specifically 4,700 US servicemen and servicewomen. The Iraq War appropriations were funded by borrowing the money via US Treasuries, and the estimated cumulative interest, with rising interest rates amortized through 2053, could amount to more than $4.7 Trillion, all financed by George W. Bush and HALLIBURTON Cheney increasing the national debt.

The Bush/Cheney wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have been more difficult for military families than have past wars, with more frequent deployments and shorter periods at home. In comparison to the civilian population, Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans are facing elevated rates of suicide and mental illness, drug and alcohol dependence, car crashes, and homelessness. They and their families also experience higher rates of divorce as well as homicide, child abuse, and child neglect by both parents left behind and returning veterans. When service members return home injured, it is often their families who provide care – even when veterans are housed in military hospitals. The offloading of care for the war wounded onto families and community organizations has been an express part of military planning, and should count among the costs of the Iraq and Afghanistan war.

Don't forget that GWB claimed to read the Bible everyday seeking Divine Guidance.

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I tend to support a draft, mostly because I want more of my fellow citizens to have skin in the game when it comes to military issues.

To a lot of people, military service is an abstraction that someone else does. Usually, the poorer and disadvantaged.

It’s sick to watch people be so careless with ‘sending the troops’ to whatever disaster they think we should be involved in.

I have a family member that’s career military. I think more people would ask more questions before military interventions if they had actual skin in the game and it could be them or their kid sent wherever. All of a sudden, getting out of Ukraine would look a lot better to a lot more people and we would at least have a discussion about it.

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While all eyes are on the Middle East, Putin and China are in bed together, plotting to control the world!

I hope this is the right video, I have multiple ones 😀 https://fb.watch/o6HgZftI-x/?mibextid=NnVzG8

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I recall reading in an older copy of the Bible (newer versions have been increasingly adulterated, via computer keystrokes, online) that there would be "bats in the belfry of many (most?) churches in America before then End. I can sure see why. And Satan's obvious influence that's rampant in churches is all the more reason to follow the Bible's command to "prove all things for yourself" - so I do, & others should stop being "sheep" getting fleeced by "false prophets" (wolves in sheeps clothing) who are hard to recognize (why praying for the Gift of Discernment is so critical).🙏

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