8 hrs ago·edited 6 hrs ago

It is highly unlikely that Israel will wait until their cities are destroyed before they unleash all hell on the Moslem extremist terrorists. If Iran gets involved, Israel will destroy Iran's oil facilities and devastate their nuclear capability (facilitated by Obama and Biden). Between the American warships and jets, and Israeli jets, the Middle East will be littered with the corpses of Arabs (who were dreaming of raping the virgins). War in the Middle East will stop once the Arabs stop launching missiles into the Holy Land.

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Oh yes if Iran strikes Israel, the USA NATO will wipe out Iran's missile capabilities, it's air power and money making oil production. THey know this, so will they risk national suicide?

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But all those "others" don't have God on their side. We know Who wins.

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This is what makes this so exciting; just watching God fulfill His promises to Israel in real time.

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"Iran had ‘never started a war in the last 100 years" , the only people I have ever heard lie knowing full well , everyone knew they were lying, are politicians , especially the marxists. Iran is responsible for most of the wars in the middle east. The head of the snake must be cut off , iran.

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To bolster your case: Just behold how they deviously took over Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen, using them mercilessly as launching pads to further their cause.

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“…we are on the brink of an apocalyptic war nobody seems to want to back down.”

Sorry, that’s categorically false. Israel is willing to pull back if Hezbollah stops lobbing missiles and honors the 1701 UN accord, thereby withdrawing its forces behind the Litani River. Another reminder that any signed agreement with Arabs isn’t worth its paper. Since Muhamad, their prophet and rule model, lied and violated agreements left and right, it’s permissible to his Muslim followers to emulate his ways.

As a final note: If you think the Israelis aren’t aware to their dire situation, know that they refer to it as their second War of Independence, believing the future of their state is hanging by a thread.

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Spot on K Sam, it's the reason to ever negotiate with these guys will never work unless they see a deal really benefits them, if we do we know we messed up and got the short end of the stick.

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It is interesting that all these militia groups are coming to Israel to fight, some from Iran.

But the big question is, WHERE IS IRAN?

Hezbollah has been screaming for Iran to attack Israel.

(They know in the end, without direct intervention of Iran they can not win, because of America).

It appears Israel's plan as it has played out in the last few weeks to eviscerate Hezbollah leadership/command and control. Also hitting as many missile assets as possible to weaken Hezbollah as much as possible . Then invade Lebanon and push them back across the UN Blue line on the Latina river. Then call in the UN blue helmets to keep the peace and restore order and deal with the militia's missile attacks preemptively.

But we shall see how this plays out may the Lord's will be done Amen and Amen.

The real issue is what will Iran do? Do I believe Iran already has nuclear weapons? Yes.

So this makes Iran the wild card in this mess.

The reason we will send troops to help Israel is for the very reason that they will not have to use nuclear weapons. They will only use nuclear weapons at a last resort so we want to avoid that.

So we may well use, as we have in the past, some of the weapons in the black to keep Hezbollah and it's friends at bay as we have in the past.

It all depends on what Iran and Turkey does. If they get involved it will be a full fledged war and we could see Russia let it all lose in Ukraine and China make it's first move on Taiwan and all before the election.

And watch Biden and Harris declare a national emergency (with some false flag event here and suspend the election. Then while we have full fledged war on the planet we have civil war here.

And who knows, maybe the people in Russia have had enough of war and fear a nuclear strike by NATO and they rise up to stop the madness.

The very disenchanted Chines men do the same in China,

and even the Iranian people (who mostly hate the Ayatollahs) and want western culture back rise up for peace as well.

Will the people of the world rise up and say enough is enough and we are not going to take it anymore or follow their leaders into abyss.

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(This is not going to end well, and vast numbers of people are going to die.)

Opposed to what Michel? Israel will never stop until they are stopped. Try telling that to the hundreds of thousands of Palestine's they continue to kill. There is no better time then the present - Israel has never been at a greater deficit than they are today. And just the opposite holds true for the resistance.

They have never been MORE fortified. All of you keep reiterating the same things - in what way will Israel even with the help of the USA prevail - they won't and can't. The middle east has now joined forces with RUSSIA and China. Why do all of you continue to leave these facts out of the picture?

There is no other alternative. Yes people will die but certainly not to the degree if Israel and the USA are allowed to continue on this killing rampage for years to come. No one will be shedding any tears for the total destruction of Israel and the complete neutering of the USA.

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Dear Mr. ignoramus, Israel has killed 67,000 Arabs since 1948, including the current war in Gaza. During that period, the Arabs have killed over a million of their own brethren.

And if the Muslims ever destroyed Israel, they will keep killing each other to eternity. That’s what they are good for—death and destruction, never high culture or technology that benefit mankind. As the saying goes, “Where the Arab goes, the desert follows.”

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67 thousand - really? Because by all accounts they've already slaughtered and murdered well over one hundred thousand just in Gaza alone! You must be of the same ilk that also believes the beheaded babies the rapes and all the other bullshit propaganda Israel continues to spew. How do you actually fit 40 babies in an over let alone finding an over big enough? Puh-leeze!

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You speak against God and His Holy Word. I have prayed for you.

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Just read Israel's history since 1948. They fought 3 major wars with overwhelming odds against them and defeated their enemies every time. They will win this one as well Israel is going nowhere.

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BJ… There’s just one teeny-weeny problem with your misguided hopes and dreams for the destruction of Israel…His Name is JEHOVAH GOD!

Israel belongs to the God of the Bible.

Israel’s enemies are poking the one true and Holy God squarely in the eye.

I suggest you pick up a Bible and read the books of Ezekiel, Joel, Zechariah, Isaiah, and Jeremiah, and learn what’s in store for the enemies of Israel.

Spoiler Alert: God wins! Russia, Iran (and all the young lions—read proxies of Iran—all enemies of Israel) and China will be wiped out.

To sum it up, YOU are the one “leaving the facts out of the picture.” Read the Word of God and learn the true and prophesied facts of the fate of Iran, China, and Russia—all enemies of Israel and the Jews.

“Let God’s Word be true and every man a liar.” Romans 3:4. In other words, God always keeps His word and remains faithful to His people. God is the same today, yesterday, and forever. Praise His Holy Name.

Just to make it crystal clear that God says what He means and means what He says, following is an excerpt from the Prophet Zechariah Chapter 12:

“1 This is a prophecy. It is the Lord’s message about Israel. The Lord spreads out the heavens. He lays the foundation of the earth. He creates the human spirit within a person. He says,

2“Jerusalem will be like a cup in my hand. It will make all the surrounding nations drunk from the wine of my anger. Judah will be attacked by its enemies. So will Jerusalem.

3 At that time all the nations on earth will gather together against Jerusalem. Then it will become like a rock that can’t be moved. All the nations that try to move it will only hurt themselves.

4 On that day I will fill every horse with panic. I will make every rider crazy,” announces the Lord. “I will watch over the people of Judah. But I will make all the horses of the nations blind.

5 Then the family groups of Judah will say in their hearts, ‘The people of Jerusalem are strong. That’s because the Lord who rules over all is their God.’

6 “At that time Judah’s family groups will be like a fire pot in a pile of wood. They will be like a burning torch among bundles of grain. They will destroy all the surrounding nations on every side. But Jerusalem will remain unharmed in its place.

7 “I will save the houses in Judah first. The honor of David’s family line is great. So is the honor of those who live in Jerusalem. But their honor will not be greater than the honor of the rest of Judah.

8 At that time I will be like a shield to those who live in Jerusalem. Then even the weakest among them will be great warriors like David. And David’s family line will be like the angel of the Lord who leads them.

9 On that day I will begin to destroy all the nations that attack Jerusalem.”

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You must watch cnn.

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NO MR she does not watch CNN. She knows the God of heaven, she knows how God works. She has seen what God has done in Israel for His purposes predicted over 3,000 years ago coming true as we sit here. If you want to know where TF is coming from start reading your Bible. It's all amazingly there.

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Sounds a lot like Ezekiel war ingredients. Look Up Get Ready

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