Unfortunately you're right, Michael. Demons are ruling over many nations. It accounts for the strange 'lack of common sense' and bizzare decisions we are seeing on the world stage and in every day life. The only comfort and peace I have is that ultimately God is in control, and that Jesus Christ is my Saviour.

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You can't blame all of this on demons only, this is not an eastern mystic yin yang event. God is in complete sovereign control over all of this, Satan can't do anything unless God allows it. and it's God who moves on the hearts of princes (look what God did to Pharaoh's heart). So in the end as He did with Job, God is behind all of this to glorify Himself, accomplish His purposes, and fulfill all His prophetic Word. God in the end is doing all of this.

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Yes He is, and also laying justice on America or turning a deaf ear and eye to us. I don't wonder why.

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"3rd Generation Curse" is real.

After years of peace and prosperity, world's 3rd+ Generation grew-up not knowing extreme devastation, so they carelessly break all the social safety nets, and bring annihilation and destruction upon themselves. History repeat itself, yet again.


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The problem of common sense is that it is not very common anymore.

The war in Ukraine is very complicated and complex. You talk to the younger people of Ukraine, those under 50 the vast majority do not want to be part of Russia anymore, they want what we want, independence, freedom, some form of democracy and capitalism, even in the 4 eastern regions of Ukraine among the Russian speaking people. My contact on the ground there since this all started has a friend who is an ex- US special ops guy working for a private military contractor for the US Govt. He said they have been on the ground since day one, directing and controlling the war so that neither side would win and to eviscerate the Russian conventional military. This is a proxy war between Russia and NATO and the poor Ukrainians are truly caught in the middle.

The west set up Putin to invade Ukraine due to our horrible pull out of Ukraine believing we had no stomach for another extended war, we even floated asylum for for the Ukraine govt and none of it was true. Now almost 3 years later Putin is in a catch 22.

Israel goaded Iran and her proxies to attack Israel and almost did and would have been wiped out for it.

All of this is being done to prompt a war with Russia and Iran before the big 3/4 Iran, Russia, China and N Korea are ready to start WW III on their terms, three wars starting at the same time, Pacific, Middle East and Europe with civil unrest in America. None of this will be ready until very late 2024 into 2025. So NATO and Israel is pushing Iran and Russia to start early, so we can more effectively handle one war at a time. This is why Putin is holding his hand back even after all these red lines were crossed.

and Iran balked when they realized a direct strike on Israel would start their war too soon.

It's all about the timing, and when this break lose it will all go off at once.

I'm suspecting a false flag event to stop the election and keep things under control with the same agenda (Trump can not get into office) is not and idle threat, as the shooter today verified.

This will not end well and it's not far off.

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-If we did nothing in Ukraine, Ukraine would have fallen and embolden Putin to go further. NATO can't defend itself w/o America's help. We stand by and put America first, Europe would either fall or be forced to capitulate by Putin in his desire to have the Russian Empire back. He will control Europe.

-We abandon those "fake Jews" in Israel, this war would quickly lead to nuclear war. Israel will use them especially if they can't keep Israel/Jerusalem, they will take everyone with them and use every nuke they have.

-We abandon Taiwan, they will lose to China and China controls the entire western pacific.

-Even without any of that happening China, Russian and proxy agents here will reek havoc from within to bring the US economy to a stand still.

Their goal is to isolate the USA from the rest of the world so we will crumble to nothing in the dark and cold and as Xi has openly said, it is China's turn to be the dominate force in the world to come not the USA and Europe.

So it's a stupid idea that we can negotiate with them to have peace and harmony and just get along with each other. All that will do is delay the inevitable. Negotiating will not change their agenda. This all comes from America and Europe winning WW II and S Korea, Taiwan and Japan are fully in the Western alliance. That's not acceptable to China.

This is war of the west vs east. Stalin and Mao saw America as their #1 enemy to establish world communism and now they have the Dem Party on their side with almost 50% of Americans voting for it.

Because of history, it is impossible to avoid these conflicts, war is inevitable. We either fight it on our terms or we fight it on theirs. Plus scripture said this will be God's plan for the end of the world as we know it, to bring in His kingdom.

If that is God's agenda, how can we be for putting this off? That some how we can make peace.

John saw the end in all its gory details and glorious victory of the Gospel and human price for it, persecution onto death. He saw all of it and when Jesus said behold I come quickly (not soon) when I come, what does John say? AMEN LORD COME LORD JESUS. Why can't that be our attitude?

Are we way too much like Lot's wife?

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Vote for Harris/Walz and your kids and grandkids will be drafted to die on a battlefied in some shithole country.

Yes, girls, will be drafted too.

Your choice.

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"Do nothing" is the best choice. It is their wars and skirmishes, don't get involved and escalate into a nuke WW3, with the red target right on our heads.

America has been weakened deliberately by Democrats in the last 3 years for some reason, food processing plants burnt, food sources and infrastructure destroyed.


The American republic is crumbling before us – and Democrats must share the blame


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Rest of his life in jail, Michael? Seriously? No, Kamala just found her next Secretary of State!

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Are they trying to start WW3 from Ukraine, or something ?

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No actually they are trying to avoid WW III. If we let Russia take Ukraine, there would be all out war in Europe with Russia's army at full strength. We weaken them with 3 years of war, then when the NATO war starts, they will lose and a better chance to capitulate.

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The United States is so heavily compromised and currently led by a criminal demonic cabal. Wisdom, and discernment and judgment are not their characteristics.

Death and more death mean nothing to evil.

They don’t care who dies and are willing to sacrifice anything and anyone for power and control.

An all out war is what leadership wants so it can take the rest of the healthy U.S. population of young people enlist them and throw them into the churn house of mechanized death of war.

The rest of the U.S. population is sick or immune compromised by the previous death jabs millions took, and still others obese, on some sort of drugs or otherwise.

War for these demons is the perfect depopulation tool and the eradication of what’s left healthy in our fighting force while the country is invaded by hordes of gangs, criminals, and other forms of demonic evil from the third world h - - holes. Why do you think you see animal sacrifices and the likes on the rise and all types of satanic risings.

All of them in leadership or otherwise need to be cast out and down in the name of JESUS., and tried for their crimes against humanity.

Pray for our nation and each other as chaos reins.


demons LOSE WE WIN

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“They” cannot do anything that hasn't already been heard, tried and approved in

⚖️ The Courts of Heaven ⚖️

Matthew 10:26

Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known.

Proverbs 3:26

For the Lord shall be thy confidence, and shall keep thy foot from being taken.

1 Chronicles 16:22

Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.

Psalm 105:15

Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.

God's not playing…

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Yes but there is an end to the story but before the end of the story comes there will be great tribulation, such as the world has never seen before nor shall it see it again. During those days Christian and Jew will be hunted down and executed, the world as a whole will have accepted an anti christ as their messiah , thinking he will save them from the destruction that had already been carried out , a destruction that kills off most of humanity . That anti christ and those who bend the knee to him will seek to destroy all those who know Jesus and those whom God chose as His first people, Christian and Jew. Yes what they do has already been made known to those who love God, the only true God who sent His Son , Messiah Jesus , so that the world might be saved. God has made clear that Christian and Jew will suffer greatly before Christ returns, He gives satan permission to slay us, for a time.

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I disagree... in part.

Yes, Jacob's Trouble (3.5 years Tribulation + 3.5 Great Tribulation) is on the horizon. This period of time is where God will directly deal with the sons of Israel and they shall be restored unto God.

As for those that have received Redemption through belief on and confession of Jesus being our only way back to The Father's House -

God has not appointed us to wrath but to obtain salvation.

Wrath is stored up for the unbelieving, unrepentant enemies of God.

"The Bride of Christ" -

The Bridegroom has already redeemed and purchased His Bride.

The wrath laid up for me was poured out on Jesus, My Saviour and Lord, at Calvery's Cross. He fully satisfied my sin-debt.

The "Snatching (harpazo) away of The Saints" is soon coming, as it precedes the righteous judgments beginning

in Revelation 5.

Satan can't "slay" that which is already dead, buried and risen in "The Snatching away" with Christ. We're attending the Marriage Supper of The Lamb.

There will be those that come to salvation under The Beast-AntiChrist and it is those that Satan pursues. It will cost them their mortal life.

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The pre-trib rapture is not one I am convinced of, at this time , after studying for years , God's Word , I think it highly probable that the rapture occurs the day Christ returns. There are 3 possibilities, pre-trib rapture, mid-trib rapture and the day Christ returns , when those who belong to Him are gather from the earth, immediately transformed to meet Him in the air. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18

New International Version

16 For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. 18 Therefore encourage one another with these words. There are other books of the bible which go into this topic as well, I am certain you are aware of them. All of that said brother , you could be right but at this time I have serious doubts about that as the evidence is strong that it will occur the very day Christ returns. I have also heard the theory that the Christians who are persecuted during trib are those who come to salvation after the rapture. A theory that again, at this time I am not convinced of but it is possible. I think of the persecution of Christ and He tortured then nailed to the cross, followed by His apostles (with the possible exception of 1, John) and the saints of that era and the horrific manner in which many were executed. God did not betray them, but , neither did He spare any of them the painful, horrible deaths they endured on this earth. The faith of the saints and the apostles was put to a fiery test, all of the apostles and those persecuted saints , finished the race. Could the theology you believe regarding pre-trib rapture be possible? Yes. So could the end trib theology. You and I might be alive to find out when it takes place. Thank you Brother for your comment , it is indeed greatly appreciated and causes to prayerfully consider the 3 rapture theologies again.

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I also agree that we're the Generation that will witness these things.

Israel reborn 1948 and

1967 Jerusalem no longer divided

RE - The “Catching Away” (Harpazo)

1 Thessalonians 4:16-18

16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, 👈

and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:

17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be “caught up” 👈

together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: 👈

and so shall we ever be with the Lord.


18 Wherefore comfort one another with these words. 👈

1 Corinthians 15:51-52

51 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, 👈


52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: 👈

(the last trump Christians will hear -


for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

This is a distinctively separate event, OFTEN confused with Jesus’ 2nd Coming…

We are “caught up into the air”

to meet Him in the air.

His Feet never touch the earth.

The Church does not appear in Scripture, beyond Rev. Ch 3

Rev 4:1

1 After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter.

“Come up Hither” is The Archangel’s cry of 1Thess 4:16

Zechariah 14

Rev 19:11-14

The 2nd Coming is when He returns, with the saints, to Mount of Olives, where a great earthquake splits the mountain and He destroys his enemies with a Breath…

Hope this helps, been a student of Eschatology 52 years

Blessings and Peace to you 🙏

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The Future Revealed!

The holy Scriptures declare that God would have mankind to know of future events (Amos 3:7; Mt. 10:26; Mk. 4:22; 13:23; Lk. 8:17; 12:2; Jn. 18:20). Those who erroneously teach that no one may know when the Rapture of the Church or the Second Advent [2nd Coming] to earth by the Lord Jesus Christ will take place (Mt. 24:36; Mk. 13:32) are ignorant about: 1. The prophetic significance for each of the seven holy feasts of the LORD (Lev. 23). 2. The three stages of a Jewish marriage (Gen. 24:1-67; Mt. 2:18:25; Lk. 1:26-27). 3. The five questions and answers in what is known as the “Olivet Discourse of Christ” (Mt. 24:3-26:2; Mk. 13:3-37; Lk. 21:7-36). The people of Israel and their religious leaders should have known of the First Advent of the Lord Jesus UNTO His own (Mt. 16:1-3; Lk. 12:54-56; 19:41-44; Jn. 1:11; 12:46), just as all Christians should now know of His two future returns (Lk. 17:22) known as the Rapture FOR His own (Jn. 14:1-3) and His Second Advent to earth WITH His own (Rev. 19:11-16).

Mary, was impregnated by God, the Holy Spirit, during the Feast of Passover in 4 B.C. John the Baptist was born on the day of the year with the most sunlight which is June 21, 4 B.C. Jeshua /Joshua/Jesus of Nazareth was born six months later on the day of the year with the least amount of sunlight which is December 21, 4 B.C. He declared, “I have come as a light to shine in this dark world, so that all who put their trust in me will no longer remain in the dark” (John 12:46). He fulfilled the Age of Law and began our current Age of Grace with His death on the Feast of Passover in 30 A.D. (Mt. 5:17-18; Lk. 24:25-27; Jn. 19:30). The Age of Grace will end with His “Second Advent” (Zech. 14:1-11; Acts 1:10-11; Rev. 19:11-16) on the Feast of a Day of Atonement [Yom Kippur] (Lev. 23:26-32) on 9/30/2028. The Church Age began 53 days after the “Age of Grace” on the Feast of Weeks [Pentecost] (Acts 2:1-47) and will end with the “Rapture” on the Feast of Trumpets, which is the third and last harvest feast of the year, on 10/4/2024 (Mt. 25:1-13; Jn. 4:35-38; 1 Cor. 15:51-53; 2 Cor. 11:1-2; 1 Th. 4:13-5:11; 2 Th. 2:1, 3; 2 Pet. 3:3-6; Rev. 3:10-11; 22:7, 12-13, 17, 20). The 80-year generation (Ps. 90:2, 10) that will see the fulfillment of all the Lord Jesus foretold in his Olivet Discourse (Mt. 24:3-26:2; Mk. 13:3-37; Lk. 21:7-36) began 5/14/1948 with the rebirth of the nation of Israel and will end on 9/30/2028.

Israel will win her wars with Hamas and Hezbollah ending with the nuclear destruction of Damascus, Syria (Ps. 83; Isa. 17:1). Israel will then have a sense of peace and safety (1 Th. 5:3). This will cause her to remove all of her walls (Ezek. 38:11). Russia and her allies will then attack the USA and invade Israel. God will defend Israel by way of a meteor shower and a huge earthquake (Ezek. 38-39; 1 Th. 5:3). Israel and the leader of the European Union, Matteo Salvini of Italy (Dan. 7:7-8; 9:26; 2 Th. 2:1,3; Rev. 6:1-2; 13:1-8), will then sign a seven-year [2,520 days] (Dan. 9:27; Rev. 11:3; 12:6) defense treaty in 2025. God will then reduce the number of hours in a day to 16 by increasing the rotation of planet Earth (Mt. 24:22; Mk. 13:20; Rev. 8:12). God is presently judging mankind by way of corrupt politicians, wars, famines, unstable economies, changing and erratic weather patterns, pestilences, and disasters like tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes and volcanos along with water and food shortages for rebelling against Him. We are now living in the “Beginning of Sorrows” (Mt. 24:4-8). Humanity will soon suffer unimaginable hardship as God intensifies His judgment upon the world for rejecting Him and His Holy Word (Mt. 24:21; Mk. 13:19; Rev. 4:1-19:21). All of the previous statements are biblically verified on www.endtimewarnings.org. Now is the time to believe (Jn. 14:6; 20:30-31).

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Connecting the shooter to Ukraine?

Michael wrote,

"he (the shooter) even claimed that he was getting foreigners placed in specific military units. So obviously Ryan Routh had extensive connections inside Ukraine. Did those connections play any sort of a role in the attempted shooting of Trump?" So where is the hard evidence that makes this "obvious?"

So your taking the word of a man who is clearly delusional, a huge grandiose narcissist and other possible evil influences (that he has special contacts in the Ukraine Milt. to get certain Americans to certain units and you use the term "obviously" about his (extensive connections)? How do you know that?

On his web site he was offering $1200 to fight for Ukraine (exactly what Ukraine is offering), so where did he get the money? Are you suggesting Ukraine was using him? Did anyone take him up on his offer? Can we ID any American he got into the Ukraine Foreign Legion Units? Can we prove he is connected the Ukraine Milt. in any way? No to all of that, the only evidence are the ravings of a mad man.

Are we not as Christians in every matter to prove that it is true that we must establish truth by the testimony of two or three witnesses, before we can consider or debate anything to be true. 2 Cor. 13? Gossip and slander are clearly wrong in both the New and Old Testament.

Is this a veiled attempt to demonize Ukraine? Nazis against Trump?

Look, The Ukrainian people want what we wanted from the British, freedom from Tyranny, personal and religious liberty and to establish our own govt. We would be hypocrites not to support that idea. Unfortunately it is a lot more complicated than that, it's a mess yes, yes this is a proxy-war with Russia and the Ukrainians are caught in the middle.

Now I'm not a Nikki Haley supporter, but I know people who are and support the war in Ukraine, I can't lump them with this guy. Supporting Nikki Haley has nothing to do with this shooter. That's guilt by association, a construct of Communist critical theory.

Putin and Medvedev have made multiple threats of nuclear war if Ukraine does certain things "a clear red line" or Biblically, step over a line in the sand. But that has happened multiple times. The F-16's are flying, Moscow, military and utility targets have been hit with missiles and drones and Ukraine actually invaded Russia. So where are the nukes? We add more rocket artillery that can go 25% further in Russia is now the new red line? That's nothing to compare what has been done in the past. Is Putin just buying time at the behest of his Chines masters to wait? Ya know Russia and China hate each other!

If Putin makes Kiev a "giant gray melted spot" do you understand what would happen to Moscow and St Petersburg? We have already proven we can wipe out their S300 and S4000 missile defense systems. We are perfecting small inexpensive jamming drones in mass to hamper their defense systems. The art of war and it's tactics are being drastically changed in this war and the west is driving that change. These changes could make naval warfare with massive fleets obsolete.

The last thing even the Globalists want is all out nuclear war, nobody wants that. If they were going to do it they would have done it already. No one goes to war without some hope of a clear sustainable and survivable victory. Even Jesus acknowledged that of this sinful world Luke 14:31-33.

Unless your a mad man like the shooter is and Putin is not a mad man. He is a shrewd pragmatist.

I'm not saying this war will not go nuclear, but when this war starts it will be conventionally, with less than nuclear strikes.

The entire strategy of the west was to use the Ukraine war to eviscerate Russia's conventional army. So when the war with NATO starts Russia will be at a great disadvantage. More heavy losses will push enough govt officials and the Russian people to sue for peace, to get them to the point as they were when they pulled out of Afghanistan and we pulled out of Vietnam and had a stalemate in Korea. Reason these events played out that way was no one was insane enough to just start dropping nukes.

This is our approach to them and theirs to us.

Sun Tzu in "The Art of War" said the best way to defeat an enemy is to get him into a position where resistance is futile and he will capitulate. A great resent example was Iran just weeks ago was about to launch a direct attack on Israel and when Iran realized the massive Armada assembled to wipe them off the map, they capitulated. The key is not threats, or warnings they don't and never will work. We warned Japan days before we dropped bombs on Japan, the effect was zero. Actions speak louder than words. Another example was Teddy Roosevelt's "gun boat Diplomacy." Very effective.

That is what the west is doing to Russia now, gradually over almost 3 years we want to get them to a point where they see they can't win and sue for peace, on our terms not theirs.

Putin Feb 22 he invaded and beleived Kiev would fall in days if not weeks and in months, total victory.

Putin in Feb 24 told Carlson Russia can't be defeated

Putin in June 24 saw no need to use nukes but kept his options open (may not be winning)

Putin in July 24 admitted they can't win the war and want peace at the current battle lines.

Then in Aug. 24 Ukraine invades Russia.

Do you see what is happening here?

Putin will not nuke Ukraine because he sees it as the heart of the Russian Orthodox church and that since the 17th Century Ukraine was Russia, and under the USSR Ukraine was one of the four Socialist Republics of the USSR and they want it back all of it, they don't want to blow it up.

Ukraine was once bread basket of Russia a chief export was grain from Ukraine (they want that back and they want control pack of all the gas and oil pipelines to Europe). If Ukraine joins NATO they see that as no hope of Ukraine going back to Russia. But it would be stupid to blow all that up. The Ukrainians wanted nothing to do with the USSR but lost their revolution. They see now a second chance. This is what this is all about. We shall see how the Lord's plan is and how it lays itself out.

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He is a member of the McConnell-Cheney RINO Axis of Evil

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There is no real question, because it is that day and at that time when God has restored the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem, in which He will gather all the nations, the enemies of His People Israel in the Valley of Decision which is Har Megiddo, popularly known as Armegeddon.

And when they get there, He will be there, to judge them.for their evil towards His People Israel.

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What leaders, the US is leaderless. As I have watched this war continue on , I noticed something, the military resources of western nations , what was left, are being sapped. Is it possible that Russia, working with it's allies such as China and iran intentionally started this war to drain the western powers of what was left of their military strength? Once they have weakened us enough is their intent to attack? I think that may very well be the case. Russia , supposedly , should have been able to knock Ukraine down in a few weeks. Making peace is the only solution here and yet zelensky failed to show up for peace talks with putin on at least one occasion. When all of this crap first started it was because zelensky was attempting to become part of nato and my understanding is that was a violation of a treaty they had with Russia. I don't care for zelensky one bit , nor, do I trust him. It appears to me that the pompous little turd is attempting to start World War 3 and someone needs to pop that little turds ego before he does. I am also greatly concerned for the people of Ukraine , as the little turd seems hell bent on sacrificing them and the western world so that he can remain in power till the day he dies. If Russia fires off nucs it is probable however it will be the US he first hits not Ukraine. Take the US out and Russia, China and Iran will have the world, the European nations will just throw up the white flag.

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Not hard to drain US military resources.

The Pentagon is woke and weak.

More worried about what pronouns to use. And they love those drag queens.

Don't forget that SecDef Austin forced the troops to take an experimental mRNA gene therapy shot full of lipid nanoparticles, spike proteins, polyethylene glycol, and other toxic substances.

Refusal to take the covid DeathVax caused the corrupt military to kick out over 8,000 military members, often with a less than honorable discharge. This meant they were denied VA benefits such as education, home loan, medical care, etc.

The Pentagon is doing such a fine job of f*cking things up, they didn't need any help from outside sources.

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Mentally ill is still mentally ill. These useful idiots never once reflect that Donald Trump had four years to accomplish all of the insidious things they're/we're being told he's going to do if re-elected. Unfortunately, it's only going to get worse - even if he is re-elected. You can't fix stupid, but the Communists damn well know how to use it.

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