This idea that the President is about to become a dictator is not new. Over the decades Congress has seeded it's powers more and more to the chief executive and the vast bureaucracy of that branch. Both parties are guilty due to the desire, when their man is in office he can get more done. Slowly presidents have become more dictatorial especially via Executive Orders. All of this is totally unconstitutional.

In 2018 I had direct access to a intel briefing that involved all the western powers. One aspect predicted a war in Europe, middle east and the start of hostilities in the pacific with China before Nov of 2024. They stated that after the 2020 election the Govt will grind to a halt and cease to function and the president will declare a national emergency. This appears to be the path we are on. Even if we get to the 2024 election the losers will cry foul and there will be violence in the streets. If the Rep candidate loses, the Militias will hit the streets. If the Dem candidate loses (and it will not be Biden) the far left will rise with street mobs echoing the bolshevik revolution will happen.

When two groups can no longer stand each other and no longer willing to make deals in common ground the shooting starts and it ends back to the treaty table when one sides gives up. It may unavoidable at this point, put political violence will come. Iran, N Korea, China and Russia maybe waiting for those events to make a major move believing America will be too self-absorbed to extend international influence. We shall see.

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Both sides of the political spectrum are calling the other sides winner in 2024 the one that will bring an end to America. We have gotten to this place, politically so divided because we vote against something instead of voting for something. We thus create a we against them attitude. This is exactly what the globalist's want disunity and chaos. When this nation was founded there was a broad and general world view that embraced Biblical morality. That has now long gone, and without that common unity the system will not work. What is a contradiction is that 88% of congress claim to be Christian. So the same insanity of guys who think thy are girls are girls and congressmen who think they are Christians must be simply because they believe it. A true age or real deception.


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88% claim to be Christian? What is the percentage of dual citizenship (American/Israeli) amongst the den of cowards and thieves? That alone says BS to the claim of "Christian".

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Well, who’s to say that Trump is not the anti Christ? Makes as much sense as any other millenarian prediction. And didn’t the Bible say that the beast would come pretending to be a righteous man?

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No Trump is not the Anti-Christ. Scripture says he will come claiming to be the actual 2nd coming of Christ, he does this signs and wonders just like Jesus did, he subdue all the nations under his power (he does this himself) calling fire down from heaven as Elijah did. He will masquerade as an angel of light (trump is definitely not that. And what he offers will seem just like the kingdom of God is coming (Rev 10) but it's a lie.

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Not really, as Christ was for all the people, not parties: Trump, from an analytical point, is not political. The Republic was Founded, on those words. Since neither party is in support of "WE" the people, the drive to a more people oriented society, was proven in the standards between the 4 years and now. "O" stated the "Transformation of America" position. That position is in every big City, destroying everything it it's path. Biden and "P" were and are the pretenders you speak of. A socio-communist and a marionette.

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It seems like the powers that be are announcing exactly what they want and who they are. DJT was never supposed to be president.

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However, the question must be asked: if no one can open a store without someone coming to smash and grab, if there is permanent rioting in the streets, if our military is in disarray, if no one is obeying the laws of our land, if people are ransacking every UPS truck that tries to leave the warehouse, if congress can't pass a decent budget to save its life, can democracy survive?

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Liberalism is a mental illness, and as Raegan once quipped, they will fight to the death for your right to agree with them. FJB

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To those who suspect something is amiss, you are correct. Here is one example of many:

1946 - UNESCO Education is instituted. 1946 - 1948: 1948: UNESCO: Its Purpose and Its Philosophy by Sir Julian Huxley (the first director-general of UNESCO, 1946-1948) is published, in which Huxley declares: "The general philosophy of UNESCO should be a scientific world humanism, global in extent and evolutionary in background... Political unification in some sort of world government will be required...Tasks for the media division of UNESCO (will be) to promote the growth of a common outlook shared by all nations and cultures...to help the emergence of a single world culture... Even though it is quite true that any radical eugenic policy will be for many years politically and psychologically impossible, it will be important for UNESCO to see that the eugenic problem is examined with the greatest care, and that the public mind is informed of the issues at stake so that much that now is unthinkable may at least become thinkable." Excerpts from this volume were reproduced under the title, "A New World Vision" (The Humanist, March/April 1979), and the Fabian Socialist Huxley, who was named 1962 "Humanist of the Year," elsewhere said that humanism's "keynote, the central concept to which all its details are related, is evolution." Also, it was Sir Julian Huxley (brother of Brave New World author Aldous Huxley, and grandson of Thomas Huxley who was known as "Darwin's Bulldog" because of his defense of evolution).

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It will be apocalyptic for the left if/when Trump is elected.

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Oh really? Just like the last time right?

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DEMS/LIBS/LEFT are now forever linked to crazy wacky movements, like LGBTPQ / WOKE / Open Border / ....

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Mr Snyder, you either work for Trump or are completely out of the loop. MAGA voters want Trump to become a dictator and end democracy. Trump, MAGA Republicans, and Christian Evangelists are working on a Christian Nationalism agenda currently. That is the reason he’s leading the polls and all other Republican candidates are being rejected by his base. Ultimately, my advice would be to read 1) the Turner Diaries 2) Project 2025 3) Agenda 47 so you can get better educated.

In the year 2000, I met a militia member in Georgia at a gun range that told me their group was working closely with the Republican Party to install a president that would change immigration laws that would grant them the license to conduct mass shootings on minorities with no legal repercussions. I thought it was the craziest thing I had ever heard until I saw the militias rise up during Trump’s presidency. As I stated, you either work for Trump and MAGA or you are not in the right circles to understand the master plan. And by the way, I’m anti-Biden - but I’m also informed.

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you misspelled the word ill-informed. Look in the mirror, here is the mirror: http://www.slideshare.net/slideshow/embed_code/29260572

Read carefully, some words my be new to you. As an old Mil. officer, is the "Humanist Elite"

as in history, have been selling you a seat on the trains. Next find discussion of the 1994 Cairo Accords. Read an abstract from that document, and you will find the road you are on.

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A mind is a terrible thing to waste. Turn off the TV.

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News to PM: Swing state Muslim Americans launch #AbandonBiden campaign Muslim leaders from Michigan, Minnesota, Arizona, Wisconsin, Florida, Georgia, Nevada, and Pennsylvania are scheduled to meet in Dearborn, Michigan, to turn their opposition into action through an anti-Biden campaign dubbed #AbandonBiden.


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Even African-Americans have woken up to the craziness of DEM/LIBS/WOKE.


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ON !!!

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Mr Snyder, you need to get right with God and stop this pro-Donald crap now. He's the authoritarian's authoritarian. It's literally the only reason he's so "loved". He openly boasts about his admiration for ONE type of leader: the dictator. He's such a weak imposter that all he can do is try to imitate strongmen. He openly boasted that he is his voters' "retribution". WTFFF? He's openly boasted that he intends to go after his political enemies, not for committing crimes, but for going after HIM. He tried that against Hillary and he failed to find any crimes, halfway because he's so weak, and halfway because there were no crimes to find. Now he wants to jail all the Bidens he can find, even though his flying monkeys in congress still can't seem to find any (again). But if you listen to Trump's mental midgets, you'd think that Joe or Hunter have done all of the things that Trump himself has done, miraculously denying that Trump even did them.

Ah this is BS. Snyder, get right with God. Stop this bearing of false witness. I know the Trump voters are easier to fleece than anyone but start respecting yourself. Stop putting evil thoughts of retribution into your readers' minds. PLEASE get right with God. We never know when it will be too late.

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You are raving, and it's laughable. Go take a melatonin and go to bed. Your friends the demockrats will survive ok too.

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If you could've disputed anything I stated, you would've. But what I said is indisputable, so instead you lowered yourself to your god's level of personal empty insults.

By your god, I mean Trump.

It might not be too late for you to get deprogrammed and get right with the REAL God.

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I would have more respect for you, if you are a paid troll.

Do you know how much trouble we are in right now? Nations and Empires had came and gone, usually lasting less than 250 years. Do the math, it is not going to be pretty. Even Europeans are saying Good-Bye America.


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Trump may make a lot of boastful statements but seems like the other side is more focused on using the state against their opponents. Trump failed to cross the Rubicon his first term so I don’t think he will get another chance.

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"May make boastful statements"? Yeah, like OJ Simpson "May like stabbing people who made him mad".

The Dems aren't in charge of the state, they aren't in charge of the DOJ, and Trump himself expressed fury that the DOJ wouldn't throw his perceived opponents into prison when he was squatting in the White House so don't pretend that the DOJ takes orders from the White House. Trump committed multiple felonies. God will curse a nation which looks the other way when criminals aren't prosecuted. He has actually admitted, even boasted, that he did *each and every crime* that he's now facing justice for. But he claimed that either the things he did weren't illegal (they definitely are), or that he was allowed to do what he did because his brief title of POTUS makes him permanently untouchable, like a king. That was another fallacy that his severely self-entitled mind came up with.

Poll numbers show that Americans want Trump to face justice for his crimes. If you defend that criminal, get deprogrammed. You are very definitely a victim of a cult.

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I am not defending anyone. But I would like some of what you are smoking. On second thought, no. It’s made you paranoid

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This govt is so divided, no matter who wins in 2024 he will most likely have to be a dictator. I don't like Trump either and he has said he will become dictatorial. But I don't like Bide either for the same reasons. Biden has made the same kinds of threats, calling conservative Republicans a threat to democracy. He's come very close to saying that in order to save democracy I will have to suspend it.

It's going to be a very interesting 12 months.

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I don't like Biden either, but Trumpfans aren't generally intelligent enough to comprehend that disliking Trump doesn't automatically make someone a Biden lover.

I disagree that Biden has spoken against Conservative Republicans. He's definitely addressed the MAGA faction, who are terrorists-in-waiting. They are neither conservative nor even Republicans anymore.

I also disagree with you that our 2024 "winner" will necessarily have to be a dictator. I'm hoping and praying that a strong, sensible REAL Christian and REAL Conservative Republican like Nikki Haley gets elected. She doesn't have the seemingly necessary authoritarian/dictator persona that so many mini-Trumps (Ron DeSantis, et al) have cultivated. She's a sane person, and I hate that this is the new standard for GOP candidates -- the crazier the better. The more violent promises the better. Haley could be the one who turns this country back to where we need it to be. I'm only donating to her. And I'm donating a lot.

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I think I remember you from another thread. How much is Nikki paying you? Nobody actually likes her

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She's polling better than her fellow high-heels wearer. And sure, she's paying me 2 trillion dollars.

(Ask a stupid question... get a stupid answer.)

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Look under the Constitution the President does not run this country or dictate policy, congress is suppose to do that. Those days are long gone. We have had over 100 years of political parties compromising on all issues and that has led to s steady slide to the left, and the exec. office is now 100% of the time functioning under the emergency powers act, so the president no matter who he is can pull the trigger with congresses OK. It now has reached a point where enough is enough. We have become too divided there is no more common ground. When the dollar dies and we deliberately default on the dollar and all it's bonds, there will be chaos and the president will have no choice to declare a national emergency. This default will be dictated by the FED, the IMF, WB and BIS. Govt has no say when this will happen. In fact I seriously doubt we will even get to Nov 2024, we shall see.

As far an Nikkei Haley is concerned, she is backed bay all these big bankers and walls street. She is a globalist a true student of Kissinger. She will not rescue us from what is coming, but will probably do a better job of guiding us through this new global govt to the best advantage of the USA. No matter who wins in 2024 if we get there this will not end well.

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