The level of vitriolic hate, by the left, for President Trump is off the charts. I would expect nothing less than an unhinged response from these people.

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When Joe Biden said on National TV no military died on his Commander in Chief watch, and denied the 13 Marines who died at Abby Gate Afghanistan…hello, Alex Jones! $1.5 Billion from the Biden Crime family to those Gold Star families.

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Just checked FB accounts of mostly former Democrat friends. Their posts are insane. All of them posted something ridiculous within the past week.

One dude, interesting. He would post a lot prior to 2020 election, then slowed down dramatically. From 25+ posts/week to 1/ 2 weeks. Noticed he's back to the 25+ posts per week pace. Starting to wonder if he's paid to stir people up. I want to believe some of them are paid operatives because if they're all real people, they are pathetic and severely low on kindness, tolerance, and critical thinking while they *think* themselves superior in all those categories.

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Get with the program...the entire government is a conspiracy theory.

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All of a sudden those who are always saying Fake News are believing, 100% of what they saw on the TV and what they are being told. And all because it is their golden boy, Trump. Whatever actually happened there, will never be known b/c the government covers up everything and throws out a Narrative that we are supposed to accept, with no question.

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Just when you think they've made the worst mistake possible they go and ratchet it up to a whole new level. Thanks to their short sighted attempt to score some cheap fakes we can now have some real conversations about the fed, MKUltra, and 9/11.

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They are really, really bad propagandist.

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WELL BY THE GLORY OF GOD ITS TIME: I believe the LORD sent his warrior Angel, Michael to stand behind Donald Trump on that platform that faithful day in PA and the plot to kill him was aborted. In the Bible the concept of blood on the right ear (Leviticus 8:22-24) and (Leviticus 14:28) serves as a visible mark of consecration, signifying that the person is dedicated to God's service and has been set apart for a specific purpose. This act represents a physical and spiritual transformation, preparing the individual for their sacred role. Here's a breakdown of the significance: RIGHT EAR: Listen for and hear in obedience to GOD: BLOOD represents life, to be applied to the right ear of the Priest is to declare him to be the representative of GOD: President Donald J Trump in his first term completed his assignment by moving the embassy to Jerusalem and confirming that Jerusalem was the Captial of Israel. The enemy tried to destroy him financially, they could not. They tired weaponizing our Justice System against him, they could not. They tried to kill him with a bullet, they could not: NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST YOU SHALL PROSPER AND EVERY VOICE THAT RAISES AGAINST YOU SHALL BE CONDEMNED. GLORY This July 18, 2024, at the GOP Convention President Donald J Trump shall speak from his lips with a grateful heart to GOD ALMIGHTY for being alive. He is God's man for such as time as this and depending on the TRUE AMERICAN PEOPLE, BLACK, WHITE, and all OTHERS. WE WILL CHOOSE OUR FATE: LIFE OR DEATH, THE BLESSING OF OUR LORD OR HIS RIGHTEOUS JUDGEMENT! AS FOR ME AND MY HOUSE, WE CHOSE LIFE.

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Here I thought that the "Blue Anon" faked images were just meant to be funny. Because they *were* funny! I even love that the Twitter users refer to themselves as Blue Anon and they tweet things like, "Hey QAnon conspiracy theorists, this is how stupid YOU look to the rest of us". Too bad so many thought that they were sincere.

I haven't been able to find proof yet that the weird white square taped over Trump's ear was applied by a doctor, because it looks like a 1st grader pasted it there. And then there's the mean photoshop images of JD Vance (born James Donald Bowman) wearing thin, subtle eyeliner in every photo. I guess that's the rainbow people groups trying to make him look gay.

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So...................in those scary worked up minutes, the bandaid to keep germs out, catch blood, well I guess they should have laid him out on a stretcher and performed a procedure right there? Please....perhaps it wasn't a "doctor" that covered it quickly???

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