Michael, again your dishonesty surprises me. Portraying Gazans' mass genocide and poverty due to sanctions by israeli forces, as Hammas', brought and paid for by Israel and US, failure to defend Gaza. The lie of 76 years that israel is the victim and terrorists funded and trained by US and Israel, the "aggressors"!. Don't you know lies sustain inhumanity and injustice to Life? Rationalization of legalized murder and defense of it, desecrates and destroys God's Universe, people and their resources for 76 years? All have to answer to God, and reaction of Karma, the Law of cause and effect, will return to those who generate evil and shed blood because of their criminal selfishness, greed and lust for power. That has been so throughout mankind's history, no matter what Nation.

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Infants cooked alive in Kitchen ovens are your idea of a feast fit for a king?

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What will you do when we ALL know who you really are?


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You are a real fruitcake!

Neurotic is one thing,but you are way over in Schizo Territory!

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That's what the Jew must say, when faced with someone that has read their Toledot Yeshu. Someone who actually knows how to spell metzitzah b'peh. You can't stand up and go "Whoa...this goyim knows WAY too much."

Ya can't do that, can you? This is all that you're left with. Ad hominem attacks.

No matter, what, I've never found an ACTUALLY truthful Jew. Every one everywhere lies about SOMETHING.

Nearly ALL will lie about being the "chosen people". We know you aren't chosen by anyone save for Lucifer. What was that quote by Harold Rosenthal? Rosenberg? I can never remember..."Most Jews won't admit it, but out god is Lucifer, and we are his chosen people."

That's the one NONE of you will admit to, isn't it? Being of the devil? Being NON-HEBREWS and NON-ISRAELITES. That's not even touching the holocaust lie. This is the secret ALL JEWS PROTECT, if they're communist or not, if they're zionist or not, if they're "practicing" or "atheist", or even ultra orthodox, NONE of you will admit to this one, will you?

Jesus himself said this to you, did he not? John 8:44 You are of your father the devil and the lusts of your father you shall do. He was a liar and a murder from the beginning, and when he speaketh a lie he speaketh of his own, for there is no truth in him."

Ya murdered him for this fact EXACTLY, didn't you?

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You are one furked up S.O.B.

Not peculiar but stark raving mad!

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If this were the movie "They Live", you would be the pizza face talking into your wrist watch..."I've got one that can see."

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Disgusting Canaanite Edomite Sodomite.

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This is all it has.

It can refute nothing.

It WILL refute nothing.

I COMMAND YOU to get behind me.

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Somebody is a lying Jew.

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They lied about that. It's not true

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Did Gingis Khan suffered from any karma?

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Everyone suffers from Karna. No Nation or individual is an exception. God does not have a pet group or a pet Nation when they disobey God's Law. Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 AD because of disobedience and rebellion to God. I repeat, no individual or group is an exception to the Law when God's Law is broken.

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And God told you all of this?

You must be very important to receive this Information.

Either that,or you are Schizo!

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Deny being a Jew, Sidney.

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I deny nothing,why should I

You should turn yourself at the nearest Mental Health Facility.

You are a very sick piece of work!

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I'd run, too.

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Says the Hasbara Sayanim Jew in here pushing its murderous agenda, levying ad hominem attacks on anyone that dare challenge your Jew narrative.

It's YOU who are the sick piece of work, INVERTER. Make war by way of deception, eh, Ba'al worshiper?

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And did God tell those who desecrate land and people, they have a right to because they are chosen? Even a child knows difference between right and wrong. Only minds sick unto death rationalize legalized murder as "self defense". And God is not telling you or anyone who is disobedient and have a spirit of rebellion that wrong is justified. And Satan is telling you all you believe?

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Places and people like this have a tendency to either BE Jews, or to SUCK them passionately.

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Yep, truth, and lies; too bad y'all don't know the difference.

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Maybe the Same shizo using different names!

Either that or these whack jobs attract each other!

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Mental illness is most prevalent in Jews, demographically speaking.

There are more homosexuals in "Israel" than anywhere else, per capita.

There are more sex offenders in "Israel" than anywhere else, per capita.

"Israel" is known globally as the world's center of sex and human trafficking.

Something about that Talmud that inspires utter evil in you people, isn't there?

The Jew always accuses others of that which itself is guilty. Offer it no sympathy or mercy, for the vicious animal offers none. Ask Mary Phagan.

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Really? Where did you get those stats? The Talmud may well inspire evil (it's not the inspired word of Yhwh; that would be found inte Torah), but most sexual and mental dysfunction are the result of plain old-fashioned rebellion, aka SIN. Projection, deflection, denial, all tactics to avoid seeing one's own evil. Watch out for that log in your eye...

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Nothing else, huh?

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Nothing else is necessary, so kindly go troll somewhere else, I'm not impressed.

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Anything else? I'll warn you...be very careful treading around me. I fully believe in "allow the Jew's own words to destroy him."

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Schizophrenia is familial. That's Ben known for decades. It has nothing to do with "being Jewish", as opposed to other ethnicities. Try a more balanced approach to your information gathering. Ust FYI, I took psychiatry for RNs over 50 yrs ago, and stull read pertinent information .

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Michael, I’d like to thank you for all the time and effort you exert keeping us informed. I’ve read all of your books, and they’ve lit me on fire. Just bought Chaos last night! All the info you create is so helpful, informative, and well written. May God bless you and keep you during these end times.

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I'd like to give everyone a little language lesson. "People" like Sidney Weiner coming in here to spread their lies and filth makes my choice simple. Counter their lies with truth. Back up that truth with a legitimate source. Watch the kvetching.

English and science have always been my strong suits. I was in advanced English and reading classes in grade school, and my freshman year of high school, I tested as a "post college graduate" in reading and comprehension. When I took my college entrance exams, I ACED the English portion. The lady at the college said that was "highly unusual". I do not doubt that. Most native English speakers "me talk English good". The point of all this self-agrandizing is just this: I have a better grasp on English than most folks, enjoying greatly a deep dive into the etymology of a word. It's surprising what you can actually learn, historically speaking, by tracing word origins.

The word I'd like to explore today is the word "cannibal". Cannibal is a very interesting and unique word, and tells a bit of true history in its construction.

Cannibal is actually an amalgamation of 2 other words...the "cann" bit comes from Canaanite. You've all heard of the "Canaanites" from the Bible, yes? Deuteronomy 20:17 "But you shall utterly destroy them; namely, the Hittites, and the Amorites, the Canaanites, and the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites; as the LORD your God has commanded you" God commanded the Israelites to destroy the Canaanites. The 2nd part of the word "cannibal" is "ibal" or, more properly, "i bal". "I bal" is "of Ba'al". I'm sure you've all heard of Ba'al. At least, I hope so.

So...the word "cannibal" means "canaanites, worshipers of Ba'al, eat people".

Cannibal...Canaanites, worshippers of Ba'al, eat people.

Now, for a little factoid for you. The following is from the "Biblical Archeology" website. There are other places which will echo this story, but this was an easy grab from a reputable source.


Jews and Arabs descended from Canaanites.

Let's read that again slowly. Jews and Arabs descended from Canaanites. Huh.

So, speaking very truthfully and being historically accurate, we can say that the word "cannibal", then, can be defined as meaning "Jews eat people".

Wow. I'm sure you've all heard of "blood in the matzo balls". But here you have evidence of the accuracy of this "myth" (lol), hidden in the very etymology of the word "cannibal". How many have ever heard that the word "cannibal" means "Jews eat people"?

A better question might be, who can disprove this?

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Your thinking is simplistic and unmoored from reality. Hezbolah is an arm of Iran. They don't act without being sicced. Iran gave up on Hamas a month ago, when the latter launched an unauthorized attack on Israel. Barring an accident, this war is confined to Gaza.

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The "Israel" of the middle east is a Rothschild-created anti-Israel. It has NOTHING to do with the "Israel" of the Bible.

Jews are neither Hebrews nor Israelites. They are the people Jesus Christ said "Are not of God", "Are not of Abraham", "Are not of my sheep", and "Are of your father THE DEVIL."

The words of Christ cannot be disputed, they are what they are. To side with the "Jews" is to side AGAINST THE TRUE ISRAEL and to side AGAINST GOD.

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So you truly believe the first of three wars of the apocalypse have started and yet you’re still trying to sell your books?

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