Love your work. But don’t you see this is the ‘Covid’ psyop replay. Just in time for the election. C’mon. The media was paid to push the narrative. 100s of millions of dollars. And here we go again. They want you dead. Do not comply.

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Howdy MoodyP,

Um...actually this might not be a classic SEE-Aye-A "PsyOp"...instead it may be the Herald for something much, much worse.

Jump in the 'Way Back machine' with me on a 'little' trip back...

Peter Daszack's ORIGINAL proposal - which he submitted to DARPA PUBLICAALY as matter of RECORD, centered on - what else - COVID GoF 'Studies'.

DARPA summarily REJECTED his application for Grant MONEY...but wait, step back to his original proposal (which LIKELY you can STILL fairly easily find somewhere on the Net) and breeze PAST EVERYTHING...

right down to the LAST paragraph of that proposal...

He actually *seemed* to be trying a 'Hail Mary' type of field play there...inasmuch as that VERY last paragraph explicitly identifies his intent to utilize 'unspecified' amounts of money from said Grant - if approved - to also do exactly the same thing with not simply someting 'potentially lethal to humans', but instead, something already horrifyingly potent in terms of it's lethality, once contracted.

Pleaae do not 'merely' accept what I put forth here as 'TRUTH'...instead, go look it up, yourself.

WHAT am I here referring to? - just CUT to the Credits Buddy...Puh-LEEZE!.

You asked for it, you got it Toyota! As the OLD commercial advertisement went...

Daszack EXPLICITLY was REQUESTING funding to pursue GoF Studies on MERS, as STATED in that last paragraph, which was quite uncharacteristically brief given the REST of the proposal preceding it; hence my allusion to a 'Hail Mary' attempt to 'squeak that by..."

Jesus, Mary and Joseph save us from these utterly EVIL Bastards!

MERS - Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome, once contracted has a historical track record of inducing Mortality at or ABOVE a rate of 70%.

Frick and Frack, these people are MONSTROUS in thier pursuit of DEATH, OURS!

WHY he's still 'walking around' and has NOT been visited by Mr Barrett - YET - in his tailor-made 'suit' whose Tailor is of the .416 persuasion is a nothing short of a frickin' mystery...to ME!

Sorry for the 'Rant' as it were Sir or Ma'am, either, this IS the Sabbath after all....

When you actually KNOW what these 'people' - and rest assurred I am applying THAT quite Liberally, here - are doing openly, PUBLICALLY how can anyone EVER TRUST our Governance again?

Louis Brandieis, Supreme Court JUSTICE wrote an 'Opinion' on a case before the Court in his day,

"When GOVERMENT becomes the Law- Breaker, it BREEDS CONTEMPT for the Law; it INVITES every Man to become a 'Law unto himself'; it INVITES ANARCHY."

End Quote...note that ALL the emphasized sections were done by ME, Moi...to emphasize exactly the Justice's INTENT.

I hope - truly - that my little segway in the recent past did not disturb your Sabbath Sir, surely.

"Those who do NOT recall thier PAST are DOOMED to repeat it..."

Be Blessed Sir,


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Interesting. I just find it fascinating, albeit disconcerting as well, thatthst the player and the playbook and the timing are all nearly identical to 2020.

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Howdy MoodyP,

Oh, it's NOT actually 'Coincidental'. The PTB (Powers That Be) are always 'test trialing' various things to MEASURE the Public response to thier machinations.

Whilst Europeans basically just 'rolled over' like GOOD DOGS and let thier respective Governnents just ROLL OVER THEM, rest assured THAT was distinctly NOTICED.

Something even MORE noticed, was the Push Back HERE in the US when our government went Full Retard in trying to do the same to US.

We Americans are a stubborn, cussed lot, stiff-necked and ARMED to the Teeth. If we were a breed of Toilet Paper, then we'd be "John Wayne" toilet paper, "Rough and Tough and don't take SHIT off anyone".

A small spot of humor there I'm afraid, I can't help it; I was BORN that way Dammit!

Have a Blessed week...


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And so it begins. Why am I not surprised that it was the Whitbitch first.


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Howdy MoodyP,

Hah!...Yup, no suprise there!

"Gretchen" is a Bona Fide Nazi-Power- Crazed-Idgit. "IDGIT" is a highly technical term used to describe people who SHOULD have been STRANGLED at birth.

Told ya...I just can't help it; it's a genetic thing, inherted from my 'Robin Williams-esque' FATHER.

Be well, be SAFE - REALLY! - and be Blessed. There are SO many people I am looking forward to meeting...after the DUST settles from Armageddon that is, maybe I'll get to meet you also.

Best Regards...JOG

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LOL. I think our father’s would have gotten along quite well.

It’s not just the Whitbitch in MI. You also have the other two dingbats that make up the cast of evil triplets.

And the long-standing problem that 75% of the GOP are RINOs. Cheating in the primaries to ensure conservatives candidates lose has been a GOP staple in MI for 100 years. Or more. Just one of the reasons the Republican Party doesn’t protest too much when the Dems cheat in the general.

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This may be a Covid psyop replay, but clearly China suffered much more than America did. You can't say the the Spanish Flu was some psyop. With a world of about 6 billion it was estimated between 25 to maybe 100 million people died. We know something is coming Jesus said so. The big lie would be to push a fake pandemic and then hit the world with a real one and no one listens and even more people die. It's just me but I think the virus fizzled more quickly than expected even helped with the vaccines own health issues. My concern n they have learned their lessons and this will just get worse again.

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Bingo!...Daniel for the WIN!

Be Blessed Sir...


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Great article, Michael!

Wow, this must be like a "smart virus", since it apparently has the innate ability to modify itself (continually provide updated gain-of-function abilities to itself) with no outside stimuli. It's like a miracle drug!

Or, maybe not. Maybe we're seeing the results of oblome/biteme Ukraine and CCP labs efforts, as they are produced and leaked. Possibly accompanied by a huge uptick in international travel from those countries, as occurred in China in late 2019/early 2020?

I'm certain that was simply another coincidence. Nothing to see there.

Whew, this constant babble of rudimentary BS gets not only tiresome, but downright offensive to one's sensibilities.

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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""Whew, this constant babble of rudimentary BS gets not only tiresome, but downright offensive to one's sensibilities"'

Relax, Don't worry your sensitive sensibilities. Soon the very real horror of hypersonic nukes from North, East, South, and West will vaporize our decadent cities and turn America into rubble and dust . No more worries about the economy or climate change or a new virus

The empire that came to the rescue of Israel's enemies is no more, just a passing and distant thought 🤔.

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You don't know me or my sensibilities. If I'm offended by being referred to as an idiot who can't think critically for myself, I'm also offended by comments referring to my "sensitive" sensibilities by someone who actually knows little about me.

What were you doing in 2008/2009 when this shitstorm was launched? What were you doing in 2019 when the scandemic was launched? My guess is you were not defying them as I was/am. Thanks for the hypersonic definition, I would have been lost without you.....

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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You don't know me and that's why you ask what I was doing all these years ago.

MORE THAN YOU, but who's listening. The doomed like Pig0 in Seattle just mock truth and reality as they consume the last of the donuts.

Been overtime busy trying to wake up the zombies, especially in the land of the expanding curses, Evil Empire USA.

Even the "spring water" I buy at the local NWO Box store is polluted.

Buy more filters.

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Don’t take it personally, Marcel for Zion says the same thing to everyone, over and over and over again, he’s one of the kooky people Michael attracts.

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Howdy Marcel,

I reiterate, Nukes just ain't gonna be how it goes DOWN. For three decades or better, ALL MAJOR Nuclear-capable actors have ABSOLUTELY known as fact that any 'Nuclear Broadside' has a single, immuteable result; Nuclear WINTER.

Recently a MAJOR re-evaluation of that was ran on the SERIOUS Computers at Argonne National Labs by a group of particularly saavy Physicist specializing in Meteorology.

The result? Des Moines Iowa would not break above 11 degrees Farhenheit for 6 years after such...and wouldn't break the freezing mark for 11 years.

Bye-Bye all plant Life, since photosynthesis depends CRUTUCALLY on that, hence virtually all aninal life follows suit as the Biosphere simply implodes in the Northern Hemisphere. Curiously, south of the equator, might well suffer NO ill effect, regardless of the damage north of them.

No, the "East Wind", Dong Feng 17 Hypersonic missle is - curiously - mis-designed seemingly. Look it up over at Jane's. It can only carry a small payload, about 200 kg...in a VERY small compartment.

More than one Military Analyst has sat around scratching their head's over that.

Here's an alternative potential use for such; as a delivery system for A "BIOLOGIC" payload. Go ahead, let your imagination run riot with that notion. Rest assured that WHATEVER your worst fears might throw up in that arena; the REALITY is very likely much, much worse.

You DO realize that North Korea has for DECADES been used as a 'plausible deniability' card for China, right? HOW do you think that North Korea got thier hands on all those nasty lil - FORBIDDEN - pathogens that they regularly test in thier prison system(s) on entire families.

Food for thought...


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A very smart fellow who proudly built the Titanic once said; Not even God could sink this ship"

I don't put much stock in experts as they are wrong almost all the time. Blind & lying guides as we saw with the China virus.

Isaiah 24 for earth and Jeremiah 51 for evil empire America Babylon. Just lots of destruction everywhere and it's God's judgments, not climate change as the delusional, blind experts tell us.

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Most 'Experts' are pointedly, 'Educated IDIOTS. It is still the case - especially - when you're directly 'aquainted' with the guys - and gals - running something such as I described, who like myself have a serious no-nonsense education in HARD SCIENCES AND in this case HAPPEN to be Mathematical Physicist (yes, that's a REAL 'thing') I am one, who also thereby have pursued 'Specialties' in 'Computational Mathematics',..another REAL 'thing' and not the rest of that 'other' shite coming out of the Universities today. So, when they run a true SUPER-Computer simulation that spots oit results suxh as quoted, the - somewhat like 'When Merril-Lynch speaks, people listen' you may a little young for that reference to make any sense...a Commercial, playing LONG ago in a Galaxy far, far away.

Oh, FWIW, my father must have been really closely genetically related to the late, arguably GREAT Robin Williams...he certainly had the EXACT same sense of Humor.

So, as the saying goes, "The Apple doesn't fall FAR from the TREE..."

Yuppers...in this case. Forgive me, I am certainly NOT 'Mocking' anyone else here, EVER. To do so would simply be RUDE on a level I absolutely do not tolerate or subscribe TO. Period.

THAT SAID all arguments made BY MEN must stand on thier Merits, excepting SOLELY what the LORD asserts Himself upon. Which all Christians BELIEVE as Articles of FAITH, CERTAINLY.

A man can have REAL,TRUE FAITH in Our Lord...and yet still be a Scientist.

So, here's your task for today, who authored the quote;

"We are GIVEN TWO Great Gospels, the Lord's inspired WORD as it comes in the BIBLE AND also the CREATION ITSELF; In which He expresses H⁹mself in another equally Inspired Fashion."

Your task is set before, should you so choose. When you have learned WHO said that then you might find yourself minded to rethink some things. Marcel, not everyone is an ENEMY...we only have ONE of those and He is the 'Father of All Lies', you know Him and know His name, as do I.

Be Blessed Sir,


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Seriously, you put way to much faith in "super computing" is it a new religion ?

Remember, it's the rotten elite and wisest ones in the West who opened the door wide to the Islamic invasion as well as the largest % of scientists whose religion and god is evolution & mother nature.

"So, when they run a true SUPER-Computer simulation" that ignores nuclear driven Iran, and the evil nature of Islam it's futile computing.

Also the very weak decadent, collapsing, godless West inviting Putin and Xi to kill the disease ridden carcass. "Disease ridden carcass" also left out of the blind leading the blind computing. Never was seduced by Merrill and brainwash tv commercias. I'm 70 and allergic to commercials and TV, as well as seducing and destroying the West God hating Hollywood garbage 🗑️... finally.

I know Jesus & disciples preached 1 gospel. Don't know the other except Roman's 1.

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Ah...now I get it Marcel.

Fear not, I shall bother you no more.

Be well, be Blessed also,


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Good news. See:



Scientists have created a vaccine that has the potential to protect against a broad range of coronaviruses, including varieties that are not yet even known about.

The experimental shot, which has been tested in mice, marks a change in strategy towards “proactive vaccinology”, where vaccines are designed and readied for manufacture before a potentially pandemic virus emerges.

The vaccine is made by attaching harmless proteins from different coronaviruses to minuscule nanoparticles that are then injected to prime the body’s defences to fight the viruses should they ever invade.

Because the vaccine trains the immune system to target proteins that are shared across many different types of coronavirus, the protection it induces is extremely broad, making it effective against known and unknown viruses in the same family. <snip>

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Michael please please dont go with this narrative. You are playing into the raw milk is diseased ploy. The reason cows are diseased is all the shots the government requires. Pasteurized milk is the poison. Most everything the government is telling us is the opposite. I love your articles but please do not let your news be tainted with untruths. Please read up on raw milk and all its amazing health benefits. This article made me feel sad that you have been occupied by some alien or something.

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Raw milk isn't the problem it's all the hormones, antibiotics and all the other crap the dark empire dump into cows. I've had to end any milk consumption, nobice cream, and cut back on cheese because of the man boobs the made in the USA poison has given me without my permission by way of the evil FDA.

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As I understand it, not being an "expert" or "scientist", the H5N1 bird or avian flu, has been around for quite a while. Lately, so it seems, the bird flu is spreading a little more rapidly and may be afflicting cattle. Is this truth or fact? If I have say a hundred thousand chickens and one day, unannounced Big Brother shows up and tests a few birds, I might want to know what method they are using for testing, such as the faulty PCR test of COVID-19 infamy. They say I have a couple of infected hens. I am then ordered to kill the all of my birds. (Who is going to clean up the mess?) Don't these birds build immunity like humans? Wouldn't that create "herd immunity" and kill off the bird flu? You don't think the feds are messing with the food supply and also driving up prices, do you? I won't take this any further, as you should catch my drift.

The trusted CDC says that the H5N1 has not mutated to humans, yet. (I wonder whether the evil scientists are working on it, you know, gain of function.) That's the good news. The bad news is that (or so they say) there is no human "vaccine". On second thought, that is likely good news as well. The human mortality rate from this flu is supposed to be much higher than the COVID thing. Are you getting worried yet? Good.

I think we've seen this fear porn theatre with different players. Will we fall for this again and buy a jab for this scare flick? I guess Bill Gates of hell has made his investment, and will now wait for his profits to come rolling in.

Michael, it sounds like you're fear mongering for the global totalitarian cabal.

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So create a bioweapon that is 80% a respiratory attack, SARS2-Cov19. Then feed everyone cricket chitin to cause respiratory attacks. And sell “safe and affective” biosynth mod mRNA injections so your cells keep manufacturing the bioweapon respiratory attack spike proteins. While you attack cattle and bird food chains with a bird flu bioweapon. Forcing more cricket chitin into your food. Chitin is also the cause of dangerous shellfish allergies by the way.

“… cricket and other chitin that now appears to trigger airway inflammation and possibly asthma, UCSF scientists have found. Insects, molds and parasitic worms - all common sources of allergies or inflammation - produce billions of tons of chitin a year.”

“He speculates that people normally mount an immune attack against an allergen or parasite in response to chitin, among other signals. This kind of inflammation is important in repelling the foreign allergen or parasite. In turn, the inflammatory cells themselves trigger cells in the invaded tissue to ramp up production of the chitin-disabling enzyme. The two actions together make a feedback system, both promoting recognition of the invading chitin-rich organisms, and preventing an out-of-control immune response to chitin by degrading the "signal" when enough inflammatory cells have accumulated to prompt increased production of the chitin-degrading enzyme.”


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Howdy Alamo Dude, Crikey, gotta LUV that moniker!

Uh, they don't have to go that far.

Think about it...they ALREADY have MERS; 70% Mortality rate, equal to Zaire Ebola. All they have do is pass that back and forth, to and fro between primates and Ferrets about 35 times and V'iola, the AIR-BORNE variant is READY FOR FREDDY!

Yeah, I know it sucks that they have ALL the MONEY and hate us to boot, but don't sweat it...take my word for it, we'll HANG all thier asses before they get us all. REALLY.


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Besides, now we understand the biophysics. Which it turns out is not 🚀science. Whether it is viral bioweapons, biosynth freeze dried venoms manufactured from e Coli or yeast (you know, for medical thingies, 🤣🤣🤣) that mimic viral symptoms (VenomTech has enough according to their web site to crop dust the whurl), or the glyphosates and other carcinogens in pesticides and herbicides made to mimic venoms, the cellular mitigates are well known now.


Detox for the worst human made toxin from burning vinyl chloride plastics at too low temp like East Palestine and Agent Orange….Dioxin, use organic Chlorella

Cancers, Curcumin from Turmeric plus black pepper for higher uptake, Chaga mushroom, Berberine from Goldenseal, sulfurophane extract of broccoli, Ivermectin

Anti Virals, Black Elderberry extract…especially for Bird Fku, dandelion extract, egg whites, pepto bismal, star anise (Tamilflu), wormwood extract, Ivermectin, HCQ, pine needle tea and more

Anti bacterials, Cinnamon, wild oregano oil, garlic, etc.

Boost immune system, Quercetin plus chelated zinc, Vits D3 and C, anti oxydents

Don’t forget a healthy biome, studies in Israel early in the Plandemic gimmick showed Keifer mitigates Cytokine Storm immune system over reactions

Don’t ear processed foods, Acheta floor or protein is ground up crickets. Insect exoskeleton chitin causes inflammatory responses, especially in lungs. Making respiratory biosynth weapons more effective. GMO soy in everything is deeigned to explode insects that eat it. The reason people ard allegic to US chocolate but not EU is the % of ground up roaches in US chocolate allowed by FDA is much higher than EU. Peanut allergies are caused by peanuts used as a rotation crop for cotton. Heavily sprayed cotton. As a root crop, the peanuts absorb all the cotton chemicals.

Stay informed, the best revenge is living large in the Lord, in spite of the psychopath’s Idiocracy. God Always Wins. You know, because…God.

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The H5N1 Bird Flu “Has Acquired Dozens Of New Mutations” …. You mean like every other virus ever?

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You left out the mad scientists diligently working their craft in the dark rooms for more effective death and better aborts.

Relax, Don't worry your sensitive sensibilities. Soon the very real horror of hypersonic nukes from North, East, South, and West will vaporize our decadent cities and turn America into rubble and dust . No more worries about the economy or climate change or a new virus

The empire that came to the rescue of Israel's enemies is no more, just a passing and distant thought 🤔.

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Educational not medical advice: The media likes to dramatize common knowledge for example “it’s mutating “. Virus’s mutate; some more than others. Researchers in Israel showed the Avian flu responded well to elderberry. The FLCCC very educational. The hemorrhagic conjunctivitis didn’t get my attention since several viral families can do the same thing. Of course they will ramp this up before the elections and just in time for the WHO treaty to take effect and lock us down. The only thing that really got my attention was the kittens having brain hemorrhage. First thought was that from the flu or were they ill with something else ? If it was from the flu then is this a normal response in felines ? In the back of my mind is this a GOF ; mix of flu with a sequence that triggers bleeding (perhaps from the makeshift Chinese lab in the storage unit in CA). One thing you can count on it will become more dramatic the closer to elections .

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BREAKING: Former CDC Director, Dr. Robert Redfield states that the primary threat of H5N1 Bird Flu stems from gain of function research conducted in US labs.

"In the laboratory, I could make it highly infectious for humans in months ... that's the real threat ... Bird Flu, I think, is gonna be the cause of the Great Pandemic."


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Show me da birds...otherwise, it's a roost of lies and propaganda. Ignore it all.

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May 6·edited May 6

Dude, you're playing the part of a fear monger. It's an election year. They want people so scared of going to vote that it opens things up for election fraud again. Vote by mail, no voter signature verification, injection by mail of lots of "signatures" by people coming over the border, and rising from the dead. Cats and dogs, living together in sin!

I'm sure we'll start getting the lab full of toxic viruses spread around to induce more fear and fear porn.

Don't be a(n un)witting accomplice.

Remember, the people planning this don't want to die, so they'll keep releasing stuff that won't hurt most people.... except maybe those with those vaccine shots made to lower your immune system...

Or maybe write on something more contagious and fatal.


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Sounds like Fauci's Gain of Function Research is proving successful.

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How much you getting paid for saying this? And who's paying you?

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Better question. How much are the mad scientist being paid.


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So egg whites fight Co Vi D, Vit D milk with protein fights TB. The petri dishes of illegals with antibiotic resistant TB are meant to create outbreaks in homeless camps by powers that 🐝. Hey, I know…Insect Chitin causes inflammation of the lungs. Let’s put crickets in all processed foods, and get the USDA bioweapons lab we just opened where those 10,000 cows died all at once to forced gain of function bird flu with Wuhan. Since China owns most of US meat packing now. Thanks Bill Clinton! Meat proteins build healthy lungs and muscles so we need to give cattle bird flu. Double whammy, and our pal Bill Gates and his cancer tumor lab grown meat can then be easily biosynth mod mRNAed how ever we need! But won’t the public question bird flu in cows and milk? No way, 🤣🤣🤣 they have three jobs just trying to pay the rent!

Deep breathing fresh air, boosting immune systems and proteins plus natural antibiotics.


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Thanks, Big0inSeattle

I should know better than to feed trolls....

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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It's just like deja vu all over again. It's a presidential election year, there are violent protests breaking out all over and the CDC/WHO/NIAID are crying "wolf". Could this be the disease "X" that the World Economic Forum was fantasizing about in their last conference?

I have a medical emergency kit that I purchased online (The Wellness Company) and ordered some Sambucol (black elderberry). The rest is up to God. I refuse to live in fear and I'd plead with you to not comply with their useless mitigation precautions. Viruses are gonna virus.

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