We have been monetizing the debt for at least 20 years. People didn't notice because other governments were picking it up. A lot of us did, however. And unplugging from this tarbaby is a lot harder than you would think. Only the Amish have perfected it as far as I can see. So buy silver and pray. Psalm 37 is a good place to start. BTW, Michael, "Chaos" is an absorbing book. I tore through it in 2 days.

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More like 60 yrs.

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This is not a Dem or Rep. Problem. It's petty to finger point now. Everyone has blood on their hands. High interest rates were to keep bond return rates high, thus attract buyers. Now that there is suspicion rates may go back down buyers are fleeing. But if it's to the point no one's buying no matter what the terms. We only have months not years till this all crashes.

The stupidity on both sides, each party is that their guy was going to make things better. The politicians could never do that. It's idolatry to look for a savior of this nation in politics, when they are not in control. It's reverse fascism. Where the banks and corporations run the govt. Not the other way around. This is all very doomed, this is all truly over.

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I have been expecting this crash since themid-'70s; I just didn't know when. Now I do.

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agree, we went fiat in 1970 and the world went fiat (via the IMF) in 1975.

Now the IMF has established it's New Super currency the Unicoin backed by 300,000 metric tones of Gold but it will be a digital system, that last thing lesft is to dump the dollar as a fiat currency and start over with the Unicion as the new world currency.

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Aka, "mark of the Beast"; something you really don't want to accept.

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But it will be presented in a way that could even fool the elect if possible. The point is this will be so close to the truth, that if I was asked since I can't be deceived, what would it look like if it were possible that I could be? Answer, somehting very very close to the real thing.

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Remember, they've been conditioning us for decades for this, starting with checks, then plastic , and in parts of Europe already chips, then masking, distancing, and jabs that all must have. After the devastating crash coming, people will clamor for anything to restore a semblance of normalcy, as well as someone to guide that restoration! Look at all the right wingers still clamoring for Trump, ignoring the glaring evidence the left and PTB will NOT allow him back in office, no matter what it takes to prevent him getting there! Do you really think it'll be that hard to fool the majority into taking the mark? I don't. The elect are just as human as the rest, still, and many are still "on pablum", not having grown into the "meat and potatoes" as they should have done, because so few churches are preaching and teaching the hard lessons any longer.

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Sandra I don't disagree with you. When the Anti-Christ comes he overthrows this monster iron system that tramples down the whole (the coming globalist NWO) earth Daniel 7:7. He calls fire down from heaven and subdues all the nations (yes America as well) and brings world peace (no one can make war) and the mark he offers may be a false promise of healing and eternal life here and now, being promoted by the same signs and wonders the real Jesus did 2000 years ago. Matt 24, Of course most of the world and false Christians will follow him and take the mark

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It cannot be denied that this clown show happened on OUR WATCH.

We watched as our "participatory gubmint" became self-propelled, 'cause there's so much REALLY IMPORTANT excrement out there, like NFL, NBA, NASCAR, etc. to occupy our imaginations. Besides, our gubmint doesn't need everybody to vote, just enough to look adequate, right?

I recall reading a story detailing the signing of the Declaration of Independence, it described what little conversation took place as each signer stood and walked to the podium and affixed their signature to the document.

The only reported conversation was between a larger Founding Father to a shorter one. It was a very somber discussion of whether the smaller man might die much slower on the hangman's noose than the larger, heavier signer since he will be forced to flop around 'till dead, rather than simply snapping his neck.

These intrepid signers were convinced they were signing their lives away. The future of their families, businesses, wealth, reputations, etc. would perish with them, yet each one of them dutifully stood and made that ominous walk to the podium.

I find that ability to swallow their fears and replace them with a near-sacred sense of duty to this soon-to-develop Country nearly incredible, and impossible without the grace of God.

Contrast that with where we have come to today with voting and elections, and our responsibility to "our" participatory gubmint. Face it, the commies have won. Not my heart and soul, but my gubmint.

We really didn't deserve this Freedom and Liberty after all.

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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Our votes since Feb 14, 1871 have been for members of a PRIVATE corporation trademarked USA, in other words, essentially meaningless! We do not have, and have not had since that date, a representative gov't. I can't speak for you, but in 1871, my great, great grandparents were the voting age generation (I'm well into my 8th decade), so not on my watch by a long stretch. Even in 1913 when the Senate was also severed from the State legislatures' control by the 17th A, it was my grandparents who were the voting age generation, barely. No, we did not start this or have any real control over it. We could scream our will at our legislators, 'til we were blue in the face, and they would STILL have done exactly what they wanted! They know our voices are MEANINGLESS. Once we set them in position, they have exactly zero interest in our views.

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This got way more advanced with the UN, regarding the "corporate nature" of the US. See my documentary on it here.

IRS Taxes are voluntary for 98% of Americans. Find out the connection between the IRS and UN. & Solutions.

💰e18 - The "Taxpayer Money" Myth - Grace Commission Report💭⚔️ 🐉 (50m, fun and funny)

https://www.bitchute.com/video/BkqJqzNcdeE/ and https://youtu.be/BkqJqzNcdeE (HQ)

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I agree 100%, Sandra.

I was referring more toward "we" as a generation collectively, of course.

WE as a generation could have and should have done more. More education, protestation, if required, even a little revolution type stuff just to add gravity.

I, too, have never missed casting a vote in anything I was able to, although honestly, that seems like a trivial waste of time currently. Too little, too late, even if it did have a hope of changing anything.

CoG (Continuity of Government) is the real law of the land now. Screw us, protect the gubmint at all costs.....

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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I understood that, which is why I spoke of voting age generations. No we really could not have done anything. Congress voted themselves to be a private corporation; I doubt even had voters then known and raised a rumpus, it would've changed a thing. In 1913 3/4 of our states legislatures ratified the 17th A, severing their own control over the Senate. But again we the people had no real say. It was not our direct vote, and most voters among Boomers lie me, let alone younger, don't even know those things happened! I've only missed voting when oves collided with residential requirements, since I became eligible to vote. Our Constitution has been ignored a lot longer than most realize, by the very legislators and law enforcement people who also swore to uphold and defend it, as our military did until Obama changed the enlisted mens' oath to loyalty to the office of POTUS. I'm honestly not sure if he changed the officers' oaths too, as it wasn't mentioned.

Our 1st revolution was well organized with an extent go't set to step in immediately (Continental Congress and 13colonial legislatures and governors). We are not organized,and do not have a go't in place to do that now, the same reason virtually all other revolutions also have failed. All we could achieve that way is to get ourselves killed or imprisoned. Did the J6 entrapment show you noting of that futility? The only "rioting" was done by leftist plants in the crowd, not the actual Conservatives who got arrested!

Guido, keep in mind Yhwh God's plan, vs Satan's Agenda, and that this is Satan's time before the wrath is unleashed. Do you think we are meant to "defeat" Satan against Yhwh God's plan? I don''t. I think we're meant to be planting His word now, because many will come around during the Tribulation, but even 144,000 sealed Jews and the 2 witnesses can't reach them all, without preparation having been done ahead.

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The District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871 established a new, unified government for Washington, D.C. It "incorporated" that city, a common legal term by which areas are organized for governance by a single entity. In this case, two cities and a county were merged into the District of Columbia. It made no changes in the nation as a whole. the word incorporate literally means in Websters 1828 Dictionary-

Mixed; united in one body; associated.

That's it nothing more, that's all they did. An incorporated company has several economic entities under one Corporate name. It's just a legal term from the 1700/1800 many US cities and counties are incorporated into one Govt. Just read the 1871 Act itself.

With all the huge issues that are destroying this nation and we focus on an interpretation of one word that kills us?

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Let the “elite” psychopaths pay the debt, they have the means for it. These psychopaths will pay either way. God Almighty will CRUSH and DESTROY them all once and for all.

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Pre BidenFlation, Obama’s CBO costed amnesty for the Golden number that never changed, 11 million illegals at $6.4 Trillion. Of the $582,000/illegal, $420,000 was After retiring at age 67.

30 million illegals pre BidenFlation is $17.5 Trillion. We know the number now is closer to 45 million illegals, $ 26.2 Trillion.

Now multiply 30 and 45 times 11 for chain migration. A Redunkulous amount of $Trillions. But then again, Central Banksters are sitting on $2.5 Quadrillion in debt derivatives.

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That admitted number never changed from the early '90s, yet the traffic was mainly 1 way at the border: IN! There had to be close to 50 mil here by the time "Biden" was installed! Those of us living in border states know that.

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You're a buffoon, Snyder. Let's see, who came after Barack Obama? Oh yeah, it was Donald Trump. The national debt soared during his 4 years in office. But when you were running for Congress several years ago you stated that you wanted to go to Washington so you could be "Trump's best friend." Yes, you said that. Anyone who was reading your blog back then knows that's true.

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The National has doubled under ever uniParty President since Reagan’s amnesty. Tribalizing run away debt with name calling is a childish strawman. And doesn’t solve anything.

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You obviously have the reading comprehension of a 1st grader. My point is, had the author won his campaign for Congress, he would have contributed to this nation's insolvency by his support of Trump's policies.

And, for the record, I have no political affiliation.

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And your childish attempt at a come back says it all. I guess “Yo mana wears army boots” will be your next.

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Stop here. You’re making a fool out of yourself. He’s right about you’re reading comprehension. If you don’t read between the lines of these self-styled saviors of humanity, you will get blind-sided and swept up in the fluff they spew. These people are naturals at blowing smoke up your skirt, so-to-speak.

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CornPop just ain’t 🍿, come on man!

Hey, lean over your Troll cubicke and ask Sasha if he has any more Vodka, will ya?

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Your imagination works overtime. Guess you’re a hopeless posterior kisser.

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Nov 29, 2023
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Donald Trump is a brilliant businessman - exactly what the US,Inc. (a Corporation) needed/needs. We had no wars, inflation was moot, we were energy independent, and we were respected (or feared). Trump made it so using economics as his whip. Unfortunately, as a politician he was a fucking idiot, and the political vermin residing in Washington ate his lunch. Nor will this vermin ever allow him to regain the Presidency, even if they have to kill us all to stop him.

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Glad to see someone else is aware of those realities about Trump; very few of us DO get that he ill never regain that office!

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Trump did not help by signing massive bills, but CONGRESS passed those bills before they hit hs desk.

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actually this clown show has been going on long before you were born. It actually started from the very beginning. The signers of the Declaration of Independence talked about being hanged because what they knew they were doing was a crime called treason that had the penalty of death by hanging.

Peter wrote, Act as free men, and do not use your freedom as a covering for evil, but use it as bond slaves of God.

And who establishes all govts. kings and nations and also tears them down? God Himself.

Job wrote,

“He (God) makes the nations great, then destroys them; He enlarges the nations, then leads them away.

Ps 66 He rules by His might forever; His eyes keep watch on the nations; Let not the rebellious exalt themselves.

Paul wrote in Romans 13, Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.

Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. (even the unjust ones, when we patiently bear up under that injustice and not rebel wins favor in God's sight 1 Peter 2:19.

England was the authority established over the colonies by God. We rebelled to that authority because we were being treated unfairly in the market place in buying and selling. The war was about money power, wealth and control.

Instead of waiting upon the Lord and partitioning Him for deliverance (history tells us this would of happened in time) we took matters into our own hands. This nation was wrought in war, rebellion and the love of money and by that same standard we are dying. We have reaped what we have sown.

Freedom was never a God given Right. Everything we have including our freedoms are given not because we have a right to them, but by God's grace and grace alone. As Job said, naked I came into this world and naked I will leave and the Lord gives and He takes away, blessed be His Name!

The irony of this was the revolution was really about being impoverished by using fiat money instead of Gold and silver. We have been dong that same thing for 54 years, we have built the highest standard of living on debt to fiat money not real weath and now the whole world will collapse under this global Ponzi scheme.

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The idea that there is even "income tax revenue" to fund the federal government is entirely fictitious. They've been duping us since the beginning of IRS Taxes! See for yourself: 💥🖖🙏IRS Taxes are voluntary for 98% of Americans. Find out the connection between the IRS and UN. & Solutions.

💰e18 - The "Taxpayer Money" Myth - Grace Commission Report💭⚔️ 🐉 (50m, fun and funny)

https://www.bitchute.com/video/BkqJqzNcdeE/ and https://youtu.be/BkqJqzNcdeE (HQ)

All Tax revenue was STOLEN before one nickel was spent on the Funding the Federal Government as presumed. Joe Banister says it: The US gov't is funded by the unconstitutional creation of fiat money, not with taxpayer revenue.


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Rid the planet of the Central Bank. Try the owners in an uncorrupt Court of Law (know any?) for treason against humanity. Kick the men with silly hats out of their positions of power. Problem solved.

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Good luck with that plan...

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