That great sucking sound, is the sound when your wealth is sucked out of the system one last time.
This will not be the deeply corrupt system that the ultra-wealthy have created suddenly implodes right in front of their eyes." No this implosion is planned carefully planned. They knew back in 1970 when this all started (Aug. 1971)that this would all come to and end. They have been preparing for this day for almost 54 years. Would it not be poetic that they collapsible this system this August. The next step is the default itself. This will crash all the world's economies. The one bank that has a totally positive balance sheet far beyond any other central banks is the IMF with its almost 300,000 metric tones of gold to start lending money again. This is why all the central banks are buying gold at record pace
This will not be the end of the world. There will be an extended period of dark times but this will be the foundation for the NWO Rev 17&18. This will be the great Harlot that rides in in the back of the beast. You think things are bad now, for the Christian it will become very special Daniel 7:19-22 , Rev 13:5-8. Notice how very similar the texts are describing what's coming. Satan will be very busy knowing his time is very short. Satan went after Jesus on the Mt top and that plan failed and now he is getting ready to go after the church (the Bride of Christ) with the greatest deception of all time, the man of sin, coming masquerading as an angel of light with a deception even the elect just might be tempted to be deceived. Jesus spoke of this as the great sifting of His Church in the last days
Owning stocks at this point is stupid. Stocks are valued in dollars. And so are bonds. And so are dollars that you have stashed away in the bank. The dollar is crashing. It was always meant to crash. The probability is 100%. The only question is when. If you didn't get any gold or silver when you had the chance, I am sorry. The window is closing if you still do have a chance. Ammo is also another avenue. Get out of the dollar.
Biden in his last speech said democracy has not worked for minorities. Biden is laying the groundwork for a totally different system (CCP) socialism. The next 6 months will change this nation forever. Since the system is broke we need a new one. I do not think they will stand by and just let Trump win. With war coming, more diseases and famine all happening at the same time with a global financial collapse we have a very hard road ahead.
Once those entities who rule over us have satisfied themselves to the fullest at the expense of the rest of us, once they bleed us dry, they intend to crash the system. They know the system, they created the system, they continuously tweak the system to their advantage, but they have plans for a new system. Call it what you like. Agenda 21/30/50, The Great Reset, The New World Order, The Green New Deal - whatever - the system will crash and another one invented & created by the least among us will be put into place. A technocratic society, with digital passports, digital wallets, with central bank digital currency along with 15-20 minute cities and a social credit score. Do as you're told, be a good citizen of the New World Order and you'll maybe squeak by. Resist the New World Order and your money gets turned off, your social credit score goes down. Keep resisting and you'll disappear, one way or the other. At least this is what I've garnered from researching the evil corrupted cabal who rule over us. Look what they got people to do during the last 4 years and they are still preaching there is going to be a summer covid variant deadlier than other variants and of course, they claim they're working on another miracle cure shot. And sadly, some will fall for the narrative again putting foreign matter into their bodies they know nothing about. I think team human needs a shot of wisdom. Team human needs a talking to about banning together to oust team evil. Team human needs a shot alright, a shot of universal love, dignity and perseverance. Otherwise we'll be toast eaten up by those who laugh in faces, who use, abuse, degrade and experiment upon us, like lab rats, while ruling over us, keeping us in an open air prison, again and again and again, killing us in oh so many ways, one, by one, by one. The grim reaper couldn't be meaner than these creeps without souls or human kindness!
All but daily some yay-hoo somewhere - usually stoinking WEALTHY, Bitches about the US Government's 'Entitlement Programs', yes?
Just so. FIRST, every MAN and Womam ever employed PAID into Social Security. Our Veteran's frequently gave 'thier LAST, FULL measure of Devotion" for the sake of EVERYONE in the Country. The wretchedly POOR of the Nation do indeed - by way of Lyndon "Death Angel" Johnson - receive a stipend - deserved OR undeserved, which actually *seems* to LOCK them into a 'Doom Loop' from which there is no escape...
BUT, who in THiS Country are - actually - "THE ENTITLED" class?
Surely I don't even have to go there?
Nonetheless, I WILL.
IF there be 'Original Sin' in the Nation - secular, not Spritual - then it lies in a simple error of ASSUMPTION on the part of the Founders. Those never BELIEVED that any mere individual or cabal of same, could EVER overthrow the Governance of this Nation. THAT was a monumental FAILURE of thier Imagination's...especially since a near PERFECT example of such already existed: The East India Company.
Founded in 1600, that was the EPITIME of rapacious GREED and AVARICE.
That vacuumed PROFITS from the entirety of India as well as several other regional States - INCLUDING China! - using the most predatory practices imaginable. Recall the "Boxer Rebellion" in China? THAT arose as a DIRECT consequence of TEI Co introducing Opium into the Chinese population, thereby devastating the lives of ten's of Millions of Chinese. The Boxers DROVE the British OUT as a reflexive response in self-defense.
In India, there were LAWS from the Crown FORBIDDING the mining or extraction of Salt from Seawater...leaving TEI Co with a total monopoly on the sale of Salt throughout the land. That was not remedied until Ghandi went to a beach, filled pots with Saltwater, and boiled them until only Seasalt remained. For THAT he was arrested by the incensed British.
Today, Big Pharma lays CLAIM to the BODIES of every Man, Woman and Child in our once Fair Nation. Similarly, Big Ag, using practices previously only seen employed by that Bastard Rockefeller in his ZEAL to establish unassailable MONOPOLY now is employed to drive out every family-farm in the Nation, whilst simultaneously USING the Government to assist in that SLAUGHTER.
Don't EVEN get me STARTED on the MIC, PLEASE. Our 'Congress' is entirely complicit in every dastardly deed perpetrated upon "We, the PEOPLE", being either BOUGHT OUTRIGHT or Cowed into Submission by the Monied interest, utilizing the 'Intelligence Services to Surveil every last frickin piece of Communication in order to SUBORN the right and proper Interest of the Nation.
Oh, did I MENTION that the Oval Office is occupied by a geriatric incompetent (technically, "Non Compos Mentat" in legalese) who is nothing - more or less - than a 'Meat Puppet' for the Hyper-Wealthy?
Sooo...where does ALL that GO?
I think you know. However, all but Daily now we SEE the Signs of OUR Lord's imminent return...and assuredly HE will cleanse the WORLD of EVIL. It is impossibly difficult to 'stay the course' and WAIT upon the Lord, no? Indeed.
I was MADE to be a Guardian, a Warrior and that was done in my Mother's WOMB ere my eyes EVER saw the Light of DAY. Believe me, it is UTTERLY intolerable to sit and do NOTHING whilst Evil THRIVES everywhere, and not JUST in our land, but in ALL Lands now.
It is a conundrum for which I have no good answer. Our Father tells us,
"VENGEANCE is Mine, sayeth the Lord."
But Lord, we ARE weary of this ABUSE and if you do NOT soon come, then surely there WILL come an Earthly RECKONING and it will be TERRIBLE.
The Wealthy have STOLEN the Wealth of the WORLD and refuse to relinquish it for the betterment of thier Fellows.
EVEN the Jews - notorious for thier GREED and being 'Stiff-Necked' - KNEW that without JUBILEE from time to time, that REVOLUTION would come; Bloody and Awful.
To the Super-Wealthy of the World recall that Jesus said:
"The GREATEST Commandment is that Thou shalt Love the Lord Thy God with ALL thy Heart and Spirit...but ALSO, that ye SHALL Love Thy Neighbor as Thou Lovest Thine own SELF...and from these TWO LAWS comes ALL LAW."
Those possesed of Wealth beyond DREAMS of Avarice, STAND in Full Danger of HellFire, NOW. Also, of those to WHOM MUCH is GIVEN, MUCH is REQUIRED.
Dwell upon it...
Be well, be SAFE and be BLESSED abundantly...all who hold the LORD in thier Heart's: AMEN.
"I ain't going to work on Maggie's Farm no more." And, so, when everything comes crashing down, the greedy, spiritless rich fools will find that with having everything, they will have nothing. The factories that make their limos and their jets will be out of business, because nobody will work for them. The farm and ranch owners will all be gone, so I hope the cabal enjoys eating their lab-created puke. They will be the "emperor with no clothes", because nobody will be making clothes. They will even run out of children to do horrific things to do, because humans won't reproduce (and can't). Then they will have to eat their own, and that will be their end. But, some of us will be still around to start a new world.
The Occult is The Spiritual Foundation of The United Nations. The Stage Is Set For The Coming One World Government Under One World Leader:
"No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. (David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations)
Part the reason things got this way is because of dummies on the right who bent over backwards to defend big business without asking some serious questions about the relationship of government and business, and exactly what would happen if things grew so big no one could understand what they did or how they did it. Go back a hundred years, and you had politicians who took pride in busting trusts. Now? You get people getting elected to office who turn a blind eye to what is going on. Unless you are a person who somehow has figured out how to funnel wealth to yourself, you are in the losing end these days. Even if you think you’re doing well, you’re not. You either have to completely get out of the game or accept that you are going to have your head go under water at some point.
Funny thing is, I don’t know what all the geniuses who think this is going to work out for them are going to do when angry people come and burn their crap down. I’m not sure how long the billionaires are going to be safe when the guys protecting them decide they would rather empty out the liquor cabinet, gold bars, and take off with the trophy wife. These clowns can buy up all the hard assets with devalued dollars they want, but these assets are in a nation with more guns than people.
It’s not going to work out in the long run. It’s going to fall apart in the long run because there is no model in which things can sustain themselves. When people no longer have anything to lose, they don’t care what happens. Good luck at that point, rich folks.
In the UK 300,000 people live homeless. Atleast 8,000 pensioners die every year due to cold: the old heat or eat conundrum.
It isn't a right or left thing anymore, because it doesn't matter who's in government since none of them care. We live in a corrupt oligarchy (and that has been established as de facto in the US) where money and power circulate at a level where no one else sees it. The rates for calculating inflation have been changed and changed again so that it no longer reflects the reality that ordinary people experience every day.
We have food banks everywhere, and I was shocked to see that there are many working families availing themselves of the bank, that is, working men and women who cannot afford to feed, clothe, house, and nourish their families on a working wage. It's obscene, and a disgrace, but every few years we go through the charade of an election, and then the cycle of shit starts all over again, pretending all the while that things will 'get better'.
So well put. It is definitely not a right or left thing anymore. It is just that the right many years ago sold its soul to big business, after abandoning populism. Trump was hated by the mainstream right because he called that out. The idea that a person can be worth nearly a trillion dollars should be alien to people, but we have dispensed with God, not greed. It is sad, every day I pass this “beautification project,” in a city where roads are falling apart, where people are living in squalor in many places. What good does it do them off an off-ramp has a nice bit of sculpture and greenery?
That's the objective of this whole nightmare - to bankrupt the central bank cabal apparatus.
The new financial system (NESARA/GESARA) will go back to an asset backed currency (gold/silver). There will be free energy and we will no longer be enslaved by low wages, high interest rates and never ending taxation. I know it sounds like a pipe dream and perhaps it is, but I have it on good authority that it's real. Stay tuned, my friends.
This is not that important because the alternative is everyone being equally poor. There can never be enough wealth to make everyone rich. The rich are only so because billions of poorer consumers consume the stuff the rich market to them.
The companies the rich own have provided skyrocketing stock prices making the rich richer as the poorer buy their stocks. Sometimes the poorer get richer buying stocks but that's seldom the case. Most of the wealth of the rich is hidden in stocks or maybe real estate, not cash or income.
That great sucking sound, is the sound when your wealth is sucked out of the system one last time.
This will not be the deeply corrupt system that the ultra-wealthy have created suddenly implodes right in front of their eyes." No this implosion is planned carefully planned. They knew back in 1970 when this all started (Aug. 1971)that this would all come to and end. They have been preparing for this day for almost 54 years. Would it not be poetic that they collapsible this system this August. The next step is the default itself. This will crash all the world's economies. The one bank that has a totally positive balance sheet far beyond any other central banks is the IMF with its almost 300,000 metric tones of gold to start lending money again. This is why all the central banks are buying gold at record pace
Of the top 10 banks with the best balance sheets are all western banks except for china
This will not be the end of the world. There will be an extended period of dark times but this will be the foundation for the NWO Rev 17&18. This will be the great Harlot that rides in in the back of the beast. You think things are bad now, for the Christian it will become very special Daniel 7:19-22 , Rev 13:5-8. Notice how very similar the texts are describing what's coming. Satan will be very busy knowing his time is very short. Satan went after Jesus on the Mt top and that plan failed and now he is getting ready to go after the church (the Bride of Christ) with the greatest deception of all time, the man of sin, coming masquerading as an angel of light with a deception even the elect just might be tempted to be deceived. Jesus spoke of this as the great sifting of His Church in the last days
Owning stocks at this point is stupid. Stocks are valued in dollars. And so are bonds. And so are dollars that you have stashed away in the bank. The dollar is crashing. It was always meant to crash. The probability is 100%. The only question is when. If you didn't get any gold or silver when you had the chance, I am sorry. The window is closing if you still do have a chance. Ammo is also another avenue. Get out of the dollar.
Howdy Rich,
TOO RIGHT Brother...TELL 'EM ALL about IT.
Be Blessed Sir,
Biden in his last speech said democracy has not worked for minorities. Biden is laying the groundwork for a totally different system (CCP) socialism. The next 6 months will change this nation forever. Since the system is broke we need a new one. I do not think they will stand by and just let Trump win. With war coming, more diseases and famine all happening at the same time with a global financial collapse we have a very hard road ahead.
Once those entities who rule over us have satisfied themselves to the fullest at the expense of the rest of us, once they bleed us dry, they intend to crash the system. They know the system, they created the system, they continuously tweak the system to their advantage, but they have plans for a new system. Call it what you like. Agenda 21/30/50, The Great Reset, The New World Order, The Green New Deal - whatever - the system will crash and another one invented & created by the least among us will be put into place. A technocratic society, with digital passports, digital wallets, with central bank digital currency along with 15-20 minute cities and a social credit score. Do as you're told, be a good citizen of the New World Order and you'll maybe squeak by. Resist the New World Order and your money gets turned off, your social credit score goes down. Keep resisting and you'll disappear, one way or the other. At least this is what I've garnered from researching the evil corrupted cabal who rule over us. Look what they got people to do during the last 4 years and they are still preaching there is going to be a summer covid variant deadlier than other variants and of course, they claim they're working on another miracle cure shot. And sadly, some will fall for the narrative again putting foreign matter into their bodies they know nothing about. I think team human needs a shot of wisdom. Team human needs a talking to about banning together to oust team evil. Team human needs a shot alright, a shot of universal love, dignity and perseverance. Otherwise we'll be toast eaten up by those who laugh in faces, who use, abuse, degrade and experiment upon us, like lab rats, while ruling over us, keeping us in an open air prison, again and again and again, killing us in oh so many ways, one, by one, by one. The grim reaper couldn't be meaner than these creeps without souls or human kindness!
Ah, another 'Meaty' subject!
All but daily some yay-hoo somewhere - usually stoinking WEALTHY, Bitches about the US Government's 'Entitlement Programs', yes?
Just so. FIRST, every MAN and Womam ever employed PAID into Social Security. Our Veteran's frequently gave 'thier LAST, FULL measure of Devotion" for the sake of EVERYONE in the Country. The wretchedly POOR of the Nation do indeed - by way of Lyndon "Death Angel" Johnson - receive a stipend - deserved OR undeserved, which actually *seems* to LOCK them into a 'Doom Loop' from which there is no escape...
BUT, who in THiS Country are - actually - "THE ENTITLED" class?
Surely I don't even have to go there?
Nonetheless, I WILL.
IF there be 'Original Sin' in the Nation - secular, not Spritual - then it lies in a simple error of ASSUMPTION on the part of the Founders. Those never BELIEVED that any mere individual or cabal of same, could EVER overthrow the Governance of this Nation. THAT was a monumental FAILURE of thier Imagination's...especially since a near PERFECT example of such already existed: The East India Company.
Founded in 1600, that was the EPITIME of rapacious GREED and AVARICE.
That vacuumed PROFITS from the entirety of India as well as several other regional States - INCLUDING China! - using the most predatory practices imaginable. Recall the "Boxer Rebellion" in China? THAT arose as a DIRECT consequence of TEI Co introducing Opium into the Chinese population, thereby devastating the lives of ten's of Millions of Chinese. The Boxers DROVE the British OUT as a reflexive response in self-defense.
In India, there were LAWS from the Crown FORBIDDING the mining or extraction of Salt from Seawater...leaving TEI Co with a total monopoly on the sale of Salt throughout the land. That was not remedied until Ghandi went to a beach, filled pots with Saltwater, and boiled them until only Seasalt remained. For THAT he was arrested by the incensed British.
Today, Big Pharma lays CLAIM to the BODIES of every Man, Woman and Child in our once Fair Nation. Similarly, Big Ag, using practices previously only seen employed by that Bastard Rockefeller in his ZEAL to establish unassailable MONOPOLY now is employed to drive out every family-farm in the Nation, whilst simultaneously USING the Government to assist in that SLAUGHTER.
Don't EVEN get me STARTED on the MIC, PLEASE. Our 'Congress' is entirely complicit in every dastardly deed perpetrated upon "We, the PEOPLE", being either BOUGHT OUTRIGHT or Cowed into Submission by the Monied interest, utilizing the 'Intelligence Services to Surveil every last frickin piece of Communication in order to SUBORN the right and proper Interest of the Nation.
Oh, did I MENTION that the Oval Office is occupied by a geriatric incompetent (technically, "Non Compos Mentat" in legalese) who is nothing - more or less - than a 'Meat Puppet' for the Hyper-Wealthy?
Sooo...where does ALL that GO?
I think you know. However, all but Daily now we SEE the Signs of OUR Lord's imminent return...and assuredly HE will cleanse the WORLD of EVIL. It is impossibly difficult to 'stay the course' and WAIT upon the Lord, no? Indeed.
I was MADE to be a Guardian, a Warrior and that was done in my Mother's WOMB ere my eyes EVER saw the Light of DAY. Believe me, it is UTTERLY intolerable to sit and do NOTHING whilst Evil THRIVES everywhere, and not JUST in our land, but in ALL Lands now.
It is a conundrum for which I have no good answer. Our Father tells us,
"VENGEANCE is Mine, sayeth the Lord."
But Lord, we ARE weary of this ABUSE and if you do NOT soon come, then surely there WILL come an Earthly RECKONING and it will be TERRIBLE.
The Wealthy have STOLEN the Wealth of the WORLD and refuse to relinquish it for the betterment of thier Fellows.
EVEN the Jews - notorious for thier GREED and being 'Stiff-Necked' - KNEW that without JUBILEE from time to time, that REVOLUTION would come; Bloody and Awful.
To the Super-Wealthy of the World recall that Jesus said:
"The GREATEST Commandment is that Thou shalt Love the Lord Thy God with ALL thy Heart and Spirit...but ALSO, that ye SHALL Love Thy Neighbor as Thou Lovest Thine own SELF...and from these TWO LAWS comes ALL LAW."
Those possesed of Wealth beyond DREAMS of Avarice, STAND in Full Danger of HellFire, NOW. Also, of those to WHOM MUCH is GIVEN, MUCH is REQUIRED.
Dwell upon it...
Be well, be SAFE and be BLESSED abundantly...all who hold the LORD in thier Heart's: AMEN.
"I ain't going to work on Maggie's Farm no more." And, so, when everything comes crashing down, the greedy, spiritless rich fools will find that with having everything, they will have nothing. The factories that make their limos and their jets will be out of business, because nobody will work for them. The farm and ranch owners will all be gone, so I hope the cabal enjoys eating their lab-created puke. They will be the "emperor with no clothes", because nobody will be making clothes. They will even run out of children to do horrific things to do, because humans won't reproduce (and can't). Then they will have to eat their own, and that will be their end. But, some of us will be still around to start a new world.
The Occult is The Spiritual Foundation of The United Nations. The Stage Is Set For The Coming One World Government Under One World Leader:
"No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. (David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations)
DEC 09, 2021
Part the reason things got this way is because of dummies on the right who bent over backwards to defend big business without asking some serious questions about the relationship of government and business, and exactly what would happen if things grew so big no one could understand what they did or how they did it. Go back a hundred years, and you had politicians who took pride in busting trusts. Now? You get people getting elected to office who turn a blind eye to what is going on. Unless you are a person who somehow has figured out how to funnel wealth to yourself, you are in the losing end these days. Even if you think you’re doing well, you’re not. You either have to completely get out of the game or accept that you are going to have your head go under water at some point.
Funny thing is, I don’t know what all the geniuses who think this is going to work out for them are going to do when angry people come and burn their crap down. I’m not sure how long the billionaires are going to be safe when the guys protecting them decide they would rather empty out the liquor cabinet, gold bars, and take off with the trophy wife. These clowns can buy up all the hard assets with devalued dollars they want, but these assets are in a nation with more guns than people.
It’s not going to work out in the long run. It’s going to fall apart in the long run because there is no model in which things can sustain themselves. When people no longer have anything to lose, they don’t care what happens. Good luck at that point, rich folks.
In the UK 300,000 people live homeless. Atleast 8,000 pensioners die every year due to cold: the old heat or eat conundrum.
It isn't a right or left thing anymore, because it doesn't matter who's in government since none of them care. We live in a corrupt oligarchy (and that has been established as de facto in the US) where money and power circulate at a level where no one else sees it. The rates for calculating inflation have been changed and changed again so that it no longer reflects the reality that ordinary people experience every day.
We have food banks everywhere, and I was shocked to see that there are many working families availing themselves of the bank, that is, working men and women who cannot afford to feed, clothe, house, and nourish their families on a working wage. It's obscene, and a disgrace, but every few years we go through the charade of an election, and then the cycle of shit starts all over again, pretending all the while that things will 'get better'.
So well put. It is definitely not a right or left thing anymore. It is just that the right many years ago sold its soul to big business, after abandoning populism. Trump was hated by the mainstream right because he called that out. The idea that a person can be worth nearly a trillion dollars should be alien to people, but we have dispensed with God, not greed. It is sad, every day I pass this “beautification project,” in a city where roads are falling apart, where people are living in squalor in many places. What good does it do them off an off-ramp has a nice bit of sculpture and greenery?
We need to get rid of ALL lobbyists.
That's the objective of this whole nightmare - to bankrupt the central bank cabal apparatus.
The new financial system (NESARA/GESARA) will go back to an asset backed currency (gold/silver). There will be free energy and we will no longer be enslaved by low wages, high interest rates and never ending taxation. I know it sounds like a pipe dream and perhaps it is, but I have it on good authority that it's real. Stay tuned, my friends.
Stay tuned.
This is not that important because the alternative is everyone being equally poor. There can never be enough wealth to make everyone rich. The rich are only so because billions of poorer consumers consume the stuff the rich market to them.
The companies the rich own have provided skyrocketing stock prices making the rich richer as the poorer buy their stocks. Sometimes the poorer get richer buying stocks but that's seldom the case. Most of the wealth of the rich is hidden in stocks or maybe real estate, not cash or income.