It does seem clear now the fuse to ignite all these issues into one huge mess, is the money and banking collapse leading to massive bank defaults. Another pandemic will be the greased skids that speed this up. This could all be just months away and could be an excuse to somehow to effect this election. If Harris bombs on the 10th with her debate with Trump all the craziness from the left will erupt. My belief that somehting will happen before Nov. to disrupt the election is very real they will have to do something when Harris fails and she will.

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I also believe that something will happen before Nov. to disrupt the election. They (PTB/DEEP STATE) will have to do something when Harris fails......and she will fail.

Something I have observed is Kamala Harris appears to be a functioning alcoholic. As a recovering alcoholic myself (27 years sober) I'll bet she is legally intoxicated everyday. More reasons to keep her from the public.

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"It is incredibly sad to watch the U.S. economy slowly but surely come apart at the seams all around us. For most of our history, the rest of the world marveled at our economic performance"

Well, the great news is that the rest of the world STILL marvels at our economic performance! We as a nation are doing head and shoulders far above the economic recovery of other nations and as much as we think we're suffering, we're still doing so much better than those other countries' economies.

I know it's addictive to believe that the gubmint is out to get you, or that they're purposely putting the hurt on us, etc., but those are childish worldviews. Adults understand that recoveries take time, and we also understand that greedy CEOs and business owners can profit more by declaring bankruptcy than by staying in business. This was a KNOWN probability once the mandatory minimum wages got hiked so high. Add to this how online sales/deliveries/services have all but killed the need to pay employees to show up to work every day. Ten years from now I believe the only real job manned by real people will be prostitution. AI could have (and MIGHT have) written this entire fear-mongering article; other sites do it too🤷

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Its pretty obvious, and unbelieveable. I didnt think it would be possible to destroy the US, I guess when its killed from the inside, it isnt so easy to see. But the fact is, there hasnt been an honest president since I dont know when. Corrupt, war-mongering individuals that put their own future ahead of the people they "serve:. It was just a matter of time till the end comses. And now what??? WW111 ??? These people are not only morons, they are pure evil.

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Or...maybe people in the Midwest are growing and eating their own food?

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Well that'd certainly lower the cost of food on the West Coast since they wouldn't have to supply the Midwest anymore.

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KFC is gone but that’s good it’s junk food nowadays.

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KFC is not only NOT gone, but they've surpassed all but Del Taco in the fast food industry: https://nypost.com/2024/07/20/business/chick-fil-a-falls-off-perch-as-no-1-fast-food-restaurant-in-us-del-taco-takes-top-spot/


Mexican chain Del Taco was voted the best fast food chain of 2024, while KFC came in second. In a surprise, Del Taco also notched USA Today's No. 1 spot for best fast food fries with its crinkle cut fries.Jul 20, 2024

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I'll eat Del Taco over KFC or Chick fil a any day.

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Well it should’ve gone, unless they start to have real food instead of pink slime.

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Pink slime was for beef. And Mc D's tried it ever so briefly with their chicken nuggets.

I don't know if KFC ever used fake chicken or not. I don't like their clientele, so I don't buy their food.

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Do like del taco, it eat it rarely. I’ve seen some slimy thing video that is used to make chicken nuggets. But haven’t done deep dive. I look at so much of food now as poison. Thanks for your inputs.

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I've been reading up a lot on food lately and agree that much if it, especially the processed items, are not fit for consumption if you want to stay healthy.

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Buckle up. The retail road is about to get very bumpy. Speaking about roads, what ever happened to infrastructure repair and maintenance? Billions and billions of $ spent (or at least, appropriated) from the federal level on down, yet the roads are terrible. Even worse are the bridges. You very well may be putting your life in your hands driving over a bridge. We, the taxpayers, have been made suckers for far too long.

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No offense to KFC, but in my area we also have Kickin Chicken, Chicken Salad Chick, Chick FIL A, and Bojangles, all of which specialize in chicken. Add all the fast food chains that also serve chicken and you realize how saturated the market is. I live in South Carolina and off the top of my head can name 5 restaurants that I've eaten at in the last year that make much better chicken. That said, our locations seem busy enough.

As far as bank branches, I haven't physically entered one since March or Aprill 2019. Why should I when I can use an ATM ald do my banking online? I really don't think that's a sign of the economy so much as an evolution in how people bank now.

Al that said, yes, the economy is in trouble. My home is paid off. I have no idea how people are affording the rent in some of the apartments around here.

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