Thank you again Michael...I sense the urgency of your message. I am sharing your work.

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Since Israel became a nation in 1948, they had a war for independence, the 67 war and the Yom Kippur war. All of them were relatively brief wars, where Israel battled 5 nations, Egypt, Trans-Jordan Iraq and Palestine attacked in 1948, the 67 war or the 6 day war with three nations, Egypt Jordan and Syria attacked Israel and the 1973 Yom Kippor war with Syria and Egypt.

This seems to be very different than anything before. This will be Libya, Syria, Iran, Turkey and Palestine and all the militia groups of Hamas Hezbollah and others.

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Don't forget Russia in the coming war. They are allied with Turkey and Iran and part of Ezekiel's prophecy as well.

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yes, spot on, I did say others sorry trying to be too brief, just making a point

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Others indeed. It looked to be China may come in too, And others from the Muslim bloc as well. It is shaping up to be a global conflagration.

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Jobama was very decisive about Afghanistan, and he will be even more now, he will take a 2 week vacation on Kuai.

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Sad, but true.

On our watch.

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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That "decisive" front is just virtue signaling, as usual. What he's doing behind closed doors is another npmatter entirely...

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