"In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way."

Franklin D. Roosevelt 👈 🤔

Mark 4:22

For there is nothing hid, which shall not be manifested; neither was any thing kept secret, but that it should come abroad.

Luke 12:3

Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops.

⚖️ His Justice is Coming ⚖️

Thank you Jesus for Your Continued Hand of Mercy and Hedge of Protection...

Proverbs 3:26

For the Lord shall be thy confidence, and shall keep thy foot from being taken.

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I saw this story as soon as it broke. A brilliant move on the terrorist Hezbollah members! Really remarkable. How embarrassing for Nasrallah!

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That was pretty brutal but also ingenious. I've wondered for a while now, though, what exactly all these proxies for Iran can actually accomplish. They don't have an air force or armored brigades. Terror is a nasty tactic, but isn't going to topple any state with a modern military.

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This attack by Israel isn't just to cause chaos & mayhem but to ultimately cut off their means to communicate.

So if they Israel have decided to disrupt one of their lines of communication it would definitely suggest that Israel is about to strike.

As it's much easy to hit an opponent who is blinded & in the dark.

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Israel has no choice but to press forward, they should have ignored the US went at hamas with everything they had and wiped them out, they didn't. I understand why, or at least in part, excluding the marxist dems, America and Israel(excluding their marxists) will do all that we can to protect children. However, it is would save lives to hit hard and fast, get it over with. If Israel had allowed the demonic hamas and their supporters to get away with the atrocities they had committed , they would have just continued on with their barbarism and Israeli infants, children, women and men, would be raped, mutilated, burned alive to this very day. Israel cannot relent, in fact, they need to go in hard and fast and end this, no matter what it takes. These muslim terrorists are the enemies of the western world, the western world has become so weak and arrogant it does not even assist Israel with fighting the terrorists, our enemies, instead they aid and abet them.

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One of the prime purposes of government is to protect the citizens. Israel will. Sadly, with the present regime in the Swamp of Washington, I am not at all confident that our government will protect us when the need arises.

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When both sides are fighting for their religion anything is possible.

Both sides may fight to the end.

This means nuclear war and both Iran and Israel have them.

Both the Bible and Koran say a different son of Abraham will inherit the land.

In the Koran (Satanic Verses) that Jesus returns with the Islamic Mahdi, both as Muslims. The problem with that is that Jesus said the man of sin comes claiming to be the Biblical Jesus and the Jews will embrace him as the Messiah because they think he is fulfilling Biblical Prophecy not Islamic Prophecy that we know is a lie.

So both believe their God will rescue them and fight on their side.

This war will not be the existential war.

The war that the Lord returns to stop if not, all flesh would parish is the war where the kings of the North East and South come against the forces of the Anti-Christ (the west).

This may be the first phase of that war so the person Jesus warned us about will come before He returns to establish the kingdom of God. What a perfect time for that.

We shall wait, watch and pray.

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What if Israel isn't the country that did this? Just saying

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“If anyone else did something like this or this type of incident took place against Israel, the entire

Western Media would be up in arms describing this as an evil act of terrorism. Yet when Israel

commits this same act, they get cheered. The Israeli government is a Terrorist entity. It’s time it be arrested.”


Bravo, Hal. You speak the truth, you’ve got guts. Even many Israelis are against Netanyahu.

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What a full blown hypocrite. Terrorism, by definition is an act of violence for a political end.

Therefor the event that started the American revolution was the Boston Tea Party by the son's of Liberty who in the night destroyed $1 million (92,000 lbs) of tea, they destroyed and burned other British ships and tared and feathered anyone who stood in their way. These were terrorist acts. One man's freedom fighter is another mans patriot.

What about the Oct 7 attack was that not a terror event?

and your using Hal Turner a Holocaust denier? Talk about fair and balanced.

Look this war is for the control of all of Israel. They do not want a 2 state solution, they are lying. Just like you would do, to anything to protect your home and family.

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Israel is great at preemptive attacks. No doubt this will affect Hezbollahs' (and other terrorists) psyche, esp. anytime they use a handheld device.

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"Israel will no longer exist in 10 years."

Heinz Kissinger, 2012.

Look it up--he said it.

Given that Heinz K was an employee of Jacob Rothschild whose family literally owns Israel, I'd bet on it. Does their family even live there? Of course not. It'll be gone.

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Here is the link:


Who would want to live in the dry desert Middle East anyway?

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Have you ever been there? Israel has turned the desert into a garden, they are a huge exporter of fruit s and vegetable and cattle.

The quot about Kissinger saying Israel will not exist in 10 years is hotly contested. Not proven. It was issued in 2012, it's now 2024. There still here and you no idea how deep the ties go with America and the so called deep state and the globalists. They built Israel from the ground up, they are not going to abandon her.

In his last interview in late 2023 Kissinger said Israel should get Arab help to deal with the Hamas issues and a two state solution is not viable. He wants peace with Israel and the Arab world. Jordan should control the West bank as part of that deal. And wants a negotiated deal with Hamas. All of this is classical globalist speak for a one world Order where the west is in control and Israel becomes the spiritual center of the world.

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WOW, that is wonderful that Israel managed to produce food and create productive living space from the desert areas. Yeah! That is exciting !

Now, we just need to expand that green belt and help make the whole Middle East green ! Again !


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Strategic Location. BB has literally embraced NAZI tactics. Who funded Adolph? Adam Schiff and the other Central Bankers--including Rothschild/Rockefeller. "But they're Jews?"--Precisely albeit Atheistic "Jews". Let a religious Rabbi explain "Israel".

7 minutes:


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