A perfect storm is upon us from every direction. Washington send $ Billions to another useless, failed Ukraine war provoking the Bear as it continues interfering in Israel's sovereignty.

Then there's China, Taiwan, and millions of illegals and terrorists and enemy now in country thanks to evil Democrats following Obama's destroy USA agenda.

But not to worry, Our Commander in Chief after fifty plus years serving us in Washington is the best pathological liar a corrupt and decadent Empire can buy. His lies are backed up by an evil media that has long ago betrayed us.

A big war will get everyone's mind off a collapsing economy and bankrupt empire.


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PERFECTLY said!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Oh counterair, he served himself.

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Oh counterair, he's a Democrat, they serve Satan and death.

By their fruit ye shall KNOW them.

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We are so close to the end, that the trigger event may not be far off. It just may be a war with Russia, the Fed uses it as an excuse to default and they blame Russia in even some false flag events. The FED and the Govt are lying about everything.

Putin is doing the same. A few days ago on Russian TV he admitted they are losing 20,000 troops a month, this war will take about 2 more years at about another 500,000 troop casualties, and they will solidify their positions and declare victory. He believes via politics America (Trump) will abandon Ukraine in the end and all they need to do is wait it out. Putin is lying to his people that there is a light at the end of this tunnel. There is a peace conference being formed in Switzerland with over 90 nations to draw up a framework for peace in Ukraine, too bad Russia and China refuse to go.

The whole world is in a full state of delusion, corruption, and lying. All 196 nations will reap what they have sown and this will not end well.

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Maybe the government should hand out free cyanide capsules?

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I think they are, however, them that get the pills don't realize what they are taking and the dosage is so low, it takes time to take effect.

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And how wonderful, we can't even know if our bank is going down because we might want OUR money. Instead we get to lose all.

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This, of course, is the only way that we do change things, peacefully. With bank runs. If only Americans were smarter and had a set of balls, this should have happened a year ago, after silicon valley went down. And I practice what I preach.

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Peacefully change things ? Is that why every branch of the US government has been armed to their eyeballs with millions of rounds of ammo and military style weapons and why the gangsters and law abiding citizens are all armed for the coming civil war when the food shelves are empty and people starving ?

Two Idaho farmers, in a desperate attempt to save their crops and those of their fellow farmers, have issued a frightening warning about how the Idaho government has shut off the water to a half million acres of farmland.

On Thursday, the East Idaho News reported that the Idaho Department of Water Resources Director Mathew Weaver issued a curtailment order that requires 6,400 junior groundwater rights holders who pump off the Eastern Snake Plain Aquifer to shut off their water.

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You see? That's where your understanding falls shy. The government has been empowered by an endless money printer. If they want it, they print it. Try suing the government, or defending yourself against the government. Their money system is going to zero, and I say good!!

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The problem is that the politicians and the people have no say in this process, all of this was put solely in the hands of the FED over 100 years ago and solidified at the end of WW II with the Brenton Woods agreement. Reagan did try with the Grace Commission (read the book Bankruptcy 1995 by Harry Figgie. But everyone Dem Rep and even Reagan saw that taking the politics out of politics was something no one wanted to do. The commission had a perfect plan to fix everything in 10 years and they did nothing, that's the day the music died.

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Jesus said the love of many will grow cold, which is the absolute emotional burnout people will experience when the man of sin comes on the scene.

But the FED will not tell us if Banks are unstable because it's FED policy to keep it quiet to prevent bank runs.

When they pull the trigger, all banks including credit unions will fail except for about 4-5 too big to fail banks, more money will be in the hands of fewer and fewer banks.

We should brace ourselves for “a bigger crash than we got in 2008 to ’09 but a bigger crash than 1929-35.

With most people working for small companies, we should brace ourselves for “a bigger crash than we got in 2008 to ’09”… there will be a lot

We are at a point where we can no longer kick the can down the road.

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Big Suprise, eh?

Weimar Germany had it EASY compared to what is on approach for landing now...

At the root of it all is a single salient fact: Every major 'Economic Meltdown' in all of Human history have been 'Regional' events solely: From Rome all the way to Weimar to Zimbabwe...what is coming now instead is GLOBAL in scope, though indeed it will - likely - begin here in the US.

As such, the sheer carnage this will inflict will be unbounded in every sense...and no ONE has ever seen such a thing, ever.

Good Luck when it all begins accelerating, which now cannot be far off. Also recall that Gold will be the 'Canary in the Coal mine'; once that breaks well above $2600/Ounce you'll know with some small certainty the 'Rug is about to get PULLED out'. Thereafter it will enter into an ever increasing upward spiral which none knows where it will level off AT.

My prayers are with everyone hereafter.

Be Well, be Safe and above all else, be BLESSED.


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Not saying things aren't getting worse for many , but Harry Dent has been predicting the end of the world for the last 40-50 years.

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And here it is, he's been right all along unlike the rot in Washington who lie every time they open their mouths.

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We are exceptional Americans that can do anything, including destroying ourselves into third world oblivion.

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