And yet it's July and Lake Michigan is still too, too cold for swimming. We could use some of the heat you are talking about over here in Oceana County, Michigan, folks.

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Gleissberg Cycle. 89-100 years. 12,000 years of history. 2023 is just a ‘warm up’ as 2024 and 2025 will be worse, leading to, in my view, a global depression and hundreds of millions dead from famine. Just what the Globalists want.



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All I know is that we have been lied to about so many things, that I don't know what to believe anymore. It's actually a very hard way to live.

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It's called geo-engineering and solar radiation management. Been going on for decades and for decades was a conspiracy theory. Now? the government wants to dim the sun. Like WOW! What a new idea! BS! CO2 is bad, yet it is what plants need to live and supply mammals with oxygen. . God had it all figured out and the Frankensteins were convinced they knew more. What happen to all their greenie dreams as they want to kill off all plant life, including our food plants. It's all just part of the depopulation plan. Brought to you in this spiritual war by Satan. think! And read.

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man does not like what God has given us so we try to do this ourselves. Something tells me this won't end well.

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I think it will end fine. It's what we are going to have to go thru to get to the end of this demonic possession of so many.

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Scientists are piqued that the current solar minimum isn’t going to last as long as they previously predicted. The data hasn’t changed, but procedures to interpret it have. It’s all very interesting, and indicative of the massive gulf between reality, and mankind’s grip on it.

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1 cor 3:19 For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God. For it is written, “He is the one who catches the wise in their craftiness”

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