I am not sure which will end up replacing our current fiat monetary system: CBDC or Nesara/Gesara. The first option will lead us to complete government control of our transactions. The second could end up freeing the world for the first time in history. The only thing that I feel certain of, is the value of precious metals. Whatever happens, remember, God wins!

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The FED has a plan in place, to purposefully and deliberately default on the dollar and all its bonds. This event is not time driven but event driven. They are looking for a scapegoat to blame it on. They may just let the politicians do this with a debt limit default. The economy is hopelessly headed for a real depression, the dollar as the world currency is done and unrecoverable. The only solution is a default and start over with a gold backed dollar under the IMFs gold backed digital Unicoin. Just the IMF and US gold backing will be over 5000 metric tons of Gold. This will default will also stagger the yuan and ruble. China is very dependant on western trade. China's bebt to GDP is about 300% almost 3 times our debt limit. So whoever wins this war will control the new digital world order, because everyone's economy will tank and China is betting they have a better chance of surviving on top.

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