Comm. RE defaulting - good! Turn those properties into 'housing' for all those homeless souls/families. Malls, large open spaces - even "tent cities" under roof, better than being on the streets !

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In the late 80s our town's big mall went under. We unofficially let families stay in it, with a preference toward veterans' fams and fatherless fams. It's not the worst idea!

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I love it ! Spread that word, esp. for Vets/families ! 🙏🇺🇸

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They would destroy the hotels within weeks if not days. You can take the homeless out of the streets, but you can't take the streets out of the homeless. Most of them like how they're living.

What we need are an army of mental health professionals to treat their addictions and imbalances and put them to work. In their current state,, it would never work.

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I agree in part w/your comment. Mental health asst to 'get them working again' is critical. I'm not/never been a fan of 'freeloading' by able bodies souls. Temp housing in vacant offices, etc. At least if they 'run down their room', it's a tax write off for owner (comes in handy at tax pay time). And it can be impressed on them, destroy your room you're back out on the streets NEXT DAY (add that incentive to the rules). There are ways to manage the situation. It just takes owners' COMMON SENSE (therein may lie the problem).

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We are definitely way short inn the common sense department. I still believe that a large faction of the homeless like being free from society's constraints.

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I can understand "free from society's constraints" - to a degree. Yet, no one is 'an island". We all need to get along, and that includes one person's 'rights" end where another's begin. 'Free on the streets" encroaches heavily on others rights ! And I don't think a large faction really want to live in a cold, cardboard box on the streets (always hungry, scrounging for a meal, for safety, etc.) You obviously haven't though thru the situation enough before commenting.🙏

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So you personally know a homeless person? I don't want to argue, but you are imprinting your beliefs on a whole group of people, many of whom have severe mental illness. Every one of them would have a story to tell. Some of them are quite wealthy, but choose to live outside our social morays for one reason or another. It is often a result of abuse. They need help and just giving them a room somewhere doesn't fix much of it. Let's agree to disagree.

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Respectfully I say - you don't comprehend well. "Imprinting"? 🤣 That's certainly the "pot calling the kettle black". Of course many homeless are mentally ill and need pro. help (do you also suggest they have a 'session" curbside?). In the cold/rain? I"'m not suggesting putting them in a 'cage' (room) that they're not free to come and go, they just have a safe haven (they don't have on the streets). I repeat (understand this) their "rights" end where others rights begin. They should not be free to impose themselves/their preferred lifestyle on others ! We don't, at least I DON'T. Many of them who actually have self-respect agree w/me. FYI - I'm not homeless, I just have a compassion for them you obviously do NOT have ! Let me guess - you have R Estate holdings that would be negatively impacted (in your mind) by housing them. Aren't you "special". When your homeless 'season' comes (it will), remember your current perspective. And we can certainly agree to disagree. 👍🇺🇸

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The criminality of the Bible and the stupidity of Christians


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These problems are all caused by Jews. Let them put homeless inside the church sanctuaries so the Christians can show how good they are. LOL Snide Snyder is pushing Jew blood atonement of a Jew bastard for forgiveness of sins for cash down to preachers. The Jew god of the Bible is a murderous baby killing scum bag and those who accept this gawd are of the same standing.

Snyder is a traitor for not naming the enemy within the gates.


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Again, Mr. Snyder is still capitalizing off the name & popularity of Jewish Donald Trump. So he's simply not going to bad talk Jews.

I don't see how this makes him a traitor. It's just a financial decision from a man who wants to keep food on his family's table. To whom does that make him a traitor?

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This entire existence, everything that we can see taste feel and smell, is real. But it does not exist on it's own. For if it did, it would have destroyed itself long ago, long before Abraham. Just look at the civilizations before him. They were war like and humanly depraved just like today, worshiping things that were false. So what is holding this all together, is there something or someone transcendent to bring the world to a point exactly as the Bible said it would in great detail. Is there a spiritual aspect to all of this?

So to blame this all on Jews as a group is like calling all white people are just like the KKK its all critical theory communist nonsense. Yes some Jews are deeply at fault, but what is behind this great evil? What is driving the few elites who are in control? Nothing just happens, if that was true you would not be on this site arguing your point because pure randomness makes any point of few meaningless and useless. The real enemy is free will where I become the master of me. The result just look history even before the Jews and after. What changed? Nothing. So what is behind this great evil it's not terrestrial, it's higher. Most all ancient religions believe there is a spatial power behind evil and it had many names we call it today Satan and he is just as real back then as today.

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Those who do not name an enemy who is destroying the country are traitors. Uncle Joe has sold out the USA to China and will no doubt fail to push the red button when Russia and China and N. Korea simultaneously carpet nuke the USA. Trumpet has brainless followers who are ignorant that he conceived Operation Warp Speed that kills people with reduced immunity, heart attacks and humongous blood clots that undertakers have pulled out of blood vessels, as well as heart attacks in children. The companies that make the Vaxxes are all Jew owned.


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The enemy on why the world is such a mess just like it was before Abraham is the real enemy Satan.

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Again, a traitor to whom?

As for undertakers pulling out huge COVID-caused clots, actual undertakers have repeatedly come out to say this is 100% false. Also that morgue workers (including medical examiners) have absolutely, positively NO foreknowledge of a corpse's medical history. N-O-N-E whatsoever. Both of my late grandparents had humongous clots in their corpses. This was in 2005, and neither of them ever saw doctors, let alone got the SARS shot (which was around for much longer than from 2020). Morgue workers want people to stop spreading lies about them making anti-COVID vax statements because they are overwhelmingly IN FAVOR of getting vaccinated against pretty much everything.

I got to admit I don't know who owns vaccine companies, but I'd guess it's people with great skills in earning money, so...

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Dear Puddin' Head you are controlled by the Jew media. You are a traitor who is continually seeking reassurance that you are going to heaven to suck up to a murderous masochistic scum bag god. You have been lead by fear and your religion is a fear based confidence game for suckers who are easily controlled. Do your angels shit and piss while flying through the air on Egyptian based wings and do they have sex with Jesus since all are now equal.? No you will be just as stupid up there as you are here and for all eternity and with millions of your Baptist stupe heads to keep you company. I have wasted enough time with your idiocy. Bye Bye.

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That was a very roundabout way to admit you couldn't produce an answer to my simple question. So you won't be missed.

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LOL very well said PT!

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