Michael's exhaustive grounding in Judaic tradition NEVER ceases to astonish me, surely!
In perusing Michael's 'End Times' (prior publication to 'Chaos', one I STRONGLY recommend to anyone seeking to grasp what 'has been', I was astonished at much of what he related from Jewish History - both from the Baylonian Talmud and the Jerusalem Talmud as well.
All my background lies in the Sciences and so,
Q:"How does a Scientist see the World?"
A: Through SCIENCE colored glasses of course!"
Yet, I have been through the entire Bible not less than 6 times, cover to cover and still, much remains inscrutable to me. Often, only at -seemingly - THE appointed moment do I finally GRASP the meaning underlying a specifuc passage.
As I'm sure everyone here has experienced - repeatedly! - THAT is oftimes just maddening, still we plod onward though, always seeking UNDERSTANDING.
A particularly interesting quote here - attributeable to Saint Thomas Aquinas (I believe...), here set down to the limit of my recollection is:
"We are given TWO Great Gospels. The Bible, God's Living Word set down before us. But ALSO, the CREATION, in which we can see His Thought manifested DIRECTLY. At any point whereat the one or other *appears* to contradict the other, it is only the case that OUR understanding of ONE the OTHER or BOTH is insufficient to GRASP the underlying TRUTH."
In that sense, given that we - our MINDS - are made in His Image, it is insufficient to RELY soley on the ONE or the OTHER. Instead, it would seem that only by scrutinizing BOTH can we - finally - GRASP in fullness what our Father wishes for us to KNOW.
So the blood moon means Israel will win this war with Iran and Syria and their proxies?
Ref, NASA is telling us that at some point between right now and September, a star that is 3,000 light years away will explode. That explosion will be so bright that it will actually be visible to the naked eye in the northern hemisphere…
I assume NASA is saying the exploding star blew up 3000 years ago and the blast will become visible now.
Earlier, as I was preparing for an exceedingly long trip from Alaska to Washington State (commencing tomorrow) I - admittedly - was 'speed reading' through the comments and did not note the link you provided. That link however did not clarify the specific referrence to the NASA referrence you made, hence my question.
The most likely Supernova in our 'local' vicinity would probably occur from the star Betelgeuse, which is currently a Red Supergiant star, FAR along in it's evolution. So far evolved is it currently that it could easily tip over into it's final death-throes at nearly anytime at all, even tomorrow! That Star resides some 560 Light-years away and is at the outer margin of what most Astrophysicist believe could have a direct effect on us, here on Earth ; other than being incredibly bright indeed.
Other celestial bodies are FAR more concerning however. Blue Supergiant stars - such as Eta Carinae - Magnetars such as SGR 0525-66, SGR 1806-20 and etc. The former was an outpouring of soft gamma radiation originating in the Greater Magellanic cloud, almost 190,00 Light-years away, which SWAMPED the instrumentation of every satellite orbitting Earth, while the latter originated from a point almost diametrically opposite Earth on the far side of the Milky Way galaxy, some 40,000 Light-years distant.
However, the SCARY one IS Eta Carinae. A binary star system located some 7200 LY (Light-years) from Earth in the Carina Nebula. The primary has a mass in excess of 100 SM (Solar Masses) whilst it's partner lies in the range of 30 or more SM.
So, having already asserted that mere Supernova are not apt to have significant impact on Earth, why then should E-C (Eta Carinae) concern us at all?
Simply put, E-C will NOT end it's short life (extremely massive stars burn thier 'fuel' at a STAGGERING rate, living typically only 10 million or so years before ending) in a mere Supernova, but instead something fantastically more potent, something seen in a Galaxy only once in several millions years, a 'Superluminous Supernova', aka, a 'Hypernova'.
The output of such represents the greatest outpouring of energy witnessed since the Creation itself...and if 'shrouded' by large amounts of circumstellar material, as E-C is, by the Homonculous Nebula, will result in a 'Bow-Shock' phenomena resulting in a wave of ultra-high energy Gamma radiation being emitted...though not radially symettrically so.
Still, that outpouring will certainly sterilze any inhabitted body within say 2000 LY, but if a planet lies along the rotarional axis of the star - either pole - then the dynamo effect occuring on those axes will produce something far, FAR worse...something reaching out vastly farther, 'a Star Wars Death Beam' essentially, if you will. THAT might reach 10,000 (or MORE) LY, wiping all life in it's path utterly.
Forgive the length of the post, it is often difficult to condense sufficient detail into smallerpieces and convey the needed context adequately.
If you could provide the NASA link you referrenced I would be obliged...
Well there ya go! I've always regarded Michael as a bit of a doom & gloomer but with his feet firmly planted in the truth of things and therefore always worth a read.
So then he comes up with this post, with a response from people who do appear to have an inkling of Spiritual-Biblical/Planetary/Cosmic connections. Some interesting comments, indeed..( 10 comments here = 1000 on another, more popular , yet trite site?)
I'm locked into the 'No Accidents in the Universe', 'All actions have their consequence' and 'This Yali Yuga has a long way to go but there is a rope out of the swamp', memes. But some of the replies here, whilst not negating those concepts, do expand them.
It is an interesting eclipse Cross…Road. And the Devil’s Comet appears near the Crossing event of the 2023_2024 Solar Eclipses over America. Add in a Canadian Ninevah and you have 8 Jonah warnings before exiting into Mexico at Eagle Pass. And we all know wad up there now.
The Center of the Cross is at St Anthony holding the Infant Jesus with the Cradle of Liberty, the Alamo. Which fell March 6Th, but led to Independence at San Jacinto later in April. San Jacinto being St Hyacinth. St Hyacinth was canon-ized April 17th, his feast day is the same day as Crockett’s birthday August 17th. The Battle of San Jacinto was April 21st. And St Hyacinth is the patron saint of of those in danger of drowning.
if We the People heed the Jonah warning, and a whale saves us from drowning, we would choose the path of the 2023 solar eclipse. From St Anthony, the infant Jesus, the Alamo and downs through Corpus Christi, and into the Gulf of Mexico. The position of Corpus Christi being about where the Lord’s Sacred Heart was pierced on the Cross. Flooding the world with Mercy with Water of Baptism and the Blood of the Eucharist. The 8 Ninevah path of 2024 ending at Eagle Pass clearly leads to a Ninevah style destruction in the future.
Add in the 5 Red Heifers Texas sent to Israel recently and the war in the Middle East, etc. The Cross Roads becomes a choice of Free Will to follow the Cult of Death or God is the God of Life, not death.
vote Straight Ticket R4nC, Remeption, Revelation, Reunion and Recapitulation in Christ, 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 God Bless America and Texas
Michael's exhaustive grounding in Judaic tradition NEVER ceases to astonish me, surely!
In perusing Michael's 'End Times' (prior publication to 'Chaos', one I STRONGLY recommend to anyone seeking to grasp what 'has been', I was astonished at much of what he related from Jewish History - both from the Baylonian Talmud and the Jerusalem Talmud as well.
All my background lies in the Sciences and so,
Q:"How does a Scientist see the World?"
A: Through SCIENCE colored glasses of course!"
Yet, I have been through the entire Bible not less than 6 times, cover to cover and still, much remains inscrutable to me. Often, only at -seemingly - THE appointed moment do I finally GRASP the meaning underlying a specifuc passage.
As I'm sure everyone here has experienced - repeatedly! - THAT is oftimes just maddening, still we plod onward though, always seeking UNDERSTANDING.
A particularly interesting quote here - attributeable to Saint Thomas Aquinas (I believe...), here set down to the limit of my recollection is:
"We are given TWO Great Gospels. The Bible, God's Living Word set down before us. But ALSO, the CREATION, in which we can see His Thought manifested DIRECTLY. At any point whereat the one or other *appears* to contradict the other, it is only the case that OUR understanding of ONE the OTHER or BOTH is insufficient to GRASP the underlying TRUTH."
In that sense, given that we - our MINDS - are made in His Image, it is insufficient to RELY soley on the ONE or the OTHER. Instead, it would seem that only by scrutinizing BOTH can we - finally - GRASP in fullness what our Father wishes for us to KNOW.
So the blood moon means Israel will win this war with Iran and Syria and their proxies?
Ref, NASA is telling us that at some point between right now and September, a star that is 3,000 light years away will explode. That explosion will be so bright that it will actually be visible to the naked eye in the northern hemisphere…
I assume NASA is saying the exploding star blew up 3000 years ago and the blast will become visible now.
So what happened in Israel 3000 years ago?
Ezekiel 4
Thank you for the clarification Daniel,
Earlier, as I was preparing for an exceedingly long trip from Alaska to Washington State (commencing tomorrow) I - admittedly - was 'speed reading' through the comments and did not note the link you provided. That link however did not clarify the specific referrence to the NASA referrence you made, hence my question.
The most likely Supernova in our 'local' vicinity would probably occur from the star Betelgeuse, which is currently a Red Supergiant star, FAR along in it's evolution. So far evolved is it currently that it could easily tip over into it's final death-throes at nearly anytime at all, even tomorrow! That Star resides some 560 Light-years away and is at the outer margin of what most Astrophysicist believe could have a direct effect on us, here on Earth ; other than being incredibly bright indeed.
Other celestial bodies are FAR more concerning however. Blue Supergiant stars - such as Eta Carinae - Magnetars such as SGR 0525-66, SGR 1806-20 and etc. The former was an outpouring of soft gamma radiation originating in the Greater Magellanic cloud, almost 190,00 Light-years away, which SWAMPED the instrumentation of every satellite orbitting Earth, while the latter originated from a point almost diametrically opposite Earth on the far side of the Milky Way galaxy, some 40,000 Light-years distant.
However, the SCARY one IS Eta Carinae. A binary star system located some 7200 LY (Light-years) from Earth in the Carina Nebula. The primary has a mass in excess of 100 SM (Solar Masses) whilst it's partner lies in the range of 30 or more SM.
So, having already asserted that mere Supernova are not apt to have significant impact on Earth, why then should E-C (Eta Carinae) concern us at all?
Simply put, E-C will NOT end it's short life (extremely massive stars burn thier 'fuel' at a STAGGERING rate, living typically only 10 million or so years before ending) in a mere Supernova, but instead something fantastically more potent, something seen in a Galaxy only once in several millions years, a 'Superluminous Supernova', aka, a 'Hypernova'.
The output of such represents the greatest outpouring of energy witnessed since the Creation itself...and if 'shrouded' by large amounts of circumstellar material, as E-C is, by the Homonculous Nebula, will result in a 'Bow-Shock' phenomena resulting in a wave of ultra-high energy Gamma radiation being emitted...though not radially symettrically so.
Still, that outpouring will certainly sterilze any inhabitted body within say 2000 LY, but if a planet lies along the rotarional axis of the star - either pole - then the dynamo effect occuring on those axes will produce something far, FAR worse...something reaching out vastly farther, 'a Star Wars Death Beam' essentially, if you will. THAT might reach 10,000 (or MORE) LY, wiping all life in it's path utterly.
Forgive the length of the post, it is often difficult to condense sufficient detail into smallerpieces and convey the needed context adequately.
If you could provide the NASA link you referrenced I would be obliged...
Hello Daniel,
Are you perhaps referring to the following? Just curious.
Even 'ordinary' Nova are a rare occurance, so given the text at the preceding link, I presumed that possibly that waa what you were suggesting.
No I was not.
Well there ya go! I've always regarded Michael as a bit of a doom & gloomer but with his feet firmly planted in the truth of things and therefore always worth a read.
So then he comes up with this post, with a response from people who do appear to have an inkling of Spiritual-Biblical/Planetary/Cosmic connections. Some interesting comments, indeed..( 10 comments here = 1000 on another, more popular , yet trite site?)
I'm locked into the 'No Accidents in the Universe', 'All actions have their consequence' and 'This Yali Yuga has a long way to go but there is a rope out of the swamp', memes. But some of the replies here, whilst not negating those concepts, do expand them.
On yer Michael! And posters.
Great info—thanks!
Oooh spooky 👻 red moon and devil comet! How bout them red heifers?
I’ve got some items to share - be on the lookout for email later this week - keep fighting the good fight
where, here?
Purim has already happened this year when you reckon time as YeHoVaH does.
For Purim 2024, which falls on March 23-24, there is a penumbral lunar eclipse occurring on March 24-25.
The sun will be turned into darkness And the moon into blood Before the great and awesome day of the LORD comes. Joel 2:31
It is an interesting eclipse Cross…Road. And the Devil’s Comet appears near the Crossing event of the 2023_2024 Solar Eclipses over America. Add in a Canadian Ninevah and you have 8 Jonah warnings before exiting into Mexico at Eagle Pass. And we all know wad up there now.
The Center of the Cross is at St Anthony holding the Infant Jesus with the Cradle of Liberty, the Alamo. Which fell March 6Th, but led to Independence at San Jacinto later in April. San Jacinto being St Hyacinth. St Hyacinth was canon-ized April 17th, his feast day is the same day as Crockett’s birthday August 17th. The Battle of San Jacinto was April 21st. And St Hyacinth is the patron saint of of those in danger of drowning.
if We the People heed the Jonah warning, and a whale saves us from drowning, we would choose the path of the 2023 solar eclipse. From St Anthony, the infant Jesus, the Alamo and downs through Corpus Christi, and into the Gulf of Mexico. The position of Corpus Christi being about where the Lord’s Sacred Heart was pierced on the Cross. Flooding the world with Mercy with Water of Baptism and the Blood of the Eucharist. The 8 Ninevah path of 2024 ending at Eagle Pass clearly leads to a Ninevah style destruction in the future.
Add in the 5 Red Heifers Texas sent to Israel recently and the war in the Middle East, etc. The Cross Roads becomes a choice of Free Will to follow the Cult of Death or God is the God of Life, not death.
vote Straight Ticket R4nC, Remeption, Revelation, Reunion and Recapitulation in Christ, 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 God Bless America and Texas