In another Substack I read yesterday about the Scottish government chopping down 16 million trees to make way for wind energy installations. The psycho watermelons (green on the outside, commie red inside) are just starting to notice that their offshore wind energy installations are killing whales wholesale.

I have to wonder how much coal has to be burned to power a vacuum that sucks in enough air to remove a million tonnes of carbon dioxide, which is a very small percentage of the air. It's got the aspect of a perpetual motion scheme, except it puts money in the pockets of corrupt govt contractors.

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Solution: Just switch it from "suck" to "blow." Mel Brooks, Spaceballs.

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From Adam and Eve to today man has been trying to build a world that they want and won't accept what God has given us due to the fall. Just another attempt to fix the world and God laughs from heaven.

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Has anyone heard of the new tick borne illness that makes you allergic to beef 🥩. 🤔. Sounds very familiar 🤯

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Yes, but some researchers feel it is also a side effect from the covid death shot.

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I'm not often speechless but I am now... This is insane.

These are the people that want to make us eat bugs and fake meat so maybe this makes sense to them.

I wonder what injecting all this gas into the earth will do. I'm not a geologist so I have no idea but I don't trust them. Then again, I don't trust anything this administration and its flunkies do.

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Insanity ongoing also on the issue is there are no patriots (alpha men) left to stop these people. They are either elderly unable to do much, or dead. Younger generations want Marxism full throttle. No one is acting in our behalf to stop pushing this agenda. The 2 percent few are trying to make others aware, but nihilism and self absorbed people are 98 percent of the population.

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Exactly Laura Ann. Fully two generations of Americans have now been "dumb-down" in the government public schools, while also being indoctrinated into the Marxist/Communist lies of a man made utopia on earth.

It is my humble opinion our Constitutional Republic is fallen and will never stand again. At this point in the "age of the Gentiles", the only thing that truly matters is that your name is written in the "Lamb's Book of Life".

"Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them. For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—comes not from the Father but from the world."

1 John 2:15-16.

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Don't get me wrong because the Lord is my Savior, but I do believe that Donald J. Trump is a hero. He has been implementing a plan to root out the evil in this world and we are close to the resolution. If I'm wrong, then this country, and the world are truly doomed.

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Glad you know Jesus is Lord.

My biggest problem with Q Anon is the idolatrous view of Trump. No man should be looked at that way. No matter how wonderful.

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God often chooses imperfect people to be his representatives on earth. He is not working alone. Trump is in a rare position to stand up to the evil in this world. His love of country, faith and courage enable him to stand up to the constant attacks. I know that I couldn't do it. As flawed as he seems to be, I find it interesting that the left has to make up charges against him. Anyone else would have caved long ago.

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See: Jeremiah 33:17.

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"And the world is passing away, and the lust of it, but he who does the will of God abides forever. Little children, it is the last hour, and as you have heard, the Antichrist is coming....."

1 John 2:17-18

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I try to share this with fellow conservatives. Some listen. Others give me funny looks.

It is nuts. But it's not my idea!

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The giant vacuum cleaner reminds me of the scene from Mel Brooks Space Balls.

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Just when you thought you’d heard it all...of course Biden delivers it....well Obama I guess.

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Alex Jones tried to warn us.

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Another hero that's been demonized.

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People thought that Hitler's idea of a solar reflector was insane, he was just ahead of his time. He also got rid of disabled people, kinda like Canada and the Netherlands again, ahead of his time!

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Wall Street bankrolled I.G. Farben and the Hitler regime. And all wars since 1950 onward that the U.S. faught in vain and lost, all middle east boondoggles, also Ukraine involving US troops and NATO.

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The complete lunacy of "climate change" is just a cover up for their agenda to cull people on a massive scale. The elite oligarchs and the World Economic Forum have lost their minds. They've become obsessed with reducing the world population at all costs. This plan to suck carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere, is pure lunacy. Why not just plant more trees? Instead, they're chopping down millions of these wonderful chlorophyll filled, CO² eating wonders, to put up solar panel and windmill farms. I read an article yesterday that stated that solar panels actually increase the temperature of the surrounding air and really aren'tthat efficientat producing energy. I won't even get into the mining and disposal issues for these "green" energy alternatives, because it would take all day. The bottom line is that they have not actually proven that climate change is really happening, and their solutions are probably worse for the environment than doing nothing. Why wouldn't, we the people, have a voice in all of this? As for blocking out the sun, what happens to the energy produced by all this solar energy? The one good thing would be a reduction in the vitamin D production in our bodies (yes, I'm being facetious) , making us more sickly. If that doesn't kill enough citizens, they'll just starve us to death or release a new, highly contagious pathogen. Then they'll produce a new vaccine for it, that will destroy more lives. Are you seeing the pattern yet?

The only good thing about the Biden regime is that it's almost over. The evidence of bribery and money laundering continues to mount daily. I hope they have his favorite flavor of ice cream in federal prison, because that's where his administration is headed.

P.S. If you believe that fire in Lahaina was just a fluke, think again. It was a Directed Energy Weapon. Here's an article in "Newsweek" saying it's a conspiracy theory (which is media speak for, it's really true, but you'd better not question the narrative or you're crazy).


See how they do that?

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Not that the Biden admin would be smart enough, but plants will start dying at around 180 ppm and less of CO2

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After reading a news article this morning about more stupidity coming from the Brandon administration, my husband said, "unbelievable!" He paused and then said, "Actually I have to stop saying that because nothing is unbelievable, anymore."

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if we can't get the Chinese and Asian Indians and the rest of the far east countries to join in on our climate schemes, why are we wasting our time doing any of this? They are the globe's major climate polluters, not us.

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