I think it's all by design. Does anybody at the top of the food chain really care? From what we have seen the past few years it's difficult to imagine that is so. We do have food storage, so if need be we can get into that. We would like to have three hens for egg supply but our small town won't allow chickens. We live close to a large city area and amazingly chickens are allowed, but of course no roosters.

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We (people) are the food.

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And now the FED has openly said they have to raise interest rates not to curb inflation but rescue the dollar is a clear sign this will get a lot worse and the cliff is not far off. Because of this fiat debt ridden system, you can't rescue the dollar and the economy at the same time. We normally rotate back and forth with lowering and raising interest rates and the money supply, but that does not work any more so it's all about the dollar and keeping it afloat at all costs (no pun intended) so they can dump when they are ready to and that is not far off.

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"So they can dump when they are ready to" - Mmm - I think this is what it is all about.

The smart money with insider kbowledge is "selling high".

The people struggling against high inflation abd wage increases that really do not keep up with inflation have no alternative but to "buy high" when it comes to groceries and electricity bills.

Plus they do not have any shares or stocks to sell - so they have to use their mastercard to pay for the groceries sometimes.

This is not gonna end well for the average working class person, but it will be no problem for the top 10 percent.

The top 1 percent will actually make money out of the "planned demolition" of the economy. AKA 9/11 Mk II

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I went to Walmart in Cleveland on my lunch break the other day.. people are getting the memo. It was packed and only stuff left was name brand.

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Egypt is the latest BRICS nation to dump the dollar as its exchange currency. Once all of those fiat dollars start flooding back into the country, we'll be thinking that 2023 was the good old days.

A crash is imminent. I've heard that it's possibly going to happen as soon as Monday, February 26th. The elites like Bezos will dump their stocks first, while the rest of the country helplessly watches all of their money disappear. Chaos isn't a strong enough word to describe what happens next.

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Feb 26 hmm.. I started reading the Bible years ago and I should be starting the book of Daniel in a few days. Yeah I know I’m slow. But my friends tell me Daniel is relevant right now.

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Yup. Also, manufacture, shipping, ... might also "go" along with the mess.

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My wages went down 56% from 2021.

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Kraft, and Heinz better get a new business model, sounds like they along wit everyone else will be bankrupt soon.

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Bankrupt by design ?

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There is no such thing as an average US household. My wife's and I incomes have slightly increased (fixed incomes-30% under the average) but our monthly expenses have gone down. We still spend on food and buy much meat and not cheapo veggies and fruits.

The difference has been that we use more cash and have paid down debts significantly. We don't have a ton of savings or investments either. We can afford 2-3 trips/year from a few days to a week which is fine with us.

I will bet that increased debts are affecting household spending trends. Most people still love giving the tech companies hundreds of dollars a month to belong in the digital zone or giving up $700/month for a car that losses value quicker than Joey loses brain cells, well almost. All the while splurging on a bunch of junk that in a few years will be fodder for the next garage sale or Ebay site.

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The government needs to bring back wage and price controls.

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Nixon did that and it was a disaster, that is a political trick that never ends well.

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Putin should offer to trade the journalists and others opposed to Ukraine that are being held in Russia, for Julian Assange and/or the J6 trespassers.

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Ye gads! My electric bill for January was $35.00 more this month than my HELOC mortgage loan.

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Never have been a fan of McDonald's, their hamburger looks weird.

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I've heard that it contains human meat. I haven't been there since.

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