It's been heading this way our whole lives, and once it gets here, it will last the rest of our lives. Take a moment and cherish your blessings.

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Howdy Rich,

Certainly...Lord, that doesn't make it any easier to digest though does it?

DAMN them GREEDY assholes for taking the sole and only chance for the Greatest Country on Earth away from Humanity, deliberately.

God MIGHT have Mercy on those, I'm not so inclined. I realize that doesn't sound very 'Christian' Brother, but occaisionally my frustration gets the better of me...such as now.

Be Well my Friend, and be Blessed also,


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Howdy Y'all,

The operant intent is to PUSH every form of debt to the limit - which serves to destabilize the entire System - ere dropping thier WMD of Financial destruction, which lies in vaporizing the Derivatives Market.

The subsequent forensic accounting trail would be so obscured at that point that it would take 10,000 years to determine much of anything.

THAT is 'How' you arrange the Theft of the Wealth of the WORLD. FWIW, Gold CLOSED ABOVE $2540 today...which places it above the $2500 mark for 4 trading days; "Something WICKED this way comes..."

On another note, inasmuch as we now know EXACTLY 'how' they intend to 'End it ALL' I wouldn't pay a lot of attention to your outstanding debt load since that too will get vaporized concurrently; work on your PREPS above all, unfailingly.

Put simply here, "This AIN'T 1929...and that BS they pulled THEN ain't gonna work this time." If they TRY, then they're gonna find out what it's like to be the Guest of Honor at a Cannibal Convention...

Be Well, SAFE (!!) and get READY, it's not far off now methinks. Be Blessed...


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Aug 20Edited
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Howdy Toby,

The latter methinks...


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Aug 20Edited
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Hi Toby,

"In the Land of the THIEVES...and the Home of the SLAVES."

Done to the music of the Star-Spangled banner. Do not misinterpret that, please. I LOVE my Country, served 22 years no less, but I DESPISE my Government, to be precise.

Be Well Sir...and BLESSED also,


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Aug 20Edited
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Hi Toby,

Only NOW - in retrospect - do I realize that you originally stated that you WERE using the app. Be ADVISED, several people have reported intense difficilty in attempting to get that 'operational'. I have - simply - used it 'sans app' from the beginning...without issue, FWIW.

Yes, I believe that you are exactly correct...

Consider that IF you STEAL $500,000 you might - just MIGHT - be able to run FAR enough and 'dig a HOLE deep enough' to evade those LOOKING for you...

However, STEAL $50 Trillion dollars and where are you going to run TO? The World IS round after all...and so after you run far enough then you're just heading right back to where you started...

Every person on EARTH will be HUNTING you, no? Indeed...

That's why the recent announcement(s) of actual PRODUCTION of NMR's (Nuclear Modular Reactors) is so very disturbing to me personally. Those are - essentially - 'sealed, throw away' units that are engineered to have a thirty year lifespan, producing between 30-45 MW per unit.

Until THIS time there was no practical way for the Gazillionaires to POWER thier Luxury, DEEP Underground Sanctuaries where they would 'ride out' the extermination of Homo Sapiens...which they REALLY would LIKE to see. That also explains the entire Electric Car insanity, Robotic John Deere Tractors AND Electric Semi-Trucks to boot.

Frick and Frack...the word 'EVIL' doesn't even seem sufficient to describe those Parasites, does it?

However, those WILL - soon enough - have to contend with 'Higher AUTHORITY'...and He's going to 'Clean HOUSE' when He returns.

I wouldn't want to BE them at that point; not for LOVE, not for MONEY...

Never fear,

"This is NOT 'The END',"

"This is NOT 'The Beginning of the END',"

"It is instead ONLY, 'The End of the BEGINNING...'."

It is - now - only important to SURVIVE until the Master returns to His Home.

Be Well, be SAFE (!!) and be Blessed abundantly, also Sir...


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List of 96 US-based food manufacturing plants destroyed from 2021 to 2022 under the Biden administration.


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Food Processing Plants That Have Burned Down, Blown Up or Been Destroyed Under Biden


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Howdy Y'all,

Recall the old adage, "Thise who do NOT remember thier Past are doomed to repeat it?" yes? Just so...

The following is the BEST historical perspective ever published on that subject, period...


That goes back about 4,000 years. The 'Spoiler' here; it HAS NEVER been different, NEVER EVER...it's the same 'playbook' no matter the situation. Read and HEED.

Be Well...and Blessed,


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Attack on Food is a Worldwide Issue: By Feb. 2023 Worldwide Food "Incidents" :

The Dutch have confiscated the land of dairy framers.

Food production facilities in the US, Canada, and New Zealand are being destroyed.

Chicken feed producers laced their feed with a substance that stopped hens from laying eggs.

The US has lost to unexplained destruction 700 food production facilities


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Howdy JC,

Yeah, that's JUST a taste of 'Things to Come'. Go look up "UHV Transformers', which is 'Ultra-High Voltage Transformers'.

Those are truly hard-to-find Beast...only about 3 such exist in the entire US to serve aa back-ups IF onesuch somewhere fails catastrophically. Those 'Step UP' generation facility voltages (typically in the range of 7200-14,400V) to Transmission Voltages, 128-512KV capable of feeding power across the Nation.

The kicker? Only TWO manufacturing concerns exist NOW (used to be three a few years ago) none of which is IN the US. If by chance, you HAD to order one AND offered a 5 Million dollar 'Expeditious Delivery Fee' PLUS the 28 Million Base Fee you could EASILY get a replacement...in a MERE THREE YEARS.


Yep, I did state, THREE YEARS. Period.

In the Continental Super-Grid a dozen of those serve as 'Grid Intertie' units. Take THOSE out and the entire coast-to-coast transmission system simply VANISHES, INSTANTLY.

Now, how likely do you think it is that our 'Good Buddies' from CHINA DON'T have a couple hundred trained sniper teams (shooters/spotters) here, already on-hand and pre-supplied with the equivalent of Barrett 50 Cal's sporting Mk211 'Raufoss' HEIAP rounds GUARANTEED to incinerate the Oil-bath surrounding each and every set of windings contained in each such?

THAT is why I live in REMOTE Alaska, fully 'Off-Grid' with my own Prime Power, 12Kw of full tracking Solar, with all the neccessary I/C's required? (I/C's="Inverter/Chargers").

Solar CME, Nuclear War, Magnetar Burst, SABOTAGE...nah, let's just say that I DON'T like those odds enough to bank my Life - or ESPECIALLY my Loved One's lives - on 'Civilization'.

Nuff said on that methinks...

Be Well, be SAFE as you can in coming Days and be Blessed,


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Excellent !! You are so blessed with excellent physical and mental capabilities. Survival of the fittest !!

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Oh, BTW...

If you ever really 'wondered' how truly DIFFERENT 'THEY are from US' then walk through the following article at ZH to be edified;


Yes...THEY really are THAT divorced from our 'Reality'...in thier own words, no less.


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Whoever is closer to Nature's Laws have a better chance to survive. Survival of the fittest and closest to reality.

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Howdy JC,

Yes Sir, oddly enough the Hopi talk about a time when the 'Children of the Earth' will need to go DEEP into Wilderness, there to remain for 10 years, having NO exterior contacts...

In that time - according to them - "Men will EAT Men". Naturally, that's not overly 'encouraging'...

Be Well, SAFE (!!) and Blessed Brother,


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Thank You for this very interesting and thoughtful background information.

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I had lunch with a friend that goes to or church the other day. He is an engineer, and even he told me his income has not kept up with inflation and they are struggling, having to cut back. This is effecting everyone, this can't go on much more, crunch time is coming.

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How many layoffs are placed on the altar of A.I.?

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Aug 20
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Howdy SW,

Oh YES..."Build your OWN Kingdom".

EXACTLY correct, the ANSWER to the $64,000 question. See the reply above to JC.

Be Well...be Safe - PLEASE! - and be Blessed also,


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