it looks like America is about to wage a kinetic war against the drug cartels in Mexico to stem the flow of illicit, deadly substances that are killing 60,000+ Americans each year.

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Prepare yourself for the psychological impact, supply chain disruptions and uncertainty that will accompany this, but understand that Trump isn't going to just sit back and let America be destroyed by narcos, China, Democrats or anyone else. He's fighting back, and it's going to get ugly in the short term.

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An employee at one of our local Waffle Houses (I can think of 7 locations off the top of my head) told me a couple years ago that their location alone goes through 70 dozen eggs a DAY on average and usually more on weekends. I don't blame them for adding the surcharge.

The two eaglets at the Southwest Florida eagle cam died last week from bird flu. The same thing happened at the Hilton Head Island nest cam in 2022. I was watching when the second one had a seizure and fell out of the nest. You could hear it hitting every branch on the way to the ground. It was truly awful.

I'm currently getting eggs from my next door neighbor. She said she doesn't need money, but I give her $5/dozen any way. I hope her flock stays safe and healthy.

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Things are on edge everywhere. The peace plan for the Palestinians that they're trying to get accomplished, will bring about EPIC disasters because they want to divide Jerusalem. Zechariah 12. Whatever they come up with will be fragile and very volatile. Their plans for peace will dissolve, and a great war will ignite in the Middle East, this will in turn affect countries worldwide. It will be hard to find a neutral country at that time.

Stay prayed, fasted and armored up!! Rough roads ahead. Stay in the Word and trust Jesus no matter what you see happening. All of this has to come to pass, the Four Horses of Revelation 6 are coming down the hill now, making their approach.

These will be pressure cooker times..set backs, family loss, mass death, freak accidents etc. This year many people will be wiped off the chess board of life. But its so important to keep this outlook: "that with Jesus I can take it". No matter what may come my way, my life is in His hand.🙏📖🕯🛡🗡❤

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Here’s how to solve the egg issue…everyone STOP buying them. You can survive without them a couple months. Guess what? Prices will drop like a rock!

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“egg shortage ... the Biden administration and the Department of Agriculture directed the mass killing of more than 100 million chickens which has led to a lack of chicken supply in this country,”





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If you're cooking, you can take the liquid from canned garbanzo beans and use it in place of eggs. If you don't need the liquid, it can be frozen for later.

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USAID: "Money Laundering?" "Overthrowing Governments?" Democrat Slush Funds?" THEY THE ONES FUNDING THE UKRAINE BIO WEAPONS LABS, AND ISIS!!!

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This war is about to go hot, and it will see retaliation attacks in the USA, even as the US military bombs narco infrastructure into oblivion across various regions of Mexico.

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I was just in Walmart (mid Michigan) a few hours ago. There were a few cartons of regular eggs and some farm raised for $5.86 which is cheaper than they were at times last year. But this is the first time in about two years that the egg shelf was so bare. Damn these chicken murdering scum.

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MEXICAN DRUG CARTELS NOW CLASSIFIED AS TERRORIST ORGANIZATIONS, MEANING , DEPT OF DEFENSE CAN NOW GO AFTER THEM !! USING PENTAGON WEAPONRY !! US Air Force "Rivet Joint" Now Operating Openly Over Mexico !!! The RC-135V/W Rivet Joint reconnaissance aircraft supports theater and national level consumers with near real time on-scene intelligence collection, analysis and dissemination capabilities. US NAVY SUBMARINES PATROLLING OFF SINALOA MEXICAN COAST. PREDATOR DRONES FLYING OVERHEAD !! AN AN A-10 WARTHOG, CLOSE AIR SUPPORT GROUND ATTACK CRAFT !!! 30MM GATLING GUN !! EVER SEE ONE OF THOSE IN ACTIOIN?? BBBBBRBBRBRRRRPPP ! MANY DEAD SICARIOS!!

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The sky is falling fear porn

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While libs worry about egg prices at waffle house, upChuck Schumer is left holding Corona Virus beer and Anericados while Trump goes to the Super Bowl, and AzeroC calls the Geek Squad at DOGE dummies, Trump gave us the Deep State CIA Color Revolution Play book. Funded by USAID, just like Cov19 and Zuck Box 2020 election steal was.

USAID was going to fund Cartels attacking Red States while sleeper cells installed during Biden attacked infrastructure. And let out all the murderers in SuperMax prisons to add to Operation Chaos Color Revolution. So Trump expands Gitmo and makes deals to move SuperMax prisons out of the US. While the Peacock’s new show is about hunting down super max escapees. The same way we have been hunting down Gaddafi shoulder fired anti aircraft missiles since Hillary’s Benghazi 9-11. 🍿🍿🍿


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The Camp Hill virus belongs to a family of pathogens called henipaviruses, including the Nipah virus, a bat-borne virus that kills up to 70 percent of people it infects. The Camp Hill virus, however, has never been recorded in humans and scientists don't know what symptoms are or the death rate.

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Food is being confiscated in order to starve us to death. Foods that are supposedly filled

with poisons of all sort are being stored in huge underground bunkers for NWO mega-bucks

people. Nothing wrong with the foods, only with us, the citizens who they want dead.

Welcome to the Biblical End Times.

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Maybe if Israel and the US stopped bombing Iranian embassies, killing top Iranian generals, and shooting (ineffective) missiles into Iran, Iran would not be discussing building a nuke. By the way, all evidence suggests they are NOT building a nuke. They are allowed to have nuclear energy. Which reminds me- who pulled out of all the nuclear non-proliferation treaties? Ah yes, the USA. It is the USA who abandoned control on nukes. It is the USA who provokes and provokes and provokes. If the victims of their provocation respond, "oh my! Look at those horrible evil people!"

When a world event happens, it is a good idea to look up what happened BEFORE the event, to get some context.

Iran is just a boogeyman, to keep the money flowing up to the top. It's yet another way to get Americans scared and fighting each other, instead of coming together to say, we won't stand for this low wage police state any longer!

Anybody else wanna focus on how they're completely impoverishing us, instead of talking about countries 5000 miles away that are absolutely no threat at all to us?

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