Most of those 114,000 jobs were in government and healthcare. Govt jobs have gone off the charts in the past 24 months as they hired with abandon to pump up the numbers and handle the influx of illegals. So they are screwing us on both ends. Hiring indiscriminately and then reporting that as job growth.

And of course hiring in the medical field will continue to rise, as all the illegals get free care and the jab injuries continue to decimate those who made the wrong choice.

There are many welcoming countries around the world that are far removed from the control of the western allied globalists. We’ve been to a dozen of them on our sailboat and we are trying to decide where, when, and how soon we can leave.

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Those numbers are similar to the 1930’s. We are in a depression. God save us!

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Yet all they can lie is we might be, might be, entering a recession. All I can figure is many people prefer to have their ears tickled...."La la la la la can't hear you."

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everything is a lie now, no one tells the truth, no can or wants to live in reality, because we don't want the truth, In a real we can't handle the truth.

Satan is the father of lies. It's an indicator of a dark heat.

Another reason we are under God's judgement, Satan is alive and well in America.

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The federal government has clearly declared their new mantra to be 'fake it til you make it'. Everything they say or do is predicated on a lie of one form or another.

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So what else is new?

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Wow! What a surprise! Who would have guessed that the Big Gov, along with their friends in the Fed and Wall St., would be lying to the sheeple. Employment "growth" is excessive government jobs (just what we hoped for-- government getting bigger), parttime,low wage jobs, with a good percentage being grabbed by illegal aliens.

This is all part of the plan to obliterate the middle and low class slaves by the international bankers evil cabal. So dar, the plan is working very well. Combined with the Communist demonrat party in control of the Swamp. Aka, Washington DC, we are well on the way to depression, and destruction of the republic. Better buckle up, folks, the ride will be getting even more bumpy. Resist. Fight like your life depends on it, because it does. Until we eliminate all of Satan's helpers in charge and in command, there will be no peace on earth.

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