The world governments do know much more than they're letting on concerning UFO's/aliens, I'm certain. As for the aliens being the fallen ones, that I doubt. Of course anything is possible, but I wouldn't think so myself. I do think aliens are going to be part of Armageddon, though. It even says in the Book of Revelation chapter 16:14 "...go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty."

Kings of the earth AND the whole world. So that seems to imply extraterrestrials to me. I believe, just like humans, that there are good and evil extraterrestrials. Makes sense, doesn't it? I also believe that our governments (at least the big countries) have some sort of dealings with some of them. I fear not the good kind though.

They're already trying to get rid of cash too, and get people microchipped. So the Mark of the Beast is already well underway. And they're going to introduce their false messiah soon as well, just as it is told in the Bible. So Jesus is going to come back soon! At least some good news.

And if you haven't yet connected the dots, the Beast from Book of Revelation is the Rothschilds, Rockefellers etc., the banking class, and our own leaders who they control. Of this I'm certain. They're worth trillions most likely. Nobody else comes even close. Of course that wealth is well hidden behind shell corporations and trusts etc. so that nobody can get a clear picture of how much they own, but effectually they run the world.

Their plan (at least that's how it seems) is to get a WW3 going between the West and the East, and the East is supposed to win. And from there a one world government, and global communism for us all. You'll own nothing and you'll be happy, as Klaus Schwab (relative of the Rothschilds actually) said. They want to make us their slaves, and apparently also kill off a large portion of humanity after we have invented robots and AI, as we're just "useless eaters" (Harari said this, funny what comes out of the WEF people's mouths) who are using up "their" resources.

But yeah, I hope it won't be long now that Jesus comes back. The sooner the better.

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All in preparation and setting the stage for "Project Blue Beam".

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I've seen four. All in broad daylight. The last of which (2019) was a VW sized pure white "probe" which flew over my neighbor and me as we chatted in our side yard in NW Pennsylvania. I saw it in the sky about 2 miles away as it changed direction ninety degrees, dropped down to approx. 50-60 feet altitude, slowed down to approx. 40 mph and flew directly over our heads. I gave it the thumbs up while my neighbor became verklempt. After passing over our heads it arced up towards one o'clock, accelerated like a bullet and was out of sight in less than two seconds. No sound, not even a whooshing and I was listening. I thought for a second it might be holographic. This was #4 sighting. #3 sighting was, yep, the gigantic humongous black triangle in Texas at 10 am on a clear October morning (2004). Look up!

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Wernher Von Braun told his assistant before he died, that the Germans were working on anti gravity with off planet help. That after the cold war there would be a war in terror and then a war in space, with good aliens vs bad aliens, but it will be a lie a setup staged war.

We are gradually being introduced to the reality that these things are real and are operated by living beings. Some are human some are not. The vast majority of reported contact with these entities have one very common theme and that is they are watching us and will not allow us to blow ourselves up.

It appears we are getting very close to that. Some Christians believe we are very close to Armageddon, but a very real possibility is that these entities are not from another plane but trans or interdenominational beings that are truly the manifestation of the fallen ones coming to rescue us from ourselves, coming masquerading as angels of light with a false imitation substitute messiah not to bring a final war and judgement on earth but to cancel Armageddon and bring in what appears even to the elect somehting very close to what we would expect to be the kingdom of God, a massive deception even the elect could be deceived if possible.

Think of it, they come to stop war and this clearly evil NWO, and they and he will do it with signs and wonders, healing people and the planet, stopping war by calling fire down from heaven in front of the whole world. They expose all the evil done all those NWO guys that are in power. Would not the whole world run after that and flee what the globalist elites want and that is to kill most of the people? He comes to rescue us and not kill us. The only problem is to be part of this rescue operation and live you must take a emblem showing your part of the system. You will live now but die in eternity the same way Eve was deceived with the fruit, as well as Esau with a bowl of food. This will call for the perseverance of the Saints, for he who perseveres to the end will be saved.

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Let me first say I believe in God. I personally believe that there are intelligent animals around that do not live on earth, but which do like to visit. I suspect demons showed these folks how to build such space craft. When I lived in Phoenix, I frequently saw UFO crafts flying above and around the Sierra Estrella mountains, for some reason. I believe the earth is special in the universe in that it is an oasis for life, and I believe these extraterrestrials know that too. According to Native American traditions, there are secretive human societies, from ancient times, living inside mountains in the

west , folks who have this kind of technology but do not trust humans in general, and thus do not share their technology.

We all know that difficult times are coming due to natural disasters and due to poor choices by our own leaders. I believe these extraterrestrials intend to use the difficult times to their advantage. Even if they have good intent, I would still suspect their motives. I believe the world governments are afraid of them. I believe we all should look to the Lord for protection. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to express my personal opinions about things that face us all.

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I have heard a lot of chatter regarding an upcoming false flag event which would be used to distract us from another big event - both happening soon.

I saw a UFO near my house in southeast Wisconsin in 1974. It was also viewed by many other people at the Lake Geneva Playboy Club, so, of course, it was discounted. Believe or don't believe.

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We should learn and prepare for spiritual warfare. Demons are the likely cause of this deception.

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