I've noticed an attack here and there towards Michael over the past several months but Wow....it's been fierce the past couple weeks. Whazzup!!? Michael's not doing anything different than he always has....Economics and End of the World articles. I believe the gates of hell are opening up...people are getting more angry by the day, more irritable, more violent and hate towards our Christian brothers and sisters. I believe in freedom of speech on both sides of the coin but if someone doesn't enjoy these types of articles...Why Read Them??

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The unrepentant, religious who follow false messages, false hope, and false prophets, and the wicked NEVER liked the watchmen and the Jeremiah's.

When was the last time Jim and the Pudding Stain's read Jeremiah.... If ever ???.

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I mean I had no clue who the dude was, and finding out at the very end of an article about my #1 fear that he’s a *very specific* type of Christian that I was raised/abused/terrorized by was… unpleasant heh. If I were a less civil person, or had done less work on my c-PTSD, I might be triggered to fight by feeling his lack of early reveal to be purposefully disingenuous. I don’t at all think it is, just adding perspective from less healed several years ago me :) (the time frame makes me think it also could be all y’all traditionalists getting blamed for the entire project 2025 thing ngl. People are not fans and unfortunately not good at aiming ire either)

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Not so much “enjoy” but righteously Give Them something they might wish to keep (in Mind) !

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We know via scriptures that massive natural disasters are coming, it seems to be part of the rhythm of the planet. What we don't know is the when, where, and how bad. We could even have a polar shift or an asteroid hit (as scripture suggests). All of this should be scary because all of this can lead to the death of billions. So why do Michael and Scripture point to massive disasters still to come? Yes in part it is to scare people. Remind people we are finite people and that disasters get us to think about life and what it means. No one wants to die. Even when we get sick or injured are bodies are built to fight for life. Life is what life is all about it's one way how God made us in His image. Does God stop caring about life when we die? No, God is about life for all of us, but we need help and Christ came to give us that hope and help. All these things like disaster, disease starvation, and even death are given to get us to think about that very thing (death). It is frightening, that is why these things are scary because they are. All of this is here to show us that the world is messed up and Christ came to heal and restore what we have lost. We are all evil and facing death no one wants because our deeds will be exposed and judged. But Christ came to die and be judged in our place paying the price, death for us and healing all our sins. God is pointing us to His Son as the lifeboat for judgment day, we need to put that faith and hope we all have and need in Christ.

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Rythm & Cycles ! a cleansing from time to time and Especially as Creation May Warrant !

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While we are waiting for that, they will murder us with everything else...vaccines, drugs, toxins, chemicals, starvation and deprivation.

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Don’t Allow for That ! You were Not Created helpless Ultimately !

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Howdy Y'all,

It is always a matter of KNOWING where the trap lies...quoting Frank Herbert's line from his Epic Dune,

"The first step in avoiding the TRAP is knowing of the trap's EXISTENCE..."

The last time Cascadia went 'active' was January 1700. We know this via a rather odd set of coincidences. To begin with try stopping over at the following link;


At around midnight of the 27th of the date/year stated, an 'Orphan Tsunami' crashed into Japan, flooding Rice paddies and most low-lying areas. The Japanese were rather mystified since no obvious seismic activity had occured immediately prior to that whatsoever, hence they recorded it as an 'Orphan Tsunami'.

Flash forward a few hundred years to contemporary times, when from sandbeds adjacent to the Oregon and Washington coastlines began slowly exposing "Ghost Forest": The remnants of rather significant tracts of what was previously Timbered areas...the most famous of which is the 'Neskowin Ghost Forest'. Until someone actually began C-14 dating of those stumps it remained a pure mystery as to how such had ever formed...

The samples taken showed that some of those went back to a date of submergence around 2000 years ago, BUT the most recent such all dated virtually exactly to the time of the 'Orphan Tsunami". Also, those two events spanning the period were NOT the sole events which had occured between the extrema mentioned...instead, a variety of those seemed to occur about every 300-500 years in recent history.

Finally, some 'worthy' put all the pieces together and realized that the SOLE possible explanation for the emergence/subsidence pattern lay with the Juan de Fuca plate slowly uplifting ground and then abruptly 'snapping', thus dropping that same ground several meters VERY abruptly...

The last place I would WANT to take up residence in would naturally be the Pacific Northwest, inasmuch as recent metering of the coastal uplift indicates that very abruptly that entire coastal vicinity has risen a full FOOT in just the last year; an amount radically greater than anticipated based on previous timelines.

And that concludes today's missive; we now return you to your regularly scheduled programming...

Be Well, Safe and be Blessed, everyone...


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VERY abruptly is keyword here.

There's a lot of sudden destruction coming upon Queer Empire's menu these days and coming from every direction.

As the Good Book says;

"In One Hour..." Psalm 9:17 kjv.

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It may be of interest that a Newspaper of Repute or (I’ll)repute some decades ago reported on an incident in Our past History of the Navy using one of several “Liberty ships” loaded with canisters of Tabun&Saran Gas for Target Practice Sinking one at least in the Juan de Fuca sound ! after all what do Ya’ do with Gas Canisters that AH was absolutely Opposed to Use as the horror of Fosgene/Mustard Gas had been used against him and his soldiers by Perfodious Albion !! There was another sinking of such a ship off the Cent. Amer. Coastline which it was thought caused a weird greenish gas to roll into a village there and kill an inordinate number of dwellers there ! If my memory serves me that greenish gas rolled up from the sea bottom circa mid 70’s ! It may be Lost to a kind of history the They’ accuse Us of called a [revision] but certainly Not a Re’Vision into accord with Facts !!

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I wonder what percentage of the US population can sense, feel, know the wrath of the Creator on Sodom,Trans, violence, corruption, kingdom of lies, warmonger, evil, godless America values, and what percentage are sleepwalking into hell ?

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I think they feel something is coming, but again they are dead in their sins.

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Even Hollywood is no longer smiling ☹️.

America ditched God and went bat sheet crazy, anti-Semitic, perverted, broke, cursed & doomed


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Again... Where is the hope?

Why present all these facts if it is only going to make people believe they have no reason to hope their demise from these cataclysms can lead to something wonderful if they trust Yeshua?

Does it help sell your books? If that is why you focus on these things, then you are as guilty of profitting from it for your own gain as the money-changers were at the Temple. Do you remember what happened to them?

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Hi, Jim. The reality is that Jesus IS the “Blessed Hope”! Titus 2:13 “looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus.”

Trust that Jesus has you FIRMLY in the palm of His hand. Period.

I have been reading Michael’s articles for years now. I liken him to a Watchman on the Wall. Ezekiel 3:17 “Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the people of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning from me.”

Michael is warning the people that great and terrible things are coming on this earth that many (especially Christians) are not prepared for, especially spiritually.

I believe Michael is making a herculean effort to wake people from their deep sleep. Christians first and then, if possible, unbelievers/the wicked, in the hope that they will come to know Jesus as their Savior.

Ezekiel 3:18 “When I say to the wicked, ‘You will certainly die,’ and you do not warn him or speak out to warn the wicked from his wicked way so that he may live, that wicked person shall die for wrongdoing, but his blood I will require from your hand. 19 However if you have warned the wicked and he does not turn from his wickedness or from his wicked way, he shall die for wrongdoing, but you have saved yourself.”

So, it may seem like Michael’s articles are scary and hopeless, BUT it is my humble opinion that he is doing exactly what we all should be doing: Warning others of what is coming and to prepare accordingly.

It's not an easy task!

Just my 2 cents.

May the Lord bless you and keep you! 😁

The King is Coming! This is my precious hope!

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The unrepentant, religious who follow false messages, false hope, and false prophets, and the wicked NEVER liked the watchmen and the Jeremiah's.

When was the last time Jim and the Pudding Stain's read Jeremiah.... If ever ???.

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May the Lord bless you and keep you! 😁

The King is Coming! This is my precious hope!

Maranatha Lord Jesus, come quickly my King. Bring Your Kingdom of Heaven and cast Satan into the Bottomless Pit for 1,000 years. And kill the False Prophet and the Beast in the Lake of Fire.

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Again...where is the repentance?

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Actually, Jim what do you put your hope in? Whether I live for the next 3 months or the next 50 years, we all come to the same place, and we all die. Beyond that then there is no hope for anyone but death. That makes life meaningless no matter how long it is, because the end is the same. So why? Jesus kicked out the money changers for they were corrupting what the Temple and Jesus were all about, finding the truth about who God is, and how corrupt we are and Jesus came to give the message of Life, the hope for life after death, without that life is meaningless. It's odd you use someone (Jesus) to make your point and you don't even believe about the person you used to make your point. That makes your argument a straw man argument.

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Fear porn is the evangelical's Number One way to profiteering. This blogger profits from division and fear of "the others". This is in blatant defiance of Jesus' command to love everyone, even when they have a different little alphabet on their voter registration card.



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Says the unbeliever who cannot discern the things of God because you are the walking dead.

“But the natural man [unregenerated] receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.”

1 Corinthians 2:14

Wake from the dead, Puddin!

Whether you like it or not, your knee WILL bow, and your tongue WILL confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the Glory of the Father one day soon—Guaranteed! All hope is lost for you at this point.

And you won't be able to send your useless hyperlinks to Jesus from your smartphone to prove why you shouldn't be tossed into the Lake of Fire with the rest of the unbelieving earth dwellers.

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Lady -- and I'm being polite since you look like you've only been on the female hormones for a short time -- you need to sober up before you address people in the future. You pulled a lot of lies and nonsense out of your wherever just now. Just because I don't pull my clothes off and swing them above my head and scream GOD! GOD! GOD! until my voice is hoarse doesn't mean that I am at any lesser place with God than you or anyone else. Being the most hysterical doesn't get you the brownie points you think it does.

If by some great GRACE you manage to make it into Heaven along with me, neither you nor I will get any better or worse living situation. I suspect you will get plenty of His judgement though because of your shrill, nasty, accusatory and divisive words when they are neither valid nor useful. If we look to the SOLE reason people leave the Church it is because of the actions of hysterical psychos such as yourself.

Learn some self control and self respect, and maybe have your doc adjust your estrogen shots in the future, buddy.

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Clearly, I hit a nerve. Personal insults? They just roll off my back like water on a duck.

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Jun 14·edited Jun 14

What I said about learning self control still applies, buddy.

Sorry about your struck nerve, but you had it coming. We'll see if you even remember it once your narcotic of choice runs out, duck.

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VERY abruptly is keyword here.

There's a lot of sudden destruction coming upon Queer Empire's menu these days and coming from every direction.

As the Good Book says;

"In One Hour..." Psalm 9:17 kjv.

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If you knew Michael you know he says your hope is in Jesus Christ. The only Hope.

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Hi Jim, here is a link to a young sister of ours in Jesus/Yeshua. What amazes me is these young talented believers started with a desire to express their love for Jesus and finished with this masterpiece of praise:


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I warned (her) ! “California Dreaming “ is’nt All what it’s cracked up to be ! This piece of additional scary ! Thank you Michael may just be what gets another wave of Californias disillusioned to head East !

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My bimonthly San Francisco trips will be a little more daunting now!

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We are headed for a shift of the poles. Fortunately, we'll be long dead when it happens.


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